How is SO2 an air pollutant ?

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SO2 acts as an air pollutant because of the following reasons : (i) SO2 is strongly irritating to the respiratory tract. SO2 at a concentration of 5 ppm causes throat and eye irritation (resulting in cough, tears and redness in eyes). It causes breathlessness and affects larynx, i.e., voice box.
(ii) Even at a low concentration of 0.03 ppm, it has a very damaging effect on the plants. If exposed for a long time, i.e., a few days or weeks, it slows down the formation of chlorophyll resulting in injury to the leaves including loss of green colour. This is called chlorosis.
(iii) SO2 dissolves in rain water and produces acid rain which damages bulding materials especially marble (CaCO3). ltbgt CaCO3+H2SO3CaSO3+H2O+CO2
It corrodes metals particularly iron and steel. It also brings about fading and deterioration of fabrics, leather, paper, etc. and affecting the colour of paints.
