Visualise the representation of 5.3¯7on the number line upto 5 decimal places.

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Clearly 5.37̅ is located between 5 and 6.
Again by successive magnification, and successively decrease 5.37̅ located between 5.3 and 5.4.
For more clarity, divide 5.3 and 5.4 portion of the number line into 10 equal parts and we can see 5.37̅ lies between 5.37 and 5.38.
To visualize 5.37̅ more accurately, divide the line segment between 5.37 and 5.38 into ten equal parts.
5.37̅ lies between 5.377 and 5.378.
Again divide above portion between 5.377 and 5.378 into 10 equal parts, which shows 5.37̅ is located closer to 5.3778 than to 5.3777.
