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Definition of probability

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Step-by-Step Text Solution for the Definition of Probability

1. Understanding Probability: Probability is a concept that helps us quantify the likelihood of an event occurring. It is often used in everyday language when discussing chances, luck, or uncertainty.

2. Common Terms: In Hindi, probability is referred to as "Sambhavna". This term encompasses the ideas of chances, doubt, and luck, which are integral to understanding probability.

3. Real-Life Examples: We frequently use probability in our daily lives. For instance, when we say, "It will probably rain today," we are expressing a probability regarding the weather. Similarly, saying "Today is the last day for washing" implies a probability related to the timing of an event.

4. Basis of Probability: The concept of probability is often based on past experiences. For example, if you have observed that a certain event (like washing) occurred 10 times out of 54 matches, you can calculate the probability of that event happening in the future.

5. Mathematical Representation: The probability of an event can be mathematically represented as the ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the total number of possible outcomes. In the example above, the probability of washing would be calculated as:
P(Washing)=Number of times washing occurredTotal matches=1054

6. Conclusion: Probability is a fundamental concept that helps us understand and quantify uncertainty in various situations. It is a blend of mathematical reasoning and practical experience.
