A narrow beam of ray radiation of wavelength penetrates an aluminium screen thick. How thick must a lead screen be to attenuate the beam just as much? The mass absorption coefficients of aluminium and lead for this radiations are equal to and respectively.
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How many times will the intensity of a narrow X-ray beam of wavelength 20± decrease after passing through a lead plate of thickness d=1.0mm if the mass absorption coefficient for the given radiation wavelength is equal to μ/ρ=3.6cm2/g?
View SolutionFind the thickness of aluminium layer which reduces by half the intensity of a narrow monochromatic X-ray beam if the corresponding mass absorption coefficient is μ/ρ=0.32cm2/g.
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Knowledge Check
Lead is a good absorber of X rays. Specific gravity of Pb=11.5. To cut down the initial radiation l0 to l02 a shield of 1.5cm was used. The mass absorption co-efficient is
A0.06cm2/gB0.462cm−1C0.21cm−1D0.040cm2/gThe properties of x -rays as put forwarded by Rontgen in his pioneering paper on the topic are as follos:
X-rays posses a very strong pentrative power it can penetrate wood upto 3cm and and aluminium foil upto 15mm . If the hand if the hand is held between the discharge tube and the screen the dark shadow of the of the bones os visible within the slightly dark shadow of the hand"
photographc plates and film "show themselves susceptible to x- rays " Hence , photography provided a valuable method of studying the effect of x-rays
xrays neither reflected nor reflected refracted (so far as Rontgen could discover ). Hence , " X - rays as cannot be concerted by lenses"
X- rays discharge electrified bodies , whether the electrification is positive or negative .
X-rays are generated when the cathode rays of the discharge tube strike any solid body .A heavier element , such as plantium , however is much more efficient as a generator of X - rays than a lighter element , such as aluminium . Most of Rontgen 's observation stood the test of time, though some of them needed to be modified later. V, then maximum energy of emitted photon could be Emax=eV,hcλmin=hceV
λmin is also called cut off wavelength . since electron may loose very small energy in a given collision, the upper value of lambd eill approach infinity . when X-rays is produced in X-ray tube , two types of X-rays spectra and line are observed: continous spectra and line spectra. A continous spectra is produced by bremsstrahlung, the electromagnetic radiation produced when free electron are accelerated during collision with ions.
A line spectrum result when an electra having sufficient energy collides with a heavy atom, and an electr in an inner energy level is ejected from the atom . An electra from an outer energy level then fills the vacant inner energy level, resulting in emission of an X-ray photon.
The electron knocks out an inner shell electron of the atom with which it collides . Let us take an hypothetical case of a target atom whose K- shell electron has been knocked out as shown.
this will create a vacancy in K-shell . sensing this vacancy an electron from a higher energy state may make a trasition to thsi vacant state. when such a transition take placce the differece of energy is converted into photon of electromagnetic radiation, which is called charactertistic X-rays . Now depending upon the shell from which an electron make a trasition to K -shell we may have different lines in the K series of Xrays e.g. if electron from L shell jumps to K shell we have K_(alpha), if electron from M shell jumps to K shell we have Kβ X -rays and so . on . Monseley conducted many experiment on characteristic X-rays , the finding of whcih played an inportant role in . developing the concept opf atomic number . Moseley's observation can be expressed as √v=a(Z−b)
where a and b are constants. Z is the atomic number of target atom n is the frequency .
A (##NAR_PHY_XII_V05_C02_E01_312_O01.png" width="30%">B (##NAR_PHY_XII_V05_C02_E01_312_O02.png" width="30%">C (##NAR_PHY_XII_V05_C02_E01_312_O03.png" width="30%">D (##NAR_PHY_XII_V05_C02_E01_312_O04.png" width="30%">The properties of x -rays as put forwarded by Rontgen in his pioneering paper on the topic are as follos:
X-rays posses a very strong pentrative power it can penetrate wood upto 3cm and and aluminium foil upto 15mm . If the hand if the hand is held between the discharge tube and the screen the dark shadow of the of the bones os visible within the slightly dark shadow of the hand"
photographc plates and film "show themselves susceptible to x- rays " Hence , photography provided a valuable method of studying the effect of x-rays
xrays neither reflected nor reflected refracted (so far as Rontgen could discover ). Hence , " X - rays as cannot be concerted by lenses"
X- rays discharge electrified bodies , whether the electrification is positive or negative .
X-rays are generated when the cathode rays of the discharge tube strike any solid body .A heavier element , such as plantium , however is much more efficient as a generator of X - rays than a lighter element , such as aluminium . Most of Rontgen 's observation stood the test of time, though some of them needed to be modified later. V, then maximum energy of emitted photon could be Emax=eV,hcλmin=hceV
λmin is also called cut off wavelength . since electron may loose very small energy in a given collision, the upper value of lambd eill approach infinity . when X-rays is produced in X-ray tube , two types of X-rays spectra and line are observed: continous spectra and line spectra. A continous spectra is produced by bremsstrahlung, the electromagnetic radiation produced when free electron are accelerated during collision with ions.
A line spectrum result when an electra having sufficient energy collides with a heavy atom, and an electr in an inner energy level is ejected from the atom . An electra from an outer energy level then fills the vacant inner energy level, resulting in emission of an X-ray photon.
The electron knocks out an inner shell electron of the atom with which it collides . Let us take an hypothetical case of a target atom whose K- shell electron has been knocked out as shown.
this will create a vacancy in K-shell . sensing this vacancy an electron from a higher energy state may make a trasition to thsi vacant state. when such a transition take placce the differece of energy is converted into photon of electromagnetic radiation, which is called charactertistic X-rays . Now depending upon the shell from which an electron make a trasition to K -shell we may have different lines in the K series of Xrays e.g. if electron from L shell jumps to K shell we have K_(alpha), if electron from M shell jumps to K shell we have Kβ X -rays and so . on . Monseley conducted many experiment on characteristic X-rays , the finding of whcih played an inportant role in . developing the concept opf atomic number . Moseley's observation can be expressed as √v=a(Z−b)
where a and b are constants. Z is the atomic number of target atom n is the frequency .
In intensity V//s wavelength graph, which of the following process is reponsible for the intensity of peaks p1 and p2?ABremsstrahlungBAbsorption of X-ray photon resulting in electronic excitations in atomCEmission of X-rays photons as a result of electronic transition in atomsDBoth A and C
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View SolutionA sample of radioactive material has an alpha emitter (X) and a beta emitter (D). The energy of decay reactions are Q1 and Q2 respectively.
The radiation coming out from the sample is passed through two parallel slits S1 and S2 to get a narrow parallel beam to alpha and beta particles. This beam is allowed to enter perpendicularly into a region of inform magnetic field. The particles after taking a semicircular path strike the screen at a point a above the line L and, below the line L particles are found to strike the screen everwhere from O to b. the distance Oa and Ob and r1 and r2 respectively. Find the ratio r1r2.
Take Q1Q2=k and assume that mass of alpha particles is 4 time the mass of a proton which is η times the mass of an electron.
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