In the circuit shown in Fig. the key K was initally in contact with the teminal A. What amount of heat will be generated in 500Ω resitance, when the key k is brought in contact with terminal B ?
In the circuit shown in Fig. the key  K was  initally in contact with  the teminal A. What amount of heat will be generated in 500 Omega resitance, when  the key  k is brought in contact with terminal B ?

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When key K is in contact with terminal A, the condeser gets charged. Energy strored in condenser
= 10 joule.
When key K is brought in contact with terminal B. The centire energy stored is dissipated as heat energy.
As 500Ωand330Ω resistances are in series, heat produced is the ratio 500 : 330,
Heat produced in 500 ohm resitance
