Phase space deagrams are useful tools
in analyzing all kinds of dynamical problems. They are especially usrful in studying the changes in motion as initial position and momenum are changed. Here we conseder some simple dynamical systems in one dimension. For such systems, phase space is a plane in which position is plotted along horizontal axis and momentum is plotted along vertical axis. The phase space diagram is x(t) vs. p(t) curve in this plane. The arrow on the curve indicates the time flow. For example, the phase space diagram for a particle moving with constant velocity is a straight line as shown in the figure. We use the sign convention in which positon or momentum upwards (or to right) is poitive and downwards (or to left) is negative.
The phace diagram for a ball thrown vertically up from ground is.
The correct Answer is:D
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View SolutionIn case of a simple harmonic motion, if the velocity is plotted along the X-axis and the displacement (from the equilibrium position) is plotted along the Y-axis, the resultant curve happens to be an ellipse with the ratio ("major axis (along X)")/("minor axis (along Y)")=20pi What is the frequency of the simple harmonic motion?
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View SolutionIn case of a simple harmonic motion, if the velocity is plotted along the X-axis and the displacement (from the equilibrium position) is plotted along the Y-axis, the resultant curve happens to be an ellipse with the ratio =major axis along Xminor axis along Y=20π
What is the frequency of the simple harmonic motion?
View SolutionIn case of a simple harmonic motion, if the velocity is plotted along the X-axis and the displacement (from the equilibrium position) is plotted along the Y-axis, the resultant curve happens to be an ellipse with the ratio:
major axis(along X)minor axis(alongY)=20π
What is the frequency of the simple harmonic motion?
View SolutionIn case of a simple harmonic motion, if the velocity is plotted along the X-axis and the displacement (from the equilibrium position) is plotted along the Y-axis, the resultant curve happens to be an ellipse with ratio: ("major axis(along X)")/("major axis (along Y)")=20pi What is the frequency of the simple harmonic motion ?
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