Rutherford proposed the atomic meodel after his most stiking experiment an apha-scattering leading to discoveluy of nucleus . Bohr later on modified the atomci model on the balis of Planck's quantum theory of light and prosed the concept of stateonry cireclar orbits of quanise enrgy nh2π The colloection of fine lines in line spectrum led Sommerfeld to gae the idea fo elliptical orbits .He successfully explained the existence fo subshells and their number in a shell . The angular momentum of subshells was proposed as l(l+120).h2π . The emission of a spectral line in atomic spectra was supposed to be due to the jump of elecrtron from one enrgy level to other .
An oxide on (N) has vapount density 46. The total number fo elcrrons in 92g of it are :









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The correct Answer is:C

Molecular weight of oxide = 46×2=92
Oxides is N2O4 mole or 92gN2O4 has 46N electrons .


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  • Rutherford proposed the atomic meodel after his most stiking experiment an apha-scattering leading to discoveluy of nucleus . Bohr later on modified the atomci model on the balis of Planck's quantum theory of light and prosed the concept of stateonry cireclar orbits of quanise enrgy nh2π The colloection of fine lines in line spectrum led Sommerfeld to gae the idea fo elliptical orbits .He successfully explained the existence fo subshells and their number in a shell . The angular momentum of subshells was proposed as l(l+120).h2π . The emission of a spectral line in atomic spectra was supposed to be due to the jump of elecrtron from one enrgy level to other .
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  • Rutherford proposed the atomic meodel after his most stiking experiment an apha-scattering leading to discoveluy of nucleus . Bohr later on modified the atomci model on the balis of Planck's quantum theory of light and prosed the concept of stateonry cireclar orbits of quanise enrgy nh2π The colloection of fine lines in line spectrum led Sommerfeld to gae the idea fo elliptical orbits .He successfully explained the existence fo subshells and their number in a shell . The angular momentum of subshells was proposed as l(l+120).h2π . The emission of a spectral line in atomic spectra was supposed to be due to the jump of elecrtron from one enrgy level to other .
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  • Rutherford proposed the atomic meodel after his most stiking experiment an apha-scattering leading to discoveluy of nucleus . Bohr later on modified the atomci model on the balis of Planck's quantum theory of light and prosed the concept of stateonry cireclar orbits of quanise enrgy nh2π The colloection of fine lines in line spectrum led Sommerfeld to gae the idea fo elliptical orbits .He successfully explained the existence fo subshells and their number in a shell . The angular momentum of subshells was proposed as l(l+120).h2π . The emission of a spectral line in atomic spectra was supposed to be due to the jump of elecrtron from one enrgy level to other .
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