Apparatus: Big test tube, small test tube, bent gas delivery tube, rubber cork, thistle funnel, stand, etc.
Chemical : Acetic acid, sodium carbonate power, freshly prepared lime water.
Procedure : Arrange the apparatus as shown in figure. Plance sodium carbonate powder in the big test tube. Pour 10 ml acetic acid through the thistle funnel. Observe the changes taking place in the two test tubes.
Why are bubbles seen in the small test tube ?
The bubbles seen in the small test tube is due to CO2, Which is formed in the reaction of sodium crbonate and acetic acid.
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Apparatus: Big test tube, small test tube, bent gas delivery tube, rubber cork, thistle funnel, stand, etc.
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Procedure : Arrange the apparatus as shown in figure. Plance sodium carbonate powder in the big test tube. Pour 10 ml acetic acid through the thistle funnel. Observe the changes taking place in the two test tubes.
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View SolutionApparatus: Two test tubes, bent tube, rubber cork, burner, etc.
Chemicals: Calcium carbonate, freshly prepared lime water.
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View SolutionApparatus: Two test tubes, bent tube, rubber cork, burner, etc.
Chemicals: Calcium carbonate, freshly prepared lime water.
Procedure: Take some calcium carbonate in a test tube. Fit a bent tube to this test tube with the help of a rubber cork. Insert the other end of the bent tube in the freshly prepared lime water taken in the other test tube. Heat the powdered calcium carbonate in the first test tube strongly.
What will you observe?
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