In the following items, which of the given word is opposite in meaning of the words provided.
The correct Answer is:A
Recondite means not understood or known by many people then its opposite will be 'manifest' which means 'easily understood or recognised'.
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01:12View SolutionEven in the most primitive societies , the great majority of people satisfy a large part of their material needs by exchanging goods and services. Very few people indeed can make for themselves everything they need-all their food, their clothes, their housing , their tools. Ever since men started living in communities , they have been satisfying their needs by means of specialsation and exchange , increasingly each individual has concentrated on what he can do best and has produced more of the special goods or services in which he has concentrated , than he can consume himself. The surplus he has exchanged with other members of the community , acquiring in exchange the things he needs that others have produced.
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