Estiamte the minium amount of .92235U that needs to undergo fission in order to run a 1000MW power reactor per year of continuous operartion. Assume an efficiency of about 33 percent.

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For 1000MW ouptput , the total power generation is 3000MW, of which 2000W=MW is rejected as "waste" heat. Thus the total energy released in year (3×107s) from fission is about (3×109)(3×107)1017 If each fission releases 200MeV of energy, the number of fission required is
(10172×108(1.6×1019)31027fissions The mass of a single uranium atom is about (235u)(1.66×1027kg/u)4.5×1025kg, so that mass needed is (1017)(2×108)(1.6×1019) approxeapproxfissionoraboutan.Since._(92)^(235)U is only a fraction of normal uranium, and even when requiremnet for uranium is of the order of tens of tons.


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