The thymus gland is ____ in children.

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    The thymus gland is located between the lungs behind the sternum on the ......A.... Side of the aorta. .....B..... Secreted by the gland plays a major role in the differentiation of T- lymphocytes which provide ......C...... They also promote antibody production which provides.....D....

    AA: dorsal , B : Thymic humoral factor , C : humoral immunity , D : Cell - mediated immunity
    BA: Ventral , B : Thymopoietin , C: humoral immunity , D : cell - mediated immunity
    CA: Ventral , B : Thymopoietin , C: humoral immunity , D : cell - mediated immunity
    DA: Ventral , B : Thymosin , C: cell - mediated , D : humoral immunity
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    BImmune system
    CGlucose level
    DCa2+ level
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    BLateral, heart, aorta
    CDorsal, heart, aorta
    DDorsal. Thyroid, trachea