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Figure shows a cross sectional view of a masonry dam whose length perpendiclar to te diagram is 30 m . The depth of the water behind te dam is 10 m . the masonry of which is the dam is constructed has a density of 3000 k g / m 3 .
a. Find the dimensions x and 2 x if the weight of the dam is to be 10 times the horizontal force exerted on it by water.
b. Check the stability of the dam with respect to its overturning about the edge through point O .
Figure shows a cross sectional view of a  masonry dam whose length perpendiclar to te diagram is 30 m. The depth of the water behind te dam is 10 m. the masonry of which is the dam is constructed has a density of 3000 kg//m^(3).   a. Find the dimensions x and 2x if the weight of the dam is to be 10 times the horizontal force exerted on it by water.   b. Check the stability of the dam with respect to its overturning about the edge through point O.

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a. Weight of dam = volume × density × g
= [ 1 2 ( x + 2 x ) 12 × 30 ] 3000 × 10
= 162 x × 10 5 N
Horizontal thrust due of water (on a vertical surface)
= pressure at G × Area
= 5 × 10 3 × 10 × ( 30 x 10 ) = 15 × 10 6 N
According to the problem 162 x × 10 6 = 10 ( 15 x 10 6 )
x = 9.26 m and 2 x = 18.52 m
b. Let G be the centre of gravity of dam. Taking O as origin and the origin and the horizontal axis towards left hand side of O as + x -axis, let r be the distance of centre of gravity from O
r = ( 12 x ) 3 x 2 + ( 6 x ) 2 x 3 12 x + 6 m = 11 9 x
Anticlockwise torque exerted by the weight of the dam is
W ( 11 9 x ) = 162 × 10 6 × 11 9 x 2 = 169.78 × 10 9 N m
clockwise torque due to liquid thrust
0 10 ( x ρ g ) ( 30 d x ) ( 10 - x ) = 30 ρ g | 5 x 2 - x 3 3 | 0 10
5000 ρ g = 5 x 10 9 N m
As the torque due to the liquid thrust is much less than that due to the weight of the dam, the dam is stable.
