There potters from Mumartuli collectively took a loan of Rs. 100000 from a Co-operative Bank to set up a modelling workshop. They made a contract that after paying back the annual bank instalment of Rs. 28100, they would divide half of the profit among themselves in terms of the number of working days and the other hal will be equally divided among them. Last year they worked 300 days, 275 days and 350 days respectively and made a profit of Rs. 139100.Calculate the share of each in this profit.Solution in Bengali

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Totla profit =Rs.139100
Instalment of the bank =Rs.28100
Rest of the profit =Rs.(13910028100)=Rs.111000
Half of the rest profit =Rs.1110002=Rs.55500
Now diving this profit into 3 equals each of the partners will get a profit of
The ratio of the working days of the three potters.
The part of the working days of the first potter =1212+11+14=1237
The part of the working days of the second potter =1137
and the part of the working days of the third potter =1437
So from Rs. 55500, the first potter will get Rs. 55500×1237=Rs.18000
the second pottr will get Rs.55500×1137=Rs.16500
and the third potter will get Rs.55500×1437=Rs.2100
So the first potter will get a total profit of Rs. (18000+18500)=Rs.36500
The second potter will get a total profit of Rs. (16500+18500)=Rs.35000
and the third potter will get a total profit of Rs. (21000+18500)=Rs.39500

Updated on:21/07/2023

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