Aslamchacha got Rs 100000 when he retired from his service. He deposited some of that money in the bank and rest of his money in the post-office and got 5400Rs in total per year as interest. If the rates of simple interest per annum in the bank and in the post-office are 5% and 6% respectively, then find the money he had deposited in the bank and post-office.Solution in Bengali

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Let Aslamchacha deposited Rsx in the bank.
He deposited Rs(100000x)
Now, the simple interest of Rsx in 1 year =Rsx×5×1100=Rs5x100
Again, the simple interest of Rs(100000x) in 1 year at the rate of 6% per annum
As per question, 60000006x100+5x100=5400
Aslamchacha deposited Rs60000 in the bank.
He deposited Rs(10000060000)=Rs40000 in the Post Office.
Aslamchacha deposited Rs60000 in the bank and Rs40000 in the post-office.


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