23892U→23490Th+42He में α-क्षय के दौरान विमुक्त ऊर्जा की गणना कीजिए |
दिया है -
(i) 23892U का परमाणु द्रव्यमान = 238.05079 u.
(ii) 23490Th का परमाणु द्रव्यमान = 234.04363 u.
(iii) 42He का परमाणु द्रव्यमान = 4.00260 u.
(1u=931.5 MeV/c2)
क्या यह क्षय स्वत: प्रेरित है ? कारण दीजिए |
The correct Answer is:4.25 MeV, धनात्मक ऊर्जा, स्वप्रेरित क्षय
Q=[mu−(mTh+mHe)]c2=0.00456 c2
=0.00456 c2×931.5MeVc2
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View SolutionThe atomic mass of uranium .23892U is 23.058u, that of throium.23490Th is 234.0436u and that of an alpha particle .42He is 4.006u, Determine the energy released when α−decay converts.23892U into .23892U. int .23490Th.
View SolutionCalculate the amount of energy released during the α-decay of
Given: atomic mass of .23892U=238.05079u, atomic mass of .23490Th=234.04363u,
atomic mass .42He=4.00260u,1u=931.5MeV/c2. Is this decay spontaneous?Give reason.
View SolutionAlpha decay of ._(92)^(238)U forms ._(90)^(234)Th . What kind of decay from ._(90)^(234)Th produces ._(84)^(234)Ac ?
View SolutionCalculate the amount of energy released during the α-decay of
Given: atomic mass of .23892U=238.05079u, atomic mass of .23490Th=234.04363u,
atomic mass .42He=4.00260u,1u=931.5MeV/c2. Is this decay spontaneous?Give reason.
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23892U,23490Th,23492U,23491Pa .
View SolutionWe are given the following atomic masses:
23892U=238.05079u 42He=4.00260u
23490Th=234.04363u 11H=1.00783u
Here the symbol Pa is for the element protactinium (Z = 91).
(a) Calculate the energy released during the alpha decay of 23892U.
(b) Show that 23892U can not spontaneously emit a proton.
View SolutionWe are given the following atomic masses:
23892U=238.05079u 42He=4.00260u
23490Th=234.04363u 11H=1.00783u
Here the symbol Pa is for the element protactinium (Z = 91).
(a) Calculate the energy released during the alpha decay of 23892U.
(b) Show that 23892U can not spontaneously emit a proton.
View SolutionWe are given the following atomic masses:
23892U=238.05079u 42He=4.00260u
23490Th=234.04363u 11H=1.00783u
Here the symbol Pa is for the element protactinium (Z = 91).
(a) Calculate the energy released during the alpha decay of 23892U.
(b) Show that 23892U can not spontaneously emit a proton.
View SolutionCalculate the energy released in MeV in the following nuclear reaction : " "_(92)^(238)U to" "_(90)^(234)Th + " "_(2)^(4)He + Q mass of " "_(92)^(238)U = 238.05079 u , mass of " "_(90)^(234)Th = 234.043630 u , mass of " "_(2)^(4)He = 4.00260 u , 1 u=931.5 MeV/c^(2) .
View Solution