The Montreal Protocol refers to:


persistent organic pollutants


global warming and climate change


substances that deplete the ozone layer


biosafety of genetically modified organisms

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The correct Answer is:c

The montreal protocol an substances that deplete the ozone layer was signed in Monteral. Canda, by over 150 countries at convertion in 1987 to cut use of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). The aim of the Protocoal was to protect the ozone layer in the stratosphere by decreasing and the eventually eliminating the use of ozone-depleting substances like CFCs. It is regarded as one of the most successful international treaties in modern history.


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  • The Montreat Protocol aimed at

    Apersistent organic pollutants
    Bglobal warming and climate change
    Cprotecting stratospheric ozone
    Dbiosafety of genetically modified organisms
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    BMitigate the climatic change
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  • Montreal protocol aims at:

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    BBiodiversity conservation
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    DReduction of ozone depleting substances