Which one of the following animals is correctly matched with its one characteristic and the taxon?


AnimalCharacteristicTaxonmillipedeventral nervearachnida


AnimalCharacteristicTaxonduckbill platypusoviparousmammalia


AnimalCharacteristicTaxonsilverfishpectorla & pelvic finschordata


AnimalCharacteristicTaxonsea anemonetriploblasticcandria

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The correct Answer is:b

Mulipede -Millipides belongs to order or class diplopoda of myriapoda. ltillipedes are called thousand leggers because of posserssion of numerouc legs. Inspite of this they move very slowy.
Silver fish Lepisma is commonly known as silver fish because of its glistening silvery fish like body. It belongs to the insect order thysanura. Seam anemorne-sSea anemone (Admasia) belongs to coelentrates. shows, commensalisn. It is found attached to the empty shell of gastropods occupied by hermit crab. Its body walll is two layered i.e.,.. outer cpidermis and inner gastrodermis. In between theses two layers is present mesogoca.


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