Most of us think of snakes as fearsome symbols of death. But the snake in this poem is itself a victim.


Most of us think of snakes as fearsome symbols of death. But the snake in this poem is itself a victim.


Hum mein se zyadatar log saanpo ko mrityu ka khatarnaak prateek maante hain. Lekin iss kavita mein saanp khud ek shikaar hai.


हम में से ज्यादातर लोग साँपों को मृत्यु का खतरनाक प्रतीक मानते हैं। लेकिन इस कविता में साँप खुद शिकार है।


W.W.E. Ross, or William Wrightson Ross was born in Peterborough, Ontario in June of 1894. He served with the Canadian Expeditionary Force in World War I. Among his earliest works, many were written in free verse, including the poem “The Snake Trying”. His notable works include, Anthology of Canadian Verse, Shapes and Sounds etc.


W.W.E. Ross, or William Wrightson Ross was born in Peterborough, Ontario in June of 1894. He served with the Canadian Expeditionary Force in World War I. Among his earliest works, many were written in free verse, including the poem “The Snake Trying”. His notable works include, Anthology of Canadian Verse, Shapes and Sounds etc.


W.W.E Ross, ya fir William Wrightson Ross ka janam 1894 ke June, Peterborough, Ontario mein hua tha. Unhone pratham vishv yuddh mein Canadian abhiyaan bal ke saath seva ki. Unke shuruwaati kaaryo mein, kayi mukt chhand mein likhe gaye the, jisme "The Snake Trying" kavita bhi shaamil thi. Unke ullekhniye kaaryon mein shaamil hain, ‘Anthology of Canadian Verse’, ‘Shapes and Sounds’ or aadi.


विलियम राइट्सन रॉस का जन्म 1894 के जून में पीटरबरो, ओंटारियो में हुआ था। उन्होंने प्रथम विश्व युद्ध में केनेडा के अभियान बल के साथ काम किया था। उनके शुरुआती कामों में, कई कविताएं "द स्नेक ट्राईंग" सहित, फ़्री-वर्स कविता में लिखी गई थी। उनकी उल्लेखनीय कार्यों में शामिल हैं, 'एंथोलॉजी ऑफ़ कैनेडियन वर्स', 'शेप्स एंड साउंड्स' आदि।


The snake trying
to escape the pursuing stick, with sudden curvings of thin
long body. How beautiful
and graceful are his shapes!


The snake trying
to escape the pursuing stick, with sudden curvings of thin
long body. How beautiful
and graceful are his shapes!


Pursuing: Chasing, following (पीछा करना)


Pursuing: Chasing, following (पीछा करना)


Kavi batate hain ki koi vyakti saanp ko ek chhadi(stick) se maarne ki koshish kar raha hai. Saanp us chhadi se bachne ke liye idhar-udhar bhaag raha hai. Jaise hi saanp rengta hai, uska shareer mudne ki vajah se bahut sundar or aakarshak aakaar banata hai.


कवि बताते हैं कि कोई व्यक्ति एक सांप को एक छड़ी(स्टिक) से मारने की कोशिश कर रहा है। सांप उस छड़ी से बचने के लिए इधर-उधर भाग रहा है। जैसे ही सांप रेंगता है उसका शरीर मुड़ने की वजह से बहुत सुन्दर और आकर्षक आकार बनाता है।


He glides through the water away from the stroke. O let him go
over the water
into the reeds to hide
without hurt. Small and green
he is harmless even to children.


He glides through the water away from the stroke. O let him go
over the water
into the reeds to hide
without hurt. Small and green
he is harmless even to children.


Reeds: water or marsh plants with thick stems (पानी या दलदल के पौधे मोटे तने के साथ)
Glides: Moves (हिलना)
Stroke: Hitting of the stick (छड़ी की मार)


Reeds: water or marsh plants with thick stems (पानी या दलदल के पौधे मोटे तने के साथ)
Glides: Moves (हिलना)
Stroke: Hitting of the stick (छड़ी की मार)


Kavi batate hain ki saanp khud ko bachaane ke liye paani ke beech se bhi guzarta hai. Kavi use bachaane ke liye ghane daldali paudho ke peeche chhipne ki salaah dete hain kyonki veh saanp bilkul bhi haanikarak nahi tha. Veh hare rang ka chhota sa saanp, baccho ke liye bhi haanikarak nahi tha.


कवि बताते हैं कि सांप खुद को बचाने के लिए पानी के बीच से भी गुज़रता है। कवि उसे बचाने के लिए घने दलदली पौधों के पीछे छिपने की सलाह देते हैं क्योंकि वह सांप बिलकुल भी हानिकारक नहीं था। वह हरे रंग का छोटा सा सांप था जो बच्चो के लिए भी हानिकारक नहीं था।


Along the sand
he lay until observed
and chased away, and now
he vanishes in the ripples
among the green slim reeds.


Along the sand
he lay until observed
and chased away, and now
he vanishes in the ripples
among the green slim reeds.


Vanishes: disappears (गायब हो जाना)


Vanishes: disappears (गायब हो जाना)


Kavi batate hain ki jab veh vyakti, uss saanp ka peecha kar raha hota hai toh veh saanp fatafat se jaake, rait(sand) mein chhup jaata hai or jab tak veh vyakti uss jagah se nahi jaata, tab tak vo saanp vahin chup-chaap pada rehta hai or fir puri tareeke se bachne ke liye, paani ki lehron mein gaayab ho jaata hai or daldali paudho ki hari jhaadiyon mein jaake chhip jaata hai.(Hari jhaadiyon mein isliye chhupta hai kyuki uske shareer ka rang bhi hara tha)


कवि बताते हैं कि जब वह व्यक्ति उस सांप का पीछा कर रहा होता है तो वह सांप फटाफट से जाके रेत(सैंड) में छुप जाता है और जब तक वह व्यक्ति उस जगह से नहीं जाता तब तक वो सांप वहीं चुप-चाप पड़ा रहता है और फिर पूरी तरीके से बचने के लिए पानी की लहरों में गायब हो जाता है और दलदली पौधों की हरी झाड़ियों में जाके छिप जाता है। (हरी झाड़ियों में इसलिए छुपता है क्योंकि उसके शरीर का रंग भी हरा था)


  • In the poem “The Snake Trying”, the poet presents a unique view of a snake and describes it as a victim himself and not the poisonous symbol of death that it is perceived to be.

  • The poet explains how the snake tries to escape from being hit by humans who are trying to kill him. To escape them, he hides behind the green bushes in the marsh and is saved.

  • The poet conveys an important message as to how our reasoning may be based on misinformation and may mislead us.

  • The snake represents the creation of nature, and we are afraid of it. We do not understand the beauty of nature, and thus we tend to kill it.

  • “The Snake Trying” kavita mein, kavi ek saanp ke baare mein ek anootha drishtikon prastut karta hai aur ise khud ko ek peedit ke roop mein varnit karta hai, na ki maut ka sabse zehreela prateek.

  • Kavi batata hai ki kaise saanp un manushyon se bachne ki koshish karta hai jo use maarne ki koshish kar rahe hain. Unse bachne ke lie, veh daldal mein hari jhaadiyon ke peeche chhip jaata hai aur bach jaata hai.

  • Kavi ek mahetvpoorn sandesh deta hai ki kaise humare tark galat soochna par aadhaarit ho sakte hain aur humein gumrah kar sakte hain.
  • Saanp prakriti ke nirmaan ka pratinidhitv karata hai, aur hum usse darte hain. Hum prakriti ki sundarta ko nahin samajhte hain, aur is tarah hum ise maar dete hain.


  • In the poem “The Snake Trying”, the poet presents a unique view of a snake and describes it as a victim himself and not the poisonous symbol of death that it is perceived to be.

  • The poet explains how the snake tries to escape from being hit by humans who are trying to kill him. To escape them, he hides behind the green bushes in the marsh and is saved.

  • The poet conveys an important message as to how our reasoning may be based on misinformation and may mislead us.

  • The snake represents the creation of nature, and we are afraid of it. We do not understand the beauty of nature, and thus we tend to kill it.

  • “द स्नेक ट्राईंग"" कविता में, कवि एक साँप के बारे में एक अनूठा दृष्टिकोण प्रस्तुत करता है और इसे खुद को एक पीड़ित के रूप में वर्णित करता है न कि मौत का सबसे जहरीला प्रतीक।

  • कवि बताता है कि कैसे साँप उन मनुष्यों से बचने की कोशिश करता है जो उसे मारने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। उनसे बचने के लिए, वह दलदल में हरी झाड़ियों के पीछे छिप जाता है और बच जाता है।

  • कवि एक महत्वपूर्ण संदेश देता है कि कैसे हमारे तर्क गलत सूचना पर आधारित हो सकते हैं और हमें गुमराह कर सकते हैं।

  • साँप प्रकृति के निर्माण का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, और हम उससे डरते हैं। हम प्रकृति की सुंदरता को नहीं समझते हैं, और इस तरह हम इसे मार देते हैं।

  • "


    Transferred epithet:
    It is a literary device in which an adjective used just before a noun, does not refer to that adjacent noun, but to some other noun implied.
    For example, “Pursuing stick” Pursuing is an adjective used before a noun ‘stick’, but it is not used for ‘stick’ here. It is referring to ‘the man who is holding a stick’.
    It is the repetition of a consonant sound in the more closely placed words.
    For example, “..he is harmless even to children.”
    In this sentence, ‘h’-consonant sound is repeated. Alliteration is used here.


    Transferred epithet:
    It is a literary device in which an adjective used just before a noun, does not refer to that adjacent noun, but to some other noun implied.
    For example, “Pursuing stick” Pursuing is an adjective used before a noun ‘stick’, but it is not used for ‘stick’ here. It is referring to ‘the man who is holding a stick’.
    It is the repetition of a consonant sound in the more closely placed words.
    For example, “..he is harmless even to children.”
    In this sentence, ‘h’-consonant sound is repeated. Alliteration is used here.


    Q1. What is the snake trying to escape from?
    Ans: In the poem, as soon as the person spots the snake resting, he comes after the snake with his stick. The snake is trying to escape from the pursuing stick since the person wishes to kill the snake thinking that it’s poisonous.

    Q2. Is it a harmful snake? What is its colour?
    Ans: No, the snake is not a harmful one. It’s green in color.

    Q3. The poet finds the snake beautiful. Find the words he uses to convey its beauty.
    Ans: The poet uses the following words: beautiful and graceful, glides, small and green to convey the snake’s beauty.

    Q4. What does the poet wish for the snake?
    Ans: The poet wishes that the person leaves the snake alone and lets it go. He does not want the snake to be killed.

    Q5. Where was the snake before anyone saw it and chased it away? Where does the snake disappear?

    Ans: The snake was resting peacefully along the sand away from its marsh. Once the human spotted it, it had to disappear into the reeds.


    Q1. What is the snake trying to escape from?
    Ans: In the poem, as soon as the person spots the snake resting, he comes after the snake with his stick. The snake is trying to escape from the pursuing stick since the person wishes to kill the snake thinking that it’s poisonous.

    Q2. Is it a harmful snake? What is its colour?
    Ans: No, the snake is not a harmful one. It’s green in color.

    Q3. The poet finds the snake beautiful. Find the words he uses to convey its beauty.
    Ans: The poet uses the following words: beautiful and graceful, glides, small and green to convey the snake’s beauty.

    Q4. What does the poet wish for the snake?
    Ans: The poet wishes that the person leaves the snake alone and lets it go. He does not want the snake to be killed.

    Q5. Where was the snake before anyone saw it and chased it away? Where does the snake disappear?

    Ans: The snake was resting peacefully along the sand away from its marsh. Once the human spotted it, it had to disappear into the reeds.


    Q1. Describe the natural beauty of the snake. Is the poet fascinated by it?
    Ans: The snake is a small and green snake. While it moves, the twists and curves that it’s body makes are thought to be very graceful and beautiful by the poet. This harmless snake attracts the admiration and sympathy of the poet.

    Q2. How does the poet describe its shapes?
    Ans: The poet describes the snake’s curvy movements as graceful and beautiful. He thinks that even a fearsome creature like a snake has its own fascinating appeal. The poet is mesmerised by the shapes the snake makes as it moves away.


    Q1. Describe the natural beauty of the snake. Is the poet fascinated by it?
    Ans: The snake is a small and green snake. While it moves, the twists and curves that it’s body makes are thought to be very graceful and beautiful by the poet. This harmless snake attracts the admiration and sympathy of the poet.

    Q2. How does the poet describe its shapes?
    Ans: The poet describes the snake’s curvy movements as graceful and beautiful. He thinks that even a fearsome creature like a snake has its own fascinating appeal. The poet is mesmerised by the shapes the snake makes as it moves away.


    Q1. How does the snake protect itself? What kind of body does it have? (2017)
    Ans: The snake’s natural instinct helps him survive the man with the stick and he escapes safely from there. He moves with sudden movements curving and gliding through the water to protect itself from the pursuing stick.

    Q2. How does the snake escape and survive the pursuing stick? (2018)
    Ans: As soon as the man aims a stick at the snake, the snake knows that danger is near. He escapes it by rushing away from his resting place and goes into the water where the human can’t reach him. Finally, it vanishes in the green slim reeds.


    Q1. How does the snake protect itself? What kind of body does it have? (2017)
    Ans: The snake’s natural instinct helps him survive the man with the stick and he escapes safely from there. He moves with sudden movements curving and gliding through the water to protect itself from the pursuing stick.

    Q2. How does the snake escape and survive the pursuing stick? (2018)
    Ans: As soon as the man aims a stick at the snake, the snake knows that danger is near. He escapes it by rushing away from his resting place and goes into the water where the human can’t reach him. Finally, it vanishes in the green slim reeds.


    Vanishes: disappears (गायब हो जाना)
    Reeds: water or marsh plants with thick stems (पानी या दलदल के पौधे मोटे तने के साथ)
    Pursuing: Chasing, following (पीछा करते हुए)
    Glides: Moves (हिलना)
    Stroke:Hitting of the stick (छड़ी की मार)
    Pursuing: Chasing, following (पीछा करना)


    Vanishes: disappears (गायब हो जाना)
    Reeds: water or marsh plants with thick stems (पानी या दलदल के पौधे मोटे तने के साथ)
    Pursuing: Chasing, following (पीछा करते हुए)
    Glides: Moves (हिलना)
    Stroke:Hitting of the stick (छड़ी की मार)
    Pursuing: Chasing, following (पीछा करना)