Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | WAVE OPTICS |
KUMAR PRAKASHAN KENDRA PHYSICS (GUJRATI ENGLISH) | SECTION-C NCERT Exemplar Solution (Multiple Choice Questions (More than One Options) ) |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 22
The optical properties of a medium are governed by the relative permitivity (εr) and relative permeability (μr). The refractive index is defined as √μrεr=n. For ordinary material εr>0 and μr>0 and the positive sign is taken for the square root. In 1964, a Russian scientist V. Veselago postulated the existence of material with εr<0andμr<0. Since then such 'metamaterials' have been produced in the laboratories and their optical properties studied. For such materials n=−√μrεr. As light enters a medium of such refractive index the phases travel away from the direction of propagation.Question 23
To ensure almost 100 per cent transmittivity, photographic lenses are often coated with a thin layer of dielectric material. The refractive index of this material is intermediated between that of air and glass (which makes the optical element of the lens). A typically used dielectric film is MgF2(n=1.38). What should the thickness of the film be so that at the center of the visible speetrum (5500Å) there is maximum transmission.View Solution