Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 8
As shown in the figure, P and Q are two coaxial conducting loops separated by some distance. When the switch S is closed, a clockwise current IP (as seen by E) and an induced current IQ1 flows in Q. The switch remains closed for a long time. when S is opened, a current IQ2 flows in Q. Then the direction IQ1andIQ2 (as seen by E) areQuestion 17
A small magnet M is allowed to fall through a fixed horizontal conducting ring R . Let g be the acceleration of M will beQuestion 22
A rectangular coil of single trun, having area A , rotates in a uniform magnetic field B with an angular velocity ω about an axis prependicular to the field. If initially the plane of the coil is perpendicular to the field, then the average induced emf when it has rotate through 90∘ is View SolutionQuestion 23
A conducting square loop having edges of length2.0 cm is rotated through 180∘ about a diagonal in 0.20s. A magnetic field B exists in the region which si perpendicular to the loop in its initial position. If the average induced emf during the rotation is 20 mV, find the magnitude of the magnetic field.View SolutionQuestion 25
A thin circular ring of area A is held perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of induction B. A small cut is made in the ring and a galvanometer is connected across the ends such that the total resistance of the circuit is R. When the ring is suddenly squeezed to zero area, the charge flowing through the galvanometer is View SolutionQuestion 28
A long slenoid of radius 2 cm has 100 turns/cm and carries a current of 5A. A coil of radius 1 cm having 100 turns and a total resistance of 20 Ω is placed inside the solenoid coaxially. The coil is connected to a galvanometer. If the current in the solenoid is reversed in direction, find the charge flown through the galvanometer.View SolutionQuestion 30
A square- shaped copper coil has edges of length 50cm and contains 50 turns. It is placed perpendicular to 1.0 T magnetic field. It is removed form the magnetic field in 0.25 s and restored in its joriginal place in the next 0.25 s. Find the magnitude of the average emf induced in the loop during (a) its removal, (b) its restoration and (c) its motion.View SolutionQuestion 35
A uniform magnetic field B exists in a cylindrical region of radius I0cm as shown in figure. A uniform wire or length 80cm and resistance 44.0Ω is bent into a square frame and is placed with one side along a diameter of the cylindrical region. if the magnetic field increases at a constant rate of 0.0I0T/sec , the current induced in the frameQuestion 36
A circular coil of radius 2.00cm has 50 turns. A uniform magnetic field B=0.2T exists in the space in a direction parallel to the axis of rthe loop. The coil is now rotated about a diameter through an angle of 60∘ . The operation takes 0.Is . The average emf induced in the coil is View SolutionQuestion 37
A circular coil of one turn of radius 5.0cm is rotated about a diameter with a constant angular speed of 80 revolutions per minute. A uniform magnetic field B=0.0IT exists in a direction perpendicular to the axis of rotation, the maximum emf induced, the average emf induced in the coil over a long period and the average of the squares of emf induced over a long period is View SolutionQuestion 41
A rectangular, a square , a circular and an elliptical loop, all in the (x−y) plane, are moving out of a uniform magnetic field with a contant velocity →v=vˆi . The magnetic field is directed along the negative z-axis direction. The induced emf, during the passege of these loops , out of the field region, will not remain constant for View SolutionQuestion 47
shows a circular wheel of radius 10.0 cm whose upper half, shown dark in the figure, is made of iron and the lower half of wood. The two junctions are joined by an iron rod. A uniform magnetic field B of magnitude 2.00X10−4T exists in the space above the central line as suggested by the figure. The wheel is set into pure rolling on the horizontal surface. The wheel is set into pure rolling on the horizontal surface. If it takes 2.00 seconds for the iron part to come down and the wooden part to go up, find the average emf induced during this period.Question 53
A square metal wire loop of side 10 cm and resistance 1 ohm is moved with a constant velocity (v0) in a uniform magnetic field of induction B=2weber/m2 as shown in the figure. The magnetic field lines are perpendicular to the plane to the loop (directed into the paper). The loop is connected to a network of resistors each of value 3 ohms. The resistances of hte lead wire OS and PQ are negligible. What should be the speed of the loop so as to have a steady current of 1 milliampere in the loop? Given the direction of current in the loop.Question 58
The two rails of a railway track, insulated from each other and the ground, are connected to a milli voltmeter. What is the reading of the milli voltmeter when a train travels at a speed of 180km/hours along the track, given that the vertical components of earth's magnitic field is 0.2×10_4weber/m2 & the rails are separated by 1 meter?View SolutionQuestion 61
The two ends of a horizontal conducting rod of length l are joined to a voltmeter. The whole arrangement moves with a horizontal velocity v , the direction of motion being perpendicular to the rod. The vertical component of the earth's magnetic field is B . The voltmeter reading is View SolutionQuestion 62
A player with 3 meter long iron rod runs toward east with a speed of 30km/hr . Horizontal component of eath's magnetic field is 4×10−5Wb/m2 . If he runs with the rod in horizontal and vertical position, then the potential difference induced between the two ends of the rod in the two cases will be View SolutionQuestion 63
The magnitude of the earth's magnetic field at the north pole is B0 . A horizontal conductor of length l moves with a velocity v . The direction of v is perpendicular to the conductor. The induced emf isQuestion 64
A wire of length 10cm translates in a direction making an angle of 60∘ with its length. The plane of motion is perpendicular ot a uniform magnetic field of 1.0 T that exists in the space. Find the emf induced between the ends of the rod if the speed of translation of 20cms−1.View SolutionQuestion 67
A conducting square loop of side l and resistance R moves in its plane with a uniform velocity v perpendicular ot one of its sides. A uniform and constant magnetic field B exists along the perpendicualr ot the plane of the loop as shown in . The current induced in the loop isQuestion 68
A right angled triangle abc, made from a metallic wire, moves at a uniform speed v in its plane as shown in . A uniform magnetic field B exists in the perpendicular direction. Find the emf induced (a) in the loop abc, (b) in the segment bc, (c ) in the segment ac and (d) in the segment ab.Question 69
A square loop ABCD of edge a moves to the right with a velocity v parallel to AB . There is a uniform magnetic field of magnitude B , direction into the paper, in the region between PQ and RS only. I, II and III are three ppositions of the loop.Question 70
In the previous question, in position I of the loopQuestion 73
A rectangular frame of wire abcd has dimensions 1m×0.5m and a total resistance of 30Ω . It is pulled out of a magnetic field B=2T by applying a force of 1N . It is found that the frame moves with constant speed.Question 76
A vertical ring of radius r and resistance on R falls vertically. It is in contact with two vertical rails which are joined at the top. The rails are without friction and resistance. There is a horizontal uniform, magnetic field of magnitude B perpendicular to the plane of the ring and the rails. When the speed of the ring is v , the current in the section PQ isQuestion 77
A vertical conduction ring of radius R falls vertically in a horizontal magnetic field of magnitude B with constant speed v . The direction of B is perpendicular to the plane of the ring. When the speed of the ring is v , (i) A and D are at different potentialQuestion 79
Two conducting rings of radii r and 2r move in apposite directions with velocities 2υ and υ respectively on a conducting surface S. There is a uniform magnetic field of magnitude B perpendicular to the plane of the rings. The potential difference between the highest points of the two rings isQuestion 81
shows a straight, long wire carrying a current I and a rod of length l coplanar with the wire and perpendicular to it. The rod moves with a constant velocity v in a direction parallel to the wire. The distance of the wire from the centre of the rod is x. Find the motional emf induced in the rod.Question 82
The magnetic field in a region is given by →B=→kB0Ly where L is a fixed length. A conducting rod of length L lies along the Y - axis between the origin and the point (0,L, 0). If the rod moves with a velocity v=v0 in x direction, find the emf induced between the ends of the rod.View SolutionQuestion 84
A conducting loop is placed in a uniform magnetic field with its plane perpendicular to the field with its plane perpendicular to the field. An emf is induced in the loop ifQuestion 87
A metal rod length l rotates about on end with a uniform angular velocity ω. A uniform magnetic field →B exists in the direction of the axis of rotation. Calculate the emf induced between the ends of the rod. Neglect the centripetal force acting on the free electrons as they money in circular paths. View SolutionQuestion 90
A metal rod of resistance R is fixed along a diameter o fa conducting ring of radius r . There is a magnetic field of magnitude B perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The ring spins with an angular velocity ω about its axis. The centre of the ring is joined to its rim by an external wire W . The ring and W have no resistance. The current in W is View SolutionQuestion 91
A conducting disc of radius r spins about its axis an angular velocity ω . There is a uniform magnetic field of magnitude B perpendicular to the plane of the disc C is the centre of the disc.Question 114
A solenoid S1 is placed inside another solenoid S2 as shown in The radii of he inner and the outer solenoids are r1 and r2 respectively and the numbers of turns per unit length are n1 and n2 respectively. Consider a length I of each solenoid. Calculate the mutual inductance betwwen them.Question 119
The number of turns of primary and secondary coils of a transformer are 5 and 10 respectively and the mutual inductance of the tranformar is 25 henry. Now the number of turns in the primary and secondary of the transformar are made 10 and 5 respectivaly. The mutual inductance of the transformar in henry will be View SolutionQuestion 133
An inductor of inductance L=400 mH and resistor of resistance R1=2(Ω)andR2=2(Ω) are connected to a battery of emf E = 12 Vas shown in the figure. The internal resistance of the battery is negligible. The switch S is closed at time t =0. What is the potential drop across L as a function of time? After the steady state is reached, the switch is opened. What is the direction and the magnitude of current through R1 as a function of time?Question 139
An inductor L , a resistanece R and two identical bulbs, B1 and B2 are connected to a battery through a switch S as shown in the figure. The resistance R is the samem as that of the coil that makes L .Which of the following statement gives the correct description of the happenings when the switch S is closed