Class 12 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | WAVE OPTICS |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 9
A mixture of light, consisting of wavelength 590 nm and an unknown wavelength, illuminates Young's double slit and gives rise to two overlapping interference patterns on the screen. The central maximum of both lights coincide. Further, it is observed that the third bright fringe of known light coincides with the 4th bright fringe of the unknown light. From this data, the wavelength of the unknown light isView SolutionQuestion 12
A beam of light consisting of two wavelength , 6500A∘ and 5200A∘ is used to obtain interference fringes in a Young's double slit experiment (1Å = 10^(-10)m). The distance between the slits 2.0 mm and the distance between the plane of the slits and the screen is 120 cm. Find the distance of the third bright fringe on the screen from the central maximum for the wavelength 6500Å.View SolutionQuestion 16
Two light waves having the same wavelengths λ in vacuum are in phase initially . Then the first wave travels a path L1 through a medium of refractive index n1 while the second wave travels a path of length L2 through a medium of refractive index n2 . After this the phase difference between the two waves is :View SolutionQuestion 17
Two transparent slabs having equal thickness but different refractive indices μ1andμ2, are pasted side by side to form a composite slab. This slab is placed just after the double slit in a Young's experiment so that the light from one slit goes through one material and the light from the other slit goes through the other material. What should be the minimum thickness of the slab so that there is a minimum at the point P0 which is equidistant from the slits ? View SolutionQuestion 20
The figure shows two points source which emit light of wavelength λ in phase with each other and are at a distance d=5.5λ apart along a line which is perpendicular to a large screen at a distance L from the centre of the source. Assume that d is much less than L. Which of the following statement is (are) correct ?Question 26
In a double-slit experiment, fringes are produced using light of wavelength 4800A∘. One slit is covered by a thin plate of glass of refractive index 1.4 and the other slit by another plate of glass of double thickness and of refractive index 1.7. On doing so, the central bright fringe shifts to a position originally occupied by the fifth bright fringe from the center. find the thickness of the glass plates.View SolutionQuestion 32
A slit of width d is placed in front of a l ens of focal length 0.5m and is illuminated normally with light of wavelength 5.89×10−7m. The first diffraction minima on either side of the central diffraction maximum are separated by 2×10−3m . The width d of the slit is _________m. View SolutionQuestion 40
Two beams, A and B, of plane polarized light with mutually perpendicular planes of polarization are seen through a polaroid. From the position when the beam A has maximum intensity (and beam B has zero intensity), a rotation of Polaroid through 300 makes the two beams appear equally bright. If the initial intensities of the two beams are IA and IB respectively, then IA/IB equals :-View Solution