The story raises a moral issue if the parents should always decide what the children should do or let the children do what they like. Children dream and live in their own magical world. They are devoid of despise, ugliness, and petty differences. They are pure at heart. This story raises a moral question at this point, “Should Wizard hit Mommy?” Jo feels that he must. Jack says that it would be wrong because a mommy is always right. She should be loved and respected.


The story raises the moral issue of the parents should always decide what the children should do or letting the children do what they like. Children dream and live in their magical world. They are devoid of despise, ugliness, and petty differences. They are pure at heart. This story raises a moral question at this point, “Should Wizard hit Mommy?” Jo feels that he must. Jack says that it would be wrong because a mommy is always right. She should be loved and respected. This story is written by John Hoyer Updike.


The story raises a moral issue if the parents should always decide what the children should do or let the children do what they like. Children dream and live in their own magical world. They are devoid of despise, ugliness, and petty differences. They are pure at heart. This story raises a moral question at this point, “Should Wizard hit Mommy?” Jo feels that he must. Jack says that it would be wrong because a mommy is always right. She should be loved and respected.


Yeh kahaani ek aise moral issue ko darshati hai ki kya parents ko bacche ka future decide karna chahiye ya baccho ko khud decide karna chahiye ki unhe kya acha lagta hai. Bacche humesha apni khud ki magical duniya mein jeete hain. Unmein nafrat jaisi bhavnaye nahi hoti aur woh dil ke bhot sache hote hain. Yeh kahani iss par ek moral prashan (question) uthati hain ki kya wizard ko mommy ko maarna chahiye? Jo ki nazar mein wizard ko unhe maarna chahiye, lekin Jack kehte hain ki yeh galat hain kyunki parents humesha sahi hoti hain aur apne baccho se bhot pyaar karte hain.


1) The story, “Should Wizard Hit Mommy?” written by John Updike, revolves around the conflicting views of a child and a parent on the child’s future.
2) Parents express their own expectations. They desire that their children should grow up as per their expectations. However, children have their own ambitions and aspirations.
3) Jack used to tell his little daughter Jo bedtime stories. When she grew a little older, she began to ask a number of questions.
4) For some time, Jack was not able to invent new stories. Thus, the basic story was the same but its hero changed.
5) The hero, a small animal known as Roger, meets an owl with its problem. The owl directs Roger to the wizard. The wizard solved the problem with his magic wand. Roger felt good. He played along with the animals of the woodland. But when his father used to come back, he went back home to eat supper with him. Jo feels happy with this ending.
6) Later, her father told the story of a little animal called Roger Skunk. Just like other heroes of his stories, even Skunk has a problem. He used to smell awfully bad. The wizard made him smell like roses, and little animals liked him and played with him.
7) Jo was again happy. However, Skunk’s mother wanted Skunk to get back his original smell. She took him back to the wizard.
8) The wizard again made Skunk smell as awful as ever. Skunk’s mother was happy.
9) However, Jo was not happy. She desired that the wizard should hit the stupid mother.
10) However, Jack defended the mother’s action.


यह कहानी एक नैतिक (moral) मुद्दा उठाती है कि यदि माता-पिता को हमेशा यह तय करना चाहिए कि बच्चों को क्या करना चाहिए या बच्चों को वह करने देना चाहिए जो उन्हें पसंद है। बच्चे सपने देखते हैं और अपनी जादुई दुनिया में रहते हैं। वे घृणा, कुरूपता और क्षुद्र मतभेदों से रहित हैं। वे दिल के शुद्ध होते हैं। यह कहानी इस पर एक नैतिक सवाल उठाती है, "क्या जादूगर को मम्मी को मारना चाहिए?" जो महसूस करती है कि उसे उन्हें मारना चाहिए। जैक कहते है कि यह गलत होगा क्योंकि एक माँ हमेशा सही होती है और उन्हें प्यार और सम्मान दिया जाना चाहिए।


Jack is the father of a young family. He enjoys telling tales and views regular bedtime stories with his daughter, Jo, as a creative outlet. Jack grows increasingly dissatisfied with domestic life and is upset when he finds that his stories no longer captivate his daughter as they once did.

Jo is Jack and Clare's four-year-old daughter. She is going through a "reality phase" in which she questions whether the concepts and claims that her parents make are real. She's starting to be able to distinguish fantasy from reality and grows less agreeable and less interested in what Jack has to say.


John Hoyer Updike (March 18, 1932 – January 27, 2009) was an American novelist, poet, short-story writer, art critic, and literary critic. One of only four writers to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction more than once.


1. What is the moral issue that the story raises?
Answer: The story explores moral issues that depend on the different maturity levels. There's a sharp difference between the future outlook of an adult and a little child's perspective. Kids stand for innocence. Hatred and inequality should not have a place in the world. In the novel, only after he smelled of roses could the baby skunk make friends. The joy of being able to make friends outpaced everything else in Jo's view. As a result, she cannot determine why her mother skunk has coerced her child to restore her original foul body odour.
On the opposite, Jack tried to defend the mother of the skunk and forces Roger to listen to his mother even though that means smelling bad again. Jack, a typical dad, wanted his daughter to believe that her parents were always right and that they knew what was best for their children. The story thus poses the question of whether parents are always to be pursued blindly.

2. How does Jo want the story to end and why?
Answer: At the end of the tale, Jo was not persuaded, and coaxed her father to retell the tale the next day, giving the story a predetermined direction she had planned. According to her, the tale went wrong with neither Roger Skunk nor the wizard. Jo has declined to consider the end where the mother of Roger Skunk hits the wizard, and that too without being hit back. She decided to finish the story with the wizard hitting the mother skunk back with his magic wand and 'forcefully' chopping off her wings.

3. Why does Jack insist that it was the wizard that was hit and not the mother?
Answer: There have been three explanations for Jack's determination that only the Mommy hit the wizard.
First when Jo learned the story doesn't get a rational and decent end if the mum isn't hit back, Jack had already told her the story. Reverting his words would be refuting the idea that whatever parents say is right. Second, giving in to Jo's demand for Jack would mean disrespecting the elders. Around the time, Jo was very young and Jack felt it was time for her to learn to respect the elders and to realize that everything the elders do is for the best.

4. What makes Jack feel caught in an ugly middle position?
Answer: As Roger Skunk's tale unfolds, the restless and unsatisfied Jo conveys her perspective. She did not want the story to stop her father's interpretation and description of it. The wizard would have struck the skunk's mum hard, according to her point of view. From an ethical point of view, Jack understood that what she was asking for was incorrect, and contrary to the standards of integrity that one is taught in early childhood.

5. What is your stance regarding the two endings to the Roger Skunk story?
Answer: Bearing in mind Jo's tender age, both endings seem a bit irrational. It is likely that, at this age, she will benefit from everything she hears and visualizes. According to Jack, if the story ends, Jo will never be able to doubt something she finds wrong in life because this ending stresses that the elders are always right about everything they do. Additionally, the story shows the mommy of the Skunk hitting the wizard for his no-fault. The magician had done only what was asked of him. It will scare the four-year-old Jo, because it teaches that, even though they are not at fault, mothers, as elders, have the right to strike one.
Unless the story ends as Jo wanted it to, on the contrary, it would stop her from believing in and honouring her elders. She might even begin to believe there's nothing wrong with hitting elders. A balanced view can be offered in an appropriate resolution, where either the mommy does not reach the wizard at all or does soon realize her error.

6. Why is an adult’s perspective on life different from that of a child’s?
Answer: An adult’s perspective on life is different from that of a child because of the difference between their respective experiences and exposure to the world around them. An adult comes across all sorts of experiences—good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, happy or sad, encouraging or discouraging. The child lives a sheltered life under the protection and love of his parents. In their rosy dream world of fairies and wizards, nothing good is impossible for their favourite characters. Their adoration of these characters is nothing short of hero-worship.
The world of make-believe makes the children lovers of romance, beauty and all things pleasant in nature. These characters and their super feats, which appear so real in stories, may not be real at all in real life. The adults who are familiar with the harsh realities of life know that all that glitters is not gold. Everything is not honey. They accept things critically— with a pinch of salt. Children usually lack this quality.

7. How did the wizard help Roger Skunk? (All India 2009)
Answer: The wizard asked Roger Skunk what he wanted to smell like. Roger said he wanted to smell like roses. The wizard took his magic wand and chanted a spell and his whole house was full of the smell of roses. Roger also smelt of roses and in this way, the wizard helped him by making him get rid of his bad smell.

8. Why did Jo think Roger Skunk was better off with the new smell? (Delhi 2010)
Answer: Jo thought Roger Skunk was much better off with the new smell because of which he had been able to find so many friends and played with them happily. For her, Roger Skunk’s story should have ended on a happy note with his pleasant smell because of which he was accepted by the other creatures as their friend.

9. How did Roger Skunk pay the wizard? (Comptt. All India 2010)
Answer: The wizard demands seven pennies as a fee to make Roger Skunk smell like roses. Skunk has only four pennies. The wizard tells him how and where to find the rest of the three pennies. Roger follows the wizard’s instructions and finds the three pennies in the magic well and pays the wizard the full amount.


John Hoyer Updike (March 18, 1932 – January 27, 2009) was an American novelist, poet, short-story writer, art critic, and literary critic. One of only four writers to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction more than once.


John Hoyer Updike (March 18, 1932 – January 27, 2009) ek American upanyaskar, kavi, short story writer, art critic aur literary critic the. Unka janam 18 March 1932 ko hua tha. John char (4) writers mein se ek the jinko ek se adhik baar fiction ke liye Pulitzer puraskar mile hain.


Variation: a change or difference in the amount or level of something, किसी वस्‍तु की मात्रा या स्‍तर में परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता, परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता की मात्रा या स्‍तर
Custom: tradition, trend; रिवाज
Nap: a short sleep, especially during the day; झपकी (दिन के समय की अल्‍प निद्रा)
Wizard: a man who has magical powers; जादूगर
Magic Spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
Supper: an evening meal, typically a light or informal one; रात का खाना
Pennies: a small sum of money; पैसे
Futile: pointless; व्यर्थ
Rite: a social custom, practice, or conventional act; संस्कार
Fatiguing: cause (someone) to feel exhausted; थकान
Arranged: to sit comfortably, आराम से बैठना
Enthusiasm: strong excitement of feeling, उत्साह
Skunk: a cat-sized American mammal of the weasel family, when threatened it squirts a fine spray of foul-smelling irritant liquid towards its attacker, नेवला परिवार का एक अमेरिकी स्तनपायी, जब उसे डराया जाता है तो वह अपने हमलावर की ओर दुर्गंधयुक्त तरल पदार्थ स्प्रे करता है
Humiliations: the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated, अपमान, अवमानना
Tensely: (used about an atmosphere or a situation) in which people feel worried and not relaxed, (वातावरण या परिस्थिति) तनावभरा
Realised: to become conscious of something or that something has happened, usually sometime later, किसी बात या कुछ घटित होने का एहसास होना (प्रायः देर से)
Scraped: to remove something from a surface by moving a sharp edge across it firmly, चाक़ू आदि से किसी सतह पर लगी चीज़ हटाना; खुरचना
Enormous: very big or very great, विशाल या अत्‍यधिक
Downstairs: towards or on a lower floor of a house or building, निचली मंज़िल पर
Magic spell: Magic Spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
Eager: keenly expectant or interested; उत्सुक
Narrative: a story; कथा
Swamp: an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh; दलदल
Relapsed: return to a less active or a worse state; ढह गया
Curtly: rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner; बेरूखी
Crick: A small river; छोटी नदी
Rapped: to hit a hard object or surface several times quickly and lightly, making a noise; किसी सतह (दरवाज़ा आदि) को खटखटानाRummaged: to move things and make them untidy while you are looking for something, कुछ ढूँढ़ते हुए चीज़ें इधर-उधर फैलाना
Rapt: completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing, मगन
Feigning: to pretend that you have a particular feeling or that you are tired or ill, etc., किसी विशिष्‍ट भावना होने का या थकान, बीमारी आदि का स्‍वाँग रचना
Sincerity: the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy, सच्चाई, ईमानदारी
Apprehensive: worried or afraid that something unpleasant may happen, (भविष्‍य की किसी अप्रिय घटना के लिए) चिंतित, आशंकित, सशंक
Skittered- move lightly and quickly or hurriedly, तेज़ी से हिलना
Agitation: a state of anxiety or nervous excitement, आंदोलन; उत्तेजना, अशांति
Inspiration: a feeling, person or thing that makes you want to do something or gives you exciting new ideas, कुछ नया करने या सोचने की इच्‍छा उत्‍पन्‍न करने वाला मनोभाव, व्‍यक्ति या वस्‍तु; प्रेरणा
Genuine: real; true, वास्‍तविक; असली
Astounded: shock or greatly surprise, चकित
Dessert: something sweet that is eaten after the main part of a meal, भोजन के अंत में परोसा जाने वाला मीठा व्‍यंजन
Gingerly: very slowly and carefully so as not to cause harm, make a noise, etc., बहुत धीमे और सावधानी से (कि न कुछ नुक़सान हो न आवाज़)
Heave: to move up and down or in and out in a heavy but regular way, भारीपन के साथ लगातार ऊपर-नीचे गिरना या अंदर-बाहर जाना
Hesitated: pause in indecision before saying or doing something, झिझक
Spank: to hit a child on his/her bottom with an open hand as a punishment, बच्‍चे के नितंब पर थप्‍पड़ मारना (सज़ा के तौर पर)
Weariness: extreme tiredness; थकावट


जॉन होयर अपडाइक (18 मार्च, 1932 - 27 जनवरी, 2009) एक अमेरिकी उपन्यासकार, कवि, लघु-कथा लेखक, कला समीक्षक (art critic) और साहित्यिक आलोचक (literary critic) थे। वह एक से अधिक बार फिक्शन कहानियों के लिए पुलित्जर पुरस्कार जीतने वाले केवल चार लेखकों में से एक थे।


In the evenings and for Saturday naps like today’s, Jack told his daughter Jo a story out of his head. This custom, begun when she was two, was itself now nearly two years old, and his head felt empty. Each new story was a slight variation.


In the evenings and for Saturday naps like today’s, Jack told his daughter Jo a story out of his head. This custom, begun when she was two, was itself now nearly two years old, and his head felt empty. Each new story was a slight variation.


Variation: a change or difference in the amount or level of something, किसी वस्‍तु की मात्रा या स्‍तर में परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता, परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता की मात्रा या स्‍तर
Custom: tradition, trend; रिवाज


Variation: a change or difference in the amount or level of something, किसी वस्‍तु की मात्रा या स्‍तर में परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता, परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता की मात्रा या स्‍तर
Custom: tradition, trend; रिवाज


Har shaam aur saturday ki naps ke samay Jack apni beti Jo ko ek kahaani sunate the. Yeh custom (khud banayi hui) story sunane ka silsila tab se chal rha tha jab woh 2 saal ki thi. Unki har ek kahaani ek basic kahaani par aadharit hoti thi. Har din kahaani me sirf characters badalte the ya chote-mote badlaav hote the.


हर शाम और शनिवार की दोपहर सोने से पहले, जैक अपनी बेटी, जो, को एक कहानी सुनाते थे। यह रिवाज़, दो साल पहले, जब जो लगभग दो साल की थी तब शुरू हुआ था और रोज़ की कहानी एक मूल कहानी पर आधारित होती थी। प्रत्येक नई कहानी में सिर्फ पात्र बदलते थे या थोड़ा बहुत बदलाव होता था।


Each new story was a slight variation of a basic tale: a small creature, usually named Roger (Roger Fish, Roger Squirrel, Roger Chipmunk), had some problem and went with it to the wise old owl. The owl told him to go to the wizard, and the wizard performed a magic spell that solved the problem, demanding in payment a number of pennies greater than the number that Roger Creature had, but in the same breath directing the animal to a place where the extra pennies could be found. Then Roger was so happy he played many games with other creatures, and went home to his mother just in time to hear the train whistle that brought his daddy home from Boston. Jack described their supper, and the story was over. Working his way through this scheme was especially fatiguing on Saturday, because Jo never fell asleep in naps any more, and knowing this made the rite seem futile.


Each new story was a slight variation of a basic tale: a small creature, usually named Roger (Roger Fish, Roger Squirrel, Roger Chipmunk), had some problem and went with it to the wise old owl. The owl told him to go to the wizard, and the wizard performed a magic spell that solved the problem, demanding in payment a number of pennies greater than the number that Roger Creature had, but in the same breath directing the animal to a place where the extra pennies could be found. Then Roger was so happy he played many games with other creatures, and went home to his mother just in time to hear the train whistle that brought his daddy home from Boston. Jack described their supper, and the story was over. Working his way through this scheme was especially fatiguing on Saturday, because Jo never fell asleep in naps any more, and knowing this made the rite seem futile.


Nap: a short sleep, especially during the day; झपकी (दिन के समय की अल्‍प निद्रा)
Wizard: a man who has magical powers; जादूगर
Magic Spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
Supper: an evening meal, typically a light or informal one; रात का खाना
Pennies: a small sum of money; पैसे
Futile: pointless; व्यर्थ
Rite: a social custom, practice, or conventional act; संस्कार
Fatiguing: cause (someone) to feel exhausted; थकान


Nap: a short sleep, especially during the day; झपकी (दिन के समय की अल्‍प निद्रा)
Wizard: a man who has magical powers; जादूगर
Magic Spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
Supper: an evening meal, typically a light or informal one; रात का खाना
Pennies: a small sum of money; पैसे
Futile: pointless; व्यर्थ
Rite: a social custom, practice, or conventional act; संस्कार
Fatiguing: cause (someone) to feel exhausted; थकान


Original ya base kahaani ke hisaab se, ek chota sa jeev hota tha jiska naam Roger tha. Ya toh uska naam Roger Fish hua krta tha ya phir Roger Squirrel ya phir Roger Chipmunk, or uss Roger naam ke jeev ko kuch problem hoti thi aur voh usko suljhane (solve) karne ke liye ek samjhdar ullu ke pass chala jata tha. Ullu usse ek wizard (jaadugar) ke pass jaane ko bol deta tha aur woh wizard (jaadugar) ek jaadu karta tha jiski wajah se uski problem solve ho jaati thi. Iske badle mein woh ussey paise mangta tha, jitne Roger ke pass hote bhi nahi the par sath hi sath wizard use ek rasta bhi batata tha jaha use baaki ke paise mil sakte the. Jab Roger ki problem solve ho jati thi toh woh bhot khush hokar apne dosto ke sath games khelne lag jata tha. Fir sahi samay par apni mummy ke pass ghar chala jata tha jiss waqt train ki seeti ki awaz sunai deti thi, us train ki jissey uske papa Boston se ghar aa rahe hote the. Iske baad Jack unke khane ko describe karta tha aur story khatam ho jaati thi. Har saturday ko same story sunana bhot thakaan wala kaam ho jata tha kyunki Jo ko saturday ko neend nahi aati thi aur iss vajah se Jack ko kahaani sunane ka kaam pointless (bekaar) lagne laga tha.


मूल कहानी में एक छोटा सा प्राणी, जिसका नाम आमतौर पर रोजर (रोजर मछली, रोजर गिलहरी, रोजर चिपमंक) होता था, उसको कुछ समस्या होती थी और उस समस्या के साथ वह एक बुद्धिमान बूढ़े उल्लू के पास जाता था। उल्लू उसे जादूगर के पास जाने के लिए कहता, और जादूगर एक जादूई मंत्र पढ़ता था जिससे समस्या हल हो जाती थी, इसके बदले वह रोजर क्रिएचर के पास जितनी रकम थी उससे अधिक पैसे का भुगतान करने की मांग करता था, लेकिन वह उसको एक जगह का रास्ता भी बताता था जहाँ उसे और पैसे (बाकी की रकम) मिल सकते थे। जब रोजर की समस्या हल हो जाती थी तो वह बहुत खुश होकर अपने दोस्तों के साथ खेल खेलने लग जाता था। फिर सही समय पर अपनी माँ के पास घर चला जाता, जिस समय ट्रैन की सीटी की आवाज़ सुनाई देती थी, उस ट्रैन की जिससे उसके पिता बोस्टन से घर वापस आ रहे होते थे। जैक फिर उनके रात के खाने के बारे में बताता और इस तरह कहानी खत्म हो जाती थी। इस योजना के माध्यम से कहानी बताना शनिवार को विशेष रूप से थका देने वाला कार्य था, क्योंकि जो को अब नींद ही नहीं आती थी इसलिए उसको कहानी बताने का काम अब जैक को निरर्थक (pointless) लगने लगा था।


The little girl (not so little anymore; the bumps her feet made under the covers were halfway down the bed, their big double bed that they let her be in for naps and when she was sick) had at last arranged herself, and from the way her fat face deep in the pillow shone in the sunlight sifting through the drawn shades, it did not seem fantastic that some magic would occur, and she would take her nap like an infant of two. Her brother, Bobby, was two, and already asleep with his bottle. Jack asked, “Who shall the story be about today?”


The little girl (not so little anymore; the bumps her feet made under the covers were halfway down the bed, their big double bed that they let her be in for naps and when she was sick) had at last arranged herself, and from the way her fat face deep in the pillow shone in the sunlight sifting through the drawn shades, it did not seem fantastic that some magic would occur, and she would take her nap like an infant of two. Her brother, Bobby, was two, and already asleep with his bottle. Jack asked, “Who shall the story be about today?”


Arranged: to sit comfortably, आराम से बैठना


Arranged: to sit comfortably, आराम से बैठना


Jack ki choti beti (ab jo itni choti nahi thi; uske pair bistar ke aadhe se bhi neeche pohuch chuke the. Vah bada bistar, jiss par use sirf tab sone dete the jab vah beemar hoti thi, vo bhi ab Jo ke liye chota padd raha tha) ne apne akhir khud ko story sunne ke liye taiyaar kiya aur jiss tareeke se uska chehra takiye mein dhasa hua tha, uske chehre par parde se chann kar sooraj ki rays aa rahi thi, aisa laga nahi tha ki kuch jaadu hoga (matlab aisa nahi lag raha tha ki aaj Jo ko sulane ke liye use koi kahani sunane ki zaruart hogi) balki aisa lag raha tha ki vah do saal ke chote bacche ki tarah soo jayegi. Uska bhai, Bobby, do (2) saal ka tha aur phele se hi apni doodh ki bottle ke sath soo raha tha. Jack ne poocha, "Aaj ki kahaani kiske bare mein honi chahiye?"


छोटी बच्ची (जो अब इतनी छोटी नहीं थी; उसके पैर बिस्तर के आधे से भी नीचे पहुँच चुके थे। वह बड़ा बिस्तर, जिस पर उसे सिर्फ तब सोने देते जब वह बीमार होती थी, वो भी अब जो के लिए छोटा पड़ रहा था।) ने आखिर में खुद को कहानी सुनने के लिए तैयार किया। जिस तरह से उसका चेहरा तकिए में धसा हुआ था और उस पर परदे से छन कर सूरज की किरणे आ रही थी, ऐसा लगा नहीं था कि कुछ जादू होगा (मतलब ऐसा नहीं लग रहा था कि आज जो को सुलाने के लिए उसे कोई कहानी सुनाने की ज़रूरत होगी) बल्कि ऐसा लग रहा था कि वह दो साल के शिशु की तरह सो जाएगी। उसका भाई, बॉबी, दो साल का था और पहले से ही अपनी दूध की बोतल के साथ सो रहा था। जैक ने पूछा, "आज की कहानी किसके बारे में होनी चाहिए?"


“Roger...” Jo squeezed her eyes shut and smiled to be thinking she was thinking. Her eyes opened, her mother’s blue. “Skunk,” she said firmly. A new animal; they must talk about skunks at nursery school. Having a fresh hero momentarily stirred Jack to creative enthusiasm. “All right,” he said. “Once upon a time, in the deep dark woods, there was a tiny little creature by the name of Roger Skunk. And he smelled very bad.” “Yes,” Jo said.


“Roger...” Jo squeezed her eyes shut and smiled to be thinking she was thinking. Her eyes opened, her mother’s blue. “Skunk,” she said firmly. A new animal; they must talk about skunks at nursery school. Having a fresh hero momentarily stirred Jack to creative enthusiasm. “All right,” he said. “Once upon a time, in the deep dark woods, there was a tiny little creature by the name of Roger Skunk. And he smelled very bad.” “Yes,” Jo said.


Enthusiasm: strong excitement of feeling, उत्साह
Skunk: a cat-sized American mammal of the weasel family, when threatened it squirts a fine spray of foul-smelling irritant liquid towards its attacker, नेवला परिवार का एक अमेरिकी स्तनपायी, जब उसे डराया जाता है तो वह अपने हमलावर की ओर दुर्गंधयुक्त तरल पदार्थ स्प्रे करता है


Enthusiasm: strong excitement of feeling, उत्साह
Skunk: a cat-sized American mammal of the weasel family, when threatened it squirts a fine spray of foul-smelling irritant liquid towards its attacker, नेवला परिवार का एक अमेरिकी स्तनपायी, जब उसे डराया जाता है तो वह अपने हमलावर की ओर दुर्गंधयुक्त तरल पदार्थ स्प्रे करता है


"Roger..." Jo ne apni aankhein band karli aur muskuraate hue soch rahi thi. Uski aakhein khuli, "Skunk," usne kaha. Ek naya jaanwar; unhone nursery school mein skunk ke baare mein baat ki hogi. Ek naya naayak (hero) hone se Jack ka kahaani sunane ka utsaah (josh) badh gaya. "Theek hai," unhone kaha. “Ek baar, gehre andhere jungle mein, Rogar Skunk ke naam se ek chota sa jeev (praani) tha aur usse bahut buri gandh (smell) aati thi." "Haan," Jo ne khush ho kar kaha.


"रोजर..." जो ने अपनी आँखें बंद कर लीं और मुस्कुराते हुए सोच रही थी। उसकी आँखें खुली, "स्कंक," उसने दृढ़ता से कहा। एक नया जानवर; उन्होंने नर्सरी स्कूल में स्कंक के बारे में बात की होगी। एक नया नायक होने से जैक का कहानी सुनाने का उत्साह बढ़ गया। "ठीक है," उन्होंने कहा। “एक बार, गहरे अंधेरे जंगल में, रोजर स्कंक के नाम से एक छोटा सा प्राणी था और उससे बहुत बुरी गंध आती थी।" "हाँ," जो ने खुश हो कर कहा।


"He smelled so bad that none of the other little woodland creatures would play with him.” Jo looked at him solemnly; she hadn’t foreseen this. “Whenever he would go out to play,” Jack continued with zest, remembering certain humiliations of his own childhood, “all of the other tiny animals would cry, “Uh-oh, here comes Roger Stinky Skunk,” and they would run away, and Roger Skunk would stand there all alone, and two little round tears would fall from his eyes.” The corners of Jo’s mouth drooped down and her lower lip bent forward as he traced with a forefinger along the side of her nose the course of one of Roger Skunk’s tears.


"He smelled so bad that none of the other little woodland creatures would play with him.” Jo looked at him solemnly; she hadn’t foreseen this. “Whenever he would go out to play,” Jack continued with zest, remembering certain humiliations of his own childhood, “all of the other tiny animals would cry, “Uh-oh, here comes Roger Stinky Skunk,” and they would run away, and Roger Skunk would stand there all alone, and two little round tears would fall from his eyes.” The corners of Jo’s mouth drooped down and her lower lip bent forward as he traced with a forefinger along the side of her nose the course of one of Roger Skunk’s tears.


Humiliations: the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated, अपमान, अवमानना


Humiliations: the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated, अपमान, अवमानना


Ussey itni buri gandh (smell) aaya karti thi ki koi bhi baaki chote praani (jeev) uske saath nahi khelna chaahte the. Jo ne unki taraf dekha; usne aisa nahi socha tha. "Jab bhi vah khelne ke liye bahaar jaata tha," Jack ne apne bachapan ke kuch apmaano ko yaad karte hue kahaani ko utsaah ke saath jaari rakha, "Anya chote jaanwar usey chidhate the, "Oho, Roger stinky Skunk aa raha hai," aur ve bhaag jaate the. Roger Skunk vahaan akele khada rehta tha aur uski aankhon se do chote aasu girte." Jo yah sunkar udaas ho gayi aur Roger Skunk ke aansuon mein se ek uski aakhon mein se nikal rahi thi.


उससे इतनी बुरी गंध आया करती थी कि कोई भी अन्य छोटे प्राणी उसके साथ नहीं खेलना चाहते थे। जो ने उनकी तरफ देखा; उसने ऐसा नहीं सोचा था। "जब भी वह खेलने के लिए बाहर जाता था," जैक ने अपने स्वयं के बचपन के कुछ अपमानों को याद करते हुए कहानी को उत्साह के साथ जारी रखा, "अन्य छोटे जानवर उसे चिढ़ाते थे, "ओ-हो, रोजर स्टिंकी स्कंक आ रहा है," और वे भाग जाते थे। और रोजर स्कंक वहाँ अकेले खड़ा रहता था और उसकी आँखों से दो छोटे आँसू गिरते।" जो यह सुनकर उदास हो गई और रोजर स्कंक के आंसुओं में से एक उसकी आखों में से निकल रही थी।


“Won’t he see the owl?” she asked in a high and faintly roughened voice. Sitting on the bed beside her, Jack felt the covers tug as her legs switched tensely. He was pleased with this moment — he was telling her something true, something she must know — and had no wish to hurry on. But downstairs a chair scraped, and he realised he must get down to help Clare paint the living-room woodwork. “Well, he walked along very sadly and came to a very big tree, and in the tiptop of the tree was an enormous wise old owl.” “Good.” “Mr Owl,” Roger Skunk said, “all the other little animals run away from me because I smell so bad.” “So you do,” the owl said. “Very, very bad.” “What can I do?” Roger Skunk said, and he cried very hard.


“Won’t he see the owl?” she asked in a high and faintly roughened voice. Sitting on the bed beside her, Jack felt the covers tug as her legs switched tensely. He was pleased with this moment — he was telling her something true, something she must know — and had no wish to hurry on. But downstairs a chair scraped, and he realised he must get down to help Clare paint the living-room woodwork. “Well, he walked along very sadly and came to a very big tree, and in the tiptop of the tree was an enormous wise old owl.” “Good.” “Mr Owl,” Roger Skunk said, “all the other little animals run away from me because I smell so bad.” “So you do,” the owl said. “Very, very bad.” “What can I do?” Roger Skunk said, and he cried very hard.


Tensely: (used about an atmosphere or a situation) in which people feel worried and not relaxed, (वातावरण या परिस्थिति) तनावभरा
Realised: to become conscious of something or that something has happened, usually sometime later, किसी बात या कुछ घटित होने का एहसास होना (प्रायः देर से)
Scraped: to remove something from a surface by moving a sharp edge across it firmly, चाक़ू आदि से किसी सतह पर लगी चीज़ हटाना; खुरचना
Enormous: very big or very great, विशाल या अत्‍यधिक
Downstairs: towards or on a lower floor of a house or building, निचली मंज़िल पर


Tensely: (used about an atmosphere or a situation) in which people feel worried and not relaxed, (वातावरण या परिस्थिति) तनावभरा
Realised: to become conscious of something or that something has happened, usually sometime later, किसी बात या कुछ घटित होने का एहसास होना (प्रायः देर से)
Scraped: to remove something from a surface by moving a sharp edge across it firmly, चाक़ू आदि से किसी सतह पर लगी चीज़ हटाना; खुरचना
Enormous: very big or very great, विशाल या अत्‍यधिक
Downstairs: towards or on a lower floor of a house or building, निचली मंज़िल पर


"Kya vah ullu ke paas nahi jaega?" usne oonchi (high) aawaaz mein poocha. Uske bagal mein bistar par baithe, Jack ne Jo ko ghabarahat se chaadar kheenchte hue mehsoos kiya. Vah iss se khush the - vah use sachai (truth) bata raha tha, kuch aisa jo use pata hona chahiye - aur use jaldi karne ki koi ichha nahi thi. Lekin neeche se ek chair khisakne ki aawaaz aayi aur unhe yaad aaya ki unhe living-room ke woodwork ke rang ko saaf karne mein Clare ki madad karne ke liye jaldi jaana chahiye. "Theek hai, vah (Roger Skunk) bahut dukh ke saath chalne laga aur ek bahut bade tree ke paas aaya, tree ke top (oopar) par ek bada buddhimaan budha ullu baitha tha." "Achi baat hai" Jo ne kaha. "Mister ullu," Roger Skunk ne kaha, "Anya sabhi chote jaanvar mujhse door bhaagte hai kyunki mujhse bahut buri gandh (smell) aati hai." "Yah sach hain," ullu ne kaha. "Bahut bahut buri." "Main kya kar sakta hu?" Roger Skunk ne poocha aur vah bahut tez rone laga.


"क्या वह उल्लू के पास नहीं जाएगा?" उसने ऊंची आवाज़ में पूछा। उसके बगल में बिस्तर पर बैठे, जैक ने जो को घबराहट से चादर खींचते हुए महसूस किया। वह इस से प्रसन्न था - वह उसे सचाई बता रहा था, कुछ ऐसा जो उसे पता होना चाहिए - और उसे जल्दी करने की कोई इच्छा नहीं थी। लेकिन नीचे से एक कुर्सी की आवाज़ आई और उन्हें याद आया कि उन्हें लिविंग-रूम की लकड़ी के रंग को साफ करने में क्लेयर की मदद करने के लिए जल्द जाना चाहिए। "ठीक है, वह (रोजर स्कंक) बहुत दुख के साथ चलने लगा और एक बहुत बड़े पेड़ के पास आया, पेड़ की चोटी में एक बड़ा बुद्धिमान बूढ़ा उल्लू बैठा था।" "अच्छी बात है" जो ने कहा। "मिस्टर उल्लू," रोजर स्कंक ने कहा, "अन्य सभी छोटे जानवर मुझसे दूर भागते हैं क्योंकि मुझसे बहुत बुरी गंध आती है।" "यह सच हैं," उल्लू ने कहा। "बहुत बहुत बुरी।" "मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ?" रोजर स्कंक ने पूछा और वह बहुत तेज़ रोने लगा।


“The wizard, the wizard,” Jo shouted, and sat right up, and a Little Golden Book spilled from the bed. “Now, Jo. Daddy’s telling the story. Do you want to tell Daddy the story?” “No. You me.” “Then lie down and be sleepy.” Her head relapsed onto the pillow and she said, “Out of your head.” “Well. The owl thought and thought. At last he said, “Why don’t you go see the wizard?” “Daddy?” “What?” “Are magic spells real?” This was a new phase, just this last month, a reality phase. When he told her spiders eat bugs, she turned to her mother and asked, “Do they really?” and when Clare told her God was in the sky and all around them, she turned to her father and insisted, with a sly yet eager smile, “Is He really?” “They’re real in stories,” Jack answered curtly. She had made him miss a beat in the narrative. “The owl said, “Go through the dark woods, under the apple trees, into the swamp, over the crick —”


“The wizard, the wizard,” Jo shouted, and sat right up, and a Little Golden Book spilled from the bed. “Now, Jo. Daddy’s telling the story. Do you want to tell Daddy the story?” “No. You me.” “Then lie down and be sleepy.” Her head relapsed onto the pillow and she said, “Out of your head.” “Well. The owl thought and thought. At last he said, “Why don’t you go see the wizard?” “Daddy?” “What?” “Are magic spells real?” This was a new phase, just this last month, a reality phase. When he told her spiders eat bugs, she turned to her mother and asked, “Do they really?” and when Clare told her God was in the sky and all around them, she turned to her father and insisted, with a sly yet eager smile, “Is He really?” “They’re real in stories,” Jack answered curtly. She had made him miss a beat in the narrative. “The owl said, “Go through the dark woods, under the apple trees, into the swamp, over the crick —”


Magic spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
Eager: keenly expectant or interested; उत्सुक
Narrative: a story; कथा
Swamp: an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh; दलदल
Relapsed: return to a less active or a worse state; ढह गया
Curtly: rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner; बेरूखी


Magic spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
Eager: keenly expectant or interested; उत्सुक
Narrative: a story; कथा
Swamp: an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh; दलदल
Relapsed: return to a less active or a worse state; ढह गया
Curtly: rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner; बेरूखी


"Jaadugar, Jaadugar," Jo chillayi, aur seedhi baith gayi. “Jo, daddy kahaani suna rahe hai. Kya aap daddy ko kahaani sunana chahte hain?” "Nahi, aap hi sunaiye." "Phir lait jao aur sunne ki koshish karo." Apna sir takiye par tika kar, usne kaha, "Aage kahani bataiye." "Ullu ne bahut socha. Aakhir mein unhone kaha, "Aap jaadugar ko dekhne kyu nahi jaate?" "Daddy?" "Kya?" "Kya jaadu mantr (magic spells) real hote hai?" yah Jo ka ek naya phase tha, bas pichle maheene se hi, ek reality ka charan. Jab Jack ne use bataya ki spiders insects khate hai, to usne apni mummy se poocha, "Kya ve vaastav mein aisa karte hai?" aur jab Clare ne bataya ki God akaash aur unke chaaron oor maujood hote hai, to vah apne pita ki oor mudi aur zor se muskurate hue poocha, "Kya vah vaastav mein hote hai?" "Ve kahaniyon mein vaastvik hai," Jack ne rookha jawaab diya. "Ullu ne kaha, andhere jungle se guzar ke, apple ke trees ke neeche se, daldal paar karke, crick (choti nadi) ke oopar se ---"


"जादूगर, जादूगर," जो चिल्लाई, और सीधी बैठ गई। “जो, डैडी कहानी सुना रहे है। क्या आप डैडी को कहानी सुनाना चाहती हैं?” "नहीं, आप ही सुनाइए।" "फिर लेट जाओ और सुनने की कोशिश करो।" अपना सिर तकिये पर टिका कर, उसने कहा, "आगे कहानी बताइए।" "उल्लू ने बहुत सोचा। आखिर में उन्होंने कहा, "आप जादूगर को देखने क्यों नहीं जाते?" "डैडी?" "क्या?" "क्या जादू मंत्र वास्तविक हैं?" यह एक नया चरण था, बस पिछले महीने से ही, एक वास्तविकता का चरण। जब जैक ने उसे बताया कि मकड़िया कीड़े खाते हैं, तो उसने अपनी माँ से पूछा, "क्या वे वास्तव में ऐसा करते हैं?" और जब क्लेयर ने बताया कि ईश्वर आकाश और उनके चारों ओर मौजूद होते है, तो वह अपने पिता की ओर मुड़ी और जोर से मुस्कुराते हुए पूछा, "क्या वह वास्तव में होते है?"। "वे कहानियों में वास्तविक हैं," जैक ने रूखा जवाब दिया। "उल्लू ने कहा, अंधेरे जंगल से गुज़र कर, सेब के पेड़ों के नीचे से, दलदल पार करके, क्रिक के ऊपर से ---"


“What’s a crick?” A little river. “Over the crick, and there will be the wizard’s house.” And that’s the way Roger Skunk went, and pretty soon he came to a little white house, and he rapped on the door.” Jack rapped on the window sill, and under the covers Jo’s tall figure clenched in an infantile thrill. “And then a tiny little old man came out, with a long white beard and a pointed blue hat, and said, “Eh? Whatzis? Whatcher want? You smell awful.” The wizard’s voice was one of Jack’s own favourite effects; he did it by scrunching up his face and somehow whining through his eyes, which felt for the interval rheumy. He felt being an old man suited him.


“What’s a crick?” A little river. “Over the crick, and there will be the wizard’s house.” And that’s the way Roger Skunk went, and pretty soon he came to a little white house, and he rapped on the door.” Jack rapped on the window sill, and under the covers Jo’s tall figure clenched in an infantile thrill. “And then a tiny little old man came out, with a long white beard and a pointed blue hat, and said, “Eh? Whatzis? Whatcher want? You smell awful.” The wizard’s voice was one of Jack’s own favourite effects; he did it by scrunching up his face and somehow whining through his eyes, which felt for the interval rheumy. He felt being an old man suited him.


Crick: A small river; छोटी नदी
Rapped: to hit a hard object or surface several times quickly and lightly, making a noise; किसी सतह (दरवाज़ा आदि) को खटखटाना
Awful: very bad or unpleasant, बहुत बुरा, अत्‍यधिक अरुचिकर


Crick: A small river; छोटी नदी
Rapped: to hit a hard object or surface several times quickly and lightly, making a noise; किसी सतह (दरवाज़ा आदि) को खटखटाना
Awful: very bad or unpleasant, बहुत बुरा, अत्‍यधिक अरुचिकर


"Crick kya hai?" "Choti si nadi (river)". "Crick ke oopar, jaadugar ka ghar hoga." Roger Skunk ussi taraf gaya aur bahut jald use ek chota white ghar mila, usne darvaza khatakhataya." Jack ne yah batate hue khidki khatakhatayi, aur chaadar ke neeche Jo ghabra gayi. "Aur phir ek chota sa budha aadmi nikla, jiski ek lambi saphed (white) beard thi aur usne ek nukili neeli topi (cap) pehni thi, aur kaha, "Eh? kya? tumhe kya chahiye? Tumse bahut gandi gandh (smell) aa rahi hai" jaadugar ki aawaaz Jack ke apne pasandeeda prabhaavon mein se ek thi; unhe lagta tha ki unki aawaaz ek budha vyakti jaisi hai.


"क्रिक क्या है?" "छोटी सी नदी"। "क्रिक के ऊपर, जादूगर का घर होगा।" रोजर स्कंक उसी तरफ़ गया और बहुत जल्द उसे एक छोटा सफेद घर मिला, उसने दरवाज़ा खटखटाया।" जैक ने यह बताते हुए खिड़की खटखटायी, और चादर के नीचे जो घबरा गई। "और फिर एक छोटा सा एक बूढ़ा आदमी निकला, जिसकी एक लंबी सफेद दाढ़ी थी और उसने एक नुकीली नीली टोपी पहनी थी, और कहा, "एह? क्या? तुम्हे क्या चाहिए? तुमसे बहुत गंदी गंध आ रही है" जादूगर की आवाज जैक के अपने पसंदीदा प्रभावों में से एक थी; उन्हें लगता था कि उनकी आवाज़ एक बूढ़े व्यक्ति जैसी है।


“I know it,” Roger Skunk said, “and all the little animals run away from me. The enormous wise owl said you could help me.” “Eh? Well, maybe. Come on in. Don’t get too close.” Now, inside, Jo, there were all these magic things, all jumbled together in a big dusty heap, because the wizard did not have any cleaning lady.” “Why?” “Why? Because he was a wizard, and a very old man.” “Will he die?” “No. Wizards don’t die. Well, he rummaged around and found an old stick called a magic wand and asked Roger Skunk what he wanted to smell like. Roger thought and thought and said, “Roses.” “Yes. Good,” Jo said smugly. Jack fixed her with a trance like gaze and chanted in the wizard’s elderly irritable voice: “Abracadabry, hocus-poo, Roger Skunk, how do you do, Roses, boses, pull an ear, Roger Skunk, you never fear: Bingo!”


"I know it," Roger Skunk said, "and all the little animals run away from me. The enormous wise owl said you could help me.” “Eh? Well, maybe. Come on in. Don’t get too close." Now, inside, Jo, there were all these magic things, all jumbled together in a big dusty heap, because the wizard did not have any cleaning lady.” “Why?” “Why? Because he was a wizard, and a very old man.” “Will he die?” “No. Wizards don’t die. Well, he rummaged around and found an old stick called a magic wand and asked Roger Skunk what he wanted to smell like. Roger thought and thought and said, “Roses.” “Yes. Good,” Jo said smugly. Jack fixed her with a trance like gaze and chanted in the wizard’s elderly irritable voice: “Abracadabry, hocus-poo, Roger Skunk, how do you do, Roses, boses, pull an ear, Roger Skunk, you never fear: Bingo!”


Rummaged: to move things and make them untidy while you are looking for something, कुछ ढूँढ़ते हुए चीज़ें इधर-उधर फैलाना


Rummaged: to move things and make them untidy while you are looking for something, कुछ ढूँढ़ते हुए चीज़ें इधर-उधर फैलाना


"Main yah jaanta hu", Roger Skunk ne kaha, "Aur sabhi chote jaanwar mujhse door bhaag jaate hain. Vishaal buddhimaan ullu ne kaha ki aap (jaadugar) meri madad (help) kar sakte hain." "Eh? shayad, andar aao, lekin mere bahut paas mat aana." Andar, sabhi jaadu ki cheeze thi, sabhi ek bade dhool bhare dher (pile) mein ek saath padi hui thi, kyunki jaadugar ke paas koi safayi karne vaali mahila yani maid nahi thi." "Kyu?" "Kyunki vah ek jaadugar tha aur bahut budha ho chuka tha." "Kya vah marne vaala tha?" "Nahi, jaadugaro ki mrityu nahi hoti hai. Khair, usne chaaro oor afra-tafri machyi aur ek jaadu ki chadi (magic stick) namak ek puraani chadi nikaali aur Roger Skunk se poocha ki vah kaisi khushboo chahta hai. Roger Skunk ne socha aur kaha, "Gulaab." "Haan, acha hai,” Jo ne khush hokar kaha. Jack ne uski taraf dekha aur jaadugar ki buzurg (old) chidchidi aawaaz mein bola: "Abracadabry, hocus-poo, Roger Skunk, how do you do, Roses, boses, pull an ear, Roger Skunk, you never fear: Bingo!"


"मैं यह जानता हूँ," रोजर स्कंक ने कहा, "और सभी छोटे जानवर मुझसे दूर भाग जाते हैं। विशाल बुद्धिमान उल्लू ने कहा कि आप (जादूगर) मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं।” "एह? शायद, अंदर आओ, लेकिन मेरे बहुत करीब मत आना।” अंदर, सभी जादू की चीजें थीं, सभी एक बड़े धूल भरे ढेर में एक साथ पड़ी हुई थी, क्योंकि जादूगर के पास कोई सफाई करने वाली महिला नहीं थी।" "क्यों?" "क्योंकि वह एक जादूगर था और बहुत बूढ़ा हो चुका था।" "क्या वह मरने वाला था?" "नहीं, जादूगरों की मृत्यु नहीं होती है। खैर, उसने चारों ओर अफरा-तफरी मचाई और एक जादू की छड़ी नामक एक पुरानी छड़ी निकाली और रोजर स्कंक से पूछा कि वह कैसी खुशबू चाहता है। रोजर ने सोचा और कहा, "गुलाब।" "हाँ, अच्छा है," जो ने खुश होकर कहा। जैक ने उसकी तरफ देखा और जादूगर की बुजुर्ग चिड़चिड़ी आवाज में बोला: "अबरकदाबरी, हॉकस-पू, रोजर स्कंक, हाउ डु यू डु?, रोजेज, बोसेस, पुल ऐन ईयर, रोजर स्कंक, यू नेवर फियर: बिंगो!"


He paused as a rapt expression widened out from his daughter’s nostrils, forcing her eyebrows up and her lower lip down in a wide noiseless grin, an expression in which Jack was startled to recognise his wife feigning pleasure at cocktail parties. “And all of a sudden,” he whispered, “the whole inside of the wizard’s house was full of the smell of — roses! ‘Roses!’ Roger Fish cried. And the wizard said, very cranky, “That’ll be seven pennies.” “Daddy.” “What?” “Roger Skunk. You said Roger Fish.” “Yes. Skunk.” “You said Roger Fish. Wasn’t that silly?” “Very silly of your stupid old daddy. Where was I? Well, you know about the pennies.” “Say it.”


He paused as a rapt expression widened out from his daughter’s nostrils, forcing her eyebrows up and her lower lip down in a wide noiseless grin, an expression in which Jack was startled to recognise his wife feigning pleasure at cocktail parties. “And all of a sudden,” he whispered, “the whole inside of the wizard’s house was full of the smell of — roses! ‘Roses!’ Roger Fish cried. And the wizard said, very cranky, “That’ll be seven pennies.” “Daddy.” “What?” “Roger Skunk. You said Roger Fish.” “Yes. Skunk.” “You said Roger Fish. Wasn’t that silly?” “Very silly of your stupid old daddy. Where was I? Well, you know about the pennies.” “Say it.”


Rapt: completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing, मगन
Feigning: to pretend that you have a particular feeling or that you are tired or ill, etc., किसी विशिष्‍ट भावना होने का या थकान, बीमारी आदि का स्‍वाँग रचना


Rapt: completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing, मगन
Feigning: to pretend that you have a particular feeling or that you are tired or ill, etc., किसी विशिष्‍ट भावना होने का या थकान, बीमारी आदि का स्‍वाँग रचना


Jack ne apni beti ko ajeeb se chehre banate hue dekha jaise ki use neend aa rahi ho "Aur achanak," ve araam se bole, "Jaadugar ka poora ghar - gulaab ki gandh (smell) se bhar gaya!" "Gulaab!" Roger Fish khushi se chillaya. Jaadugar ne kaha, "Iske 7 paise lagenge." "Daddy" "Kya?" "Roger Skunk, aapne Roger Fish kaha." "Haan, Skunk." "Aapne Roger Fish kaha. Aap bhool gaye the kya? " "Haan, main shayad bhool gaya tha. Main kahaan tha? Acha, aap paiso ke baare mein jaante ho?" "Nahi aap bataiye" Jo ne kaha.


जैक ने अपनी बेटी को अजीब से चेहरे बनाते हुए देखा जैसे की उसे नींद आ रही हो "और अचानक," वे आराम से बोले, "जादूगर का पूरा घर - गुलाब की गंध से भर गया!" ‘गुलाब!’ रोजर फिश ख़ुशी से चिल्लाया। जादूगर ने कहा, "इसके सात पैसे लगेंगे।" "डैडी" "क्या?" "रोजर स्कंक, आपने रोजर फिश कहा।" "हाँ, स्कंक।" "आपने रोजर फिश कहा। आप भूल गए थे क्या? " "हाँ, मैं शायद भूल गया था। मैं कहाँ था? अच्छा, आप पैसों के बारे में जानते हो?" "नहीं आप बताइए" जो ने कहा।


"O.K. Roger Skunk said, ‘But all I have is four pennies,’ and he began to cry.” Jo made the crying face again, but this time without a trace of sincerity. This annoyed Jack. Downstairs some more furniture rumbled. Clare shouldn’t move heavy things; she was six months pregnant. It would be their third. “So the wizard said, ‘Oh, very well. Go to the end of the lane and turn around three times and look down the magic well and there you will find three pennies. Hurry up.’ So Roger Skunk went to the end of the lane and turned around three times and there in the magic well were three pennies! So he took them back to the wizard and was very happy and ran out into the woods and all the other little animals gathered around him because he smelled so good. And they played tag, baseball, football, basketball, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, and pick-up-sticks.”


"O.K. Roger Skunk said, ‘But all I have is four pennies,’ and he began to cry.” Jo made the crying face again, but this time without a trace of sincerity. This annoyed Jack. Downstairs some more furniture rumbled. Clare shouldn’t move heavy things; she was six months pregnant. It would be their third. “So the wizard said, ‘Oh, very well. Go to the end of the lane and turn around three times and look down the magic well and there you will find three pennies. Hurry up.’ So Roger Skunk went to the end of the lane and turned around three times and there in the magic well were three pennies! So he took them back to the wizard and was very happy and ran out into the woods and all the other little animals gathered around him because he smelled so good. And they played tag, baseball, football, basketball, lacrosse, hockey, soccer, and pick-up-sticks.”


Sincerity: the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy, सच्चाई, ईमानदारी


Sincerity: the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy, सच्चाई, ईमानदारी


"Theek hai. Roger Skunk ne aage kaha, "Lekin mere paas sirf chaar (4) paise hai," aur vah rone laga. Jo ne phir se rone vala chehra bana liya. Issey Jack naaraz ho gaya. Neeche se kuch aur furniture hilne ki aawaaz aayi. Clare ko bhaari cheezon ko uthana mana tha; vah 6 maheene se pregnant thi. Yah unka teesra bacha tha. "Toh jaadugar ne kaha, oh, lane ke end mein jaen aur teen baar turn lijiye aur jaadui kue (well) mein dekhein aur vahaan aapko teen paise milenge. Jaldi karo." Usne vahaan paise dhoondhe aur vapas jaadugar ke paas le gaya. Vah bahut khush tha aur jungle mein bhaag gaya, anya sabhi chote jaanwar uske chaaro oor ikatthe ho gaye kyunki ussey bahut achi khushboo aa rahi thi. Aur unhone uske saath tag, baseball, football, basketball, lacrosse, hockey, soccer aur pick-up-sticks khela."


"ठीक है। रोजर स्कंक ने आगे कहा, "लेकिन मेरे पास सिर्फ चार पैसे हैं," और वह रोने लगा।'' जो ने फिर से रोने वाला चेहरा बना लिया। इससे जैक नाराज हो गया। नीचे से कुछ और फर्नीचर हिलने की आवाज़ आई। क्लेयर को भारी चीजों को उठाना मना था; वह छह महीने की गर्भवती थी। यह उनका तीसरा बच्चा था। "तो जादूगर ने कहा, ओह, लेन के अंत में जाएं और तीन बार मुड़ें और जादूई कुए में देखें और वहां आपको तीन पैसे मिलेंगे, जल्दी करो।" उसने वहां पैसे ढूंढे और वापस जादूगर के पास ले गया। वह बहुत खुश था और जंगल में भाग गया, अन्य सभी छोटे जानवर उसके चारों ओर इकट्ठे हो गए क्योंकि उसे बहुत अच्छी खुशबू आ रही थी। और उन्होंने उसके साथ टैग, बेसबॉल, फ़ुटबॉल, बास्केटबॉल, लैक्रोस, हॉकी, सॉकर और पिक-अप-स्टिक्स खेला।"


What’s pick-up-sticks?” “It’s a game you play with sticks.” “Like the wizard’s magic wand?” “Kind of. And they played games and laughed all afternoon and then it began to get dark and they all ran home to their mommies.” Jo was starting to fuss with her hands and look out of the window, at the crack of day that showed under the shade. She thought the story was all over. Jack didn’t like women when they took anything for granted; he liked them apprehensive, hanging on his words. “Now, Jo, are you listening?” “Yes.” “Because this is very interesting. Roger Skunk’s mommy said, ‘What’s that awful smell?’ “Wha-at?” “And, Roger Skunk said, ‘It’s me, Mommy. I smell like roses.’ And she said, ‘Who made you smell like that?’ And he said, ‘The wizard,’ and she said, ‘Well, of all the nerve. You come with me and we’re going right back to that very awful wizard.


What’s pick-up-sticks?” “It’s a game you play with sticks.” “Like the wizard’s magic wand?” “Kind of. And they played games and laughed all afternoon and then it began to get dark and they all ran home to their mommies.” Jo was starting to fuss with her hands and look out of the window, at the crack of day that showed under the shade. She thought the story was all over. Jack didn’t like women when they took anything for granted; he liked them apprehensive, hanging on his words. “Now, Jo, are you listening?” “Yes.” “Because this is very interesting. Roger Skunk’s mommy said, ‘What’s that awful smell?’ “Wha-at?” “And, Roger Skunk said, ‘It’s me, Mommy. I smell like roses.’ And she said, ‘Who made you smell like that?’ And he said, ‘The wizard,’ and she said, ‘Well, of all the nerve. You come with me and we’re going right back to that very awful wizard.


Apprehensive: worried or afraid that something unpleasant may happen, (भविष्‍य की किसी अप्रिय घटना के लिए) चिंतित, आशंकित, सशंक


Apprehensive: worried or afraid that something unpleasant may happen, (भविष्‍य की किसी अप्रिय घटना के लिए) चिंतित, आशंकित, सशंक


"Pick-up-sticks kya hota hai?" "Yah ek khel hai jisee aap sticks ke saath khelte hai." "Jaadugar ke jaadu ki chadi (stick) ki tarah?" "Ek prakaar ka, aur unhone bahut saare khel khele aur poori dopher haste rahe aur phir andhera hone laga aur ve sabhi apni mummy ke paas ghar bhaag gaye." Jo apne haathon se khelne lag gayi thi aur khidki se baahar dekh rahi thi. Use laga ki kahani khatam ho gayi hai. Jack ko pasand nahi tha jab koi mahila kisi cheez ki importance (mahattv) nahi samajhti, unhe pasand tha jab vo dhyaan se unke shabd sunti aur samajhti thi. "Jo, aap sun rahe hai?" "Haan" "Kyunki yah bahut interesting (dilchasp) hone vaala hai. Roger Skunk ki mummy ne kaha, "Yah bhayanak gandh (smell) kya hai?" aur, Roger Skunk ne kaha, "Main, mummy. Mujhse gulaab ki khushboo aa rahi hai." Uski mummy ne kaha, "Yah kaam kisne kiya?" Roger Skunk ne jawaab diya, "Jaadugar ne" phir unhone kaha, "Tum mere saath aao, hum uss bhayanak jaadugar ke paas vapas jaa rahe hai."


"पिक-अप-स्टिक्स क्या होता है?" "यह एक खेल है जिसे आप डंडियों के साथ खेलते हैं।" "जादूगर के जादू की छड़ी की तरह?" "एक प्रकार का, और उन्होंने बहुत सारे खेल खेले और पूरी दोपहर हँसते रहे और फिर अंधेरा होने लगा और वे सभी अपनी माताओं के पास घर भाग गए।" जो अपने हाथों से खेलने लग गई थी और खिड़की से बाहर देख रही थी। उसे लगा कि कहानी समाप्त हो गई है। जैक को पसंद नहीं था जब कोई महिला किसी चीज़ का महत्व नहीं समझती; उन्हें पसंद था जब वो ध्यान से उनके शब्द सुनती और समझती थी। "जो, आप सुन रहे हैं?" "हाँ" "क्योंकि यह बहुत दिलचस्प होने वाला है। रोजर स्कंक की माँ ने कहा, "यह भयानक गंध क्या है?" और, रोजर स्कंक ने कहा, "मैं, माँ। मुझसे गुलाब की खुशबू आ रही है।" उसकी माँ ने कहा, "यह काम किसने किया?" रोजर स्कंक ने जवाब दिया, "जादूगर ने" फिर उन्होंने कहा, "तुम मेरे साथ आओ, हम उस भयानक जादूगर के पास वापस जा रहे हैं।"


Jo sat up, her hands dabbling in the air with genuine fright. “But Daddy, then he said about the other little animals run away!” Her hands skittered off, into the underbrush. “All right. He said, ‘But Mommy, all the other little animals run away,’ and she said, ‘I don’t care. You smelled the way a little skunk should have and I’m going to take you right back to that wizard,’ and she took an umbrella and went back with Roger Skunk and hit that wizard right over the head.” “No,” Jo said, and put her hand out to touch his lips, yet even in her agitation did not quite dare to stop the source of truth. Inspiration came to her. “Then the wizard hit her on the head and did not change that little skunk back.”


Jo sat up, her hands dabbling in the air with genuine fright. “But Daddy, then he said about the other little animals run away!” Her hands skittered off, into the underbrush. “All right. He said, ‘But Mommy, all the other little animals run away,’ and she said, ‘I don’t care. You smelled the way a little skunk should have and I’m going to take you right back to that wizard,’ and she took an umbrella and went back with Roger Skunk and hit that wizard right over the head.” “No,” Jo said, and put her hand out to touch his lips, yet even in her agitation did not quite dare to stop the source of truth. Inspiration came to her. “Then the wizard hit her on the head and did not change that little skunk back.”


Skittered: move lightly and quickly or hurriedly, तेज़ी से हिलना
Agitation: a state of anxiety or nervous excitement, आंदोलन; उत्तेजना, अशांति
Inspiration: a feeling, person or thing that makes you want to do something or gives you exciting new ideas, कुछ नया करने या सोचने की इच्‍छा उत्‍पन्‍न करने वाला मनोभाव, व्‍यक्ति या वस्‍तु; प्रेरणा
Genuine: real; true, वास्‍तविक; असली


Skittered: move lightly and quickly or hurriedly, तेज़ी से हिलना
Agitation: a state of anxiety or nervous excitement, आंदोलन; उत्तेजना, अशांति
Inspiration: a feeling, person or thing that makes you want to do something or gives you exciting new ideas, कुछ नया करने या सोचने की इच्‍छा उत्‍पन्‍न करने वाला मनोभाव, व्‍यक्ति या वस्‍तु; प्रेरणा
Genuine: real; true, वास्‍तविक; असली


Jo baith gayi. "Lekin daddy, usne kaha tha ki baaki chote jaanwar ussey door bhaag jaate the!" "Theek hai", Jack ne kaha. "Lekin mummy, anya sabhi chote jaanwar mujhse door bhaag jaate hai," Skunk ne kaha aur uski mummy ne uttar (answer) diya, "Mujhe koi parvaah nahi hai. Tumse vaisi hi gandh aati thi jaise ek chote Skunk se aani chahiye, main tumhe uss jaadugar ke paas vapas le jaa rahi hu," aur unhone ek chatri (umbrella) li aur Roger Skunk ke saath vapas jaadugar ke paas gayi aur uss jaadugar ko sir par uss chatri se maara. "Nahi," Jo ne kaha aur vah chintit hokar apne lips ko choone lagi. Phir Jo ne ekdum se kaha "Tab jaadugar ne unhe vapas sir par maara aur chote Skunk ki gandh ko vapas bhi nahi badla."


जो बैठ गई। "लेकिन डैडी, उसने कहा था कि अन्य छोटे जानवर उससे दूर भाग जाते थे!" "ठीक है", जैक ने कहा। "लेकिन माँ, अन्य सभी छोटे जानवर मुझसे दूर भाग जाते हैं,’ स्कंक ने कहा और उसकी माँ ने उत्तर दिया, "मुझे कोई परवाह नहीं है। तुमसे वैसी ही गंध आती थी जैसे एक छोटे स्कंक से आनी चाहिए, मैं तुम्हे उस जादूगर के पास वापस ले जा रही हूँ," और उन्होंने एक छतरी ली और रोजर स्कंक के साथ वापस जादूगर के पास गई और उस जादूगर को सिर पर उस छतरी से मारा। "नहीं," जो ने कहा और वह चिंतित होकर अपने होंठों को छूने लगी। फिर जो ने एकदम से कहा "तब जादूगर ने उन्हें वापस सिर पर मारा और छोटे स्कंक की गंध को वापस भी नहीं बदला।"


"No,” he said. “The wizard said ‘O.K.’ and Roger Skunk did not smell of roses any more. He smelled very bad again.” “But the other little amum — oh! — amum — ” “Joanne. It’s Daddy’s story. Shall Daddy not tell you any more stories?” Her broad face looked at him through sifted light, astounded. “This is what happened, then. Roger What possible plot line could the story continue with? Skunk and his mommy went home and they heard Woo-oo, woooo-oo and it was the choo-choo train bringing Daddy Skunk home from Boston. And they had lima beans, celery, liver, mashed potatoes, and Pie-Oh-My for dessert. And when Roger Skunk was in bed Mommy Skunk came up and hugged him and said he smelled like her little baby skunk again and she loved him very much. And that’s the end of the story.”


"No,” he said. “The wizard said ‘O.K.’ and Roger Skunk did not smell of roses any more. He smelled very bad again.” “But the other little amum — oh! — amum — ” “Joanne. It’s Daddy’s story. Shall Daddy not tell you any more stories?” Her broad face looked at him through sifted light, astounded. “This is what happened, then. Roger What possible plot line could the story continue with? Skunk and his mommy went home and they heard Woo-oo, woooo-oo and it was the choo-choo train bringing Daddy Skunk home from Boston. And they had lima beans, celery, liver, mashed potatoes, and Pie-Oh-My for dessert. And when Roger Skunk was in bed Mommy Skunk came up and hugged him and said he smelled like her little baby skunk again and she loved him very much. And that’s the end of the story.”


Astounded: shock or greatly surprise, चकित
Dessert: something sweet that is eaten after the main part of a meal, भोजन के अंत में परोसा जाने वाला मीठा व्‍यंजन


Astounded: shock or greatly surprise, चकित
Dessert: something sweet that is eaten after the main part of a meal, भोजन के अंत में परोसा जाने वाला मीठा व्‍यंजन


"Nahi,” unhone kaha. “Jaadugar ne kaha 'Theek hai' aur Roger Skunk se gulaabon ki khushboo aani band ho gayi. Ussey phir se bahut buri gandh aane lagi." "Lekin doosre chote jaanwar oh!.... " "Joanne (Jo ka poora naame), yah daddy ki kahaani hai. Kya aap chahte hai ki daddy aapko aur kahaaniya na sunaye?" vah chup ho gayi. "Phir Roger Skunk aur uski mummy ghar chale gaye aur unhone 'Woo-oo, woooo-oo' suna aur yah Boston se daddy Skunk ko ghar laane vaali choo-choo train ki aawaaz thi. Unhone khane ke liye lima beans, celery, liver, mashed potatoes, and Pie-Oh-My taiyaar kiye the. Khaane ke baad jab Roger Skunk bistar mein soo raha tha toh mummy Skunk ne aakar use gale lagaya aur kaha ki ab ussey unke chote bacche jaisi gandh aa rahi hai aur vah usse bahut pyaar karti hai. Yah kahaani ka ant hai."


"नहीं,” उन्होंने कहा। “जादूगर ने कहा "ठीक है" और रोजर स्कंक से गुलाबों की गंध आनी बंद हो गई। उससे फिर से बहुत बुरी गंध आने लगी।" "लेकिन दूसरे छोटे जानवर ओह!.... " " जोआन (जो का पूरा नाम), यह डैडी की कहानी है। क्या आप चाहती है कि डैडी आपको और कहानियाँ न सुनाए?" वह चुप हो गई। "फिर रोजर स्कंक और उसकी माँ घर चले गए और उन्होंने 'वू-ऊ, वू-ऊ' सुना और यह बोस्टन से डैडी स्कंक को घर लाने वाली छु-छु ट्रेन की आवाज़ थी। उन्होंने खाने के लिए लिमा बीन्स, सेलरी, यकृत, मैश किए हुए आलू और पाई-ओह-माय तैयार किए थे। खाने के बाद जब रोजर स्कंक बिस्तर में सो रहा था तो मम्मी स्कंक ने आकर उसे गले लगाया और कहा कि अब उससे उनके छोटे बच्चे जैसी गंध आ रही है और वह उससे बहुत प्यार करती है। यह कहानी का अंत है।"


“But Daddy.” "What?” “Then did the other little animals run away?” “No, because eventually they got used to the way he was and did not mind it at all.” “What’s evenshiladee?” “In a little while.” “That was a stupid mommy.” “It was not,” he said with rare emphasis, and believed, from her expression, that she realised he was defending his own mother to her, or something as odd. “Now I want you to put your big heavy head in the pillow and have a good long nap.” He adjusted the shade so not even a crack of day showed, and tiptoed to the door, in the pretense that she was already asleep. But when he turned, she was crouching on top of the covers and staring at him. “Hey. Get under the covers and fall fast asleep. Bobby’s asleep.” She stood up and bounced gingerly on the springs. “Daddy.”


“But Daddy.” “What?” “Then did the other little animals run away?” “No, because eventually they got used to the way he was and did not mind it at all.” “What’s evenshiladee?” “In a little while.” “That was a stupid mommy.” “It was not,” he said with rare emphasis, and believed, from her expression, that she realised he was defending his own mother to her, or something as odd. “Now I want you to put your big heavy head in the pillow and have a good long nap.” He adjusted the shade so not even a crack of day showed, and tiptoed to the door, in the pretense that she was already asleep. But when he turned, she was crouching on top of the covers and staring at him. “Hey. Get under the covers and fall faaast asleep. Bobby’s asleep.” She stood up and bounced gingerly on the springs. “Daddy.”


Gingerly: very slowly and carefully so as not to cause harm, make a noise, etc, बहुत धीमे और सावधानी से (कि न कुछ नुक़सान हो न आवाज़)


Gingerly: very slowly and carefully so as not to cause harm, make a noise, etc, बहुत धीमे और सावधानी से (कि न कुछ नुक़सान हो न आवाज़)


"Lekin daddy" "Kya?" "Phir kya baaki chote jaanwar Skunk se door bhaagte the?" "Nahi, kyunki aakhir mein unhe uski aadat ho gayi thi aur unhe uss gandh se bilkul bhi farakh nahi padta tha" "Evenshiladee (Jo 'eventually' ko 'evenshiladee' bol rahi thi) ka matlab kya hota hai?" "Baad mein bataunga Jo" "Mere hisaab se, vah ek bewakoof mummy thi" Jo ne kaha, "Aisa nahi tha," Jack ne zor dete hue kaha, kyunki vah apni khud ki mummy ko defend kar raha tha aur unki safayi de raha tha. "Ab main chaahta hu ki aap apna bada bhaari sir pillow par rakhen aur ache se soo jaye." usne parde (shade) ko ache se lagaya taaki sooraj ki ek bhi kiran andar na aaye aur phir ve darvaaze tak bina aawaz kare gaye kyunki unhe laga ki Jo soo gayi thi aur unke aawaz karne se vah uth jaegi. Lekin jab ve peeche mude, toh vah chaadar ke oopar se jhaank rahi thi aur unhe ghoor (stare) rahi thi. "Jaldi soo jao, Bobby bhi soo raha hai." Vah khadi hui aur gadde (matress) par koodne lagi, "Daddy" usne kaha.


"लेकिन डैडी" "क्या?" "फिर क्या अन्य छोटे जानवर स्कंक से दूर भागते थे?" "नहीं, क्योंकि आखिर में उन्हें उसकी आदत हो गई थी और उन्हें उस गंध से बिल्कुल भी फर्क नहीं पड़ता था" "इवनशिलाडी (evenshiladee) (जो 'eventually' को 'evenshiladee' बोल रही थी) का मतलब क्या होता है?" "बाद में बताऊंगा जो" "मेरे हिसाब से, वह एक मूर्ख माँ थी" जो ने कहा, "ऐसा नहीं था," जैक ने जोर देते हुए कहा, क्योंकि वह अपनी खुद की मां का बचाव कर रहा था और उनकी सफाई दे रहा था। "अब मैं चाहता हूँ कि आप अपना बड़ा भारी सिर तकिए पर रखें और अच्छे से सो जाए।" उसने परदे को अच्छे से लगाया ताकि सूरज की एक भी किरण अंदर न आए और फिर वे दरवाज़े तक बिना आवाज़ करे गए क्योंकि उन्हें लगा कि जो सो गई थी और उनके आवाज़ करने से वह उठ जाएगी। लेकिन जब वे मुड़े, तो वह चादर के ऊपर से झांक रही थी और उन्हें घूर रही थी। "जल्दी सो जाओ, बॉबी भी सो रहा है।" वह खड़ी हुई और गद्दे पर कूदने लगी, "डैडी" उसने कहा।


“Tomorrow, I want you to tell me the story that that wizard took that magic wand and hit that mommy” — her plump arms chopped forcefully — “right over the head.” “No. That’s not the story. The point is that the little skunk loved his mommy more than he loved all the other little animals and she knew what was right.” “No. Tomorrow you say he hit that mommy. Do it.” She kicked her legs up and sat down on the bed with a great heave and complaint of springs, as she had done hundreds What do you think was Jo’s problem? of times before, except that this time she did not laugh. “Say it, Daddy.” “Well, we’ll see. Now at least have a rest. Stay on the bed. You’re a good girl.”


“Tomorrow, I want you to tell me the story that that wizard took that magic wand and hit that mommy” — her plump arms chopped forcefully — “right over the head.” “No. That’s not the story. The point is that the little skunk loved his mommy more than he loved all the other little animals and she knew what was right.” “No. Tomorrow you say he hit that mommy. Do it.” She kicked her legs up and sat down on the bed with a great heave and complaint of springs, as she had done hundreds What do you think was Jo’s problem? of times before, except that this time she did not laugh. “Say it, Daddy.” “Well, we’ll see. Now at least have a rest. Stay on the bed. You’re a good girl.”


Heave: to move up and down or in and out in a heavy but regular way, भारीपन के साथ लगातार ऊपर-नीचे गिरना या अंदर-बाहर जाना


Heave: to move up and down or in and out in a heavy but regular way, भारीपन के साथ लगातार ऊपर-नीचे गिरना या अंदर-बाहर जाना


"Main chahti hu ki kal aap mujhe vah kahani sunaye, jisme jaadugar apni jaadu ki chadi (stick) se Skunk ki mummy ko maarta hai" - usne tezi se apni baahe mod li - "Ekdum unke sir par jaise unhone jaadugar ko maara." "Nahi, yah koi kahaani nahi hai. Mudda yah hai ki chota Skunk apni mummy se adhik pyaar karta tha, baaki sabhi chote jaanwaro se bhi zyada aur vah jaanta tha ki uski mummy sahi thi.” "Nahi, kal aap uski mummy ko maarne vaali kahaani sunaoge." Usne apne pairon ko oopar uthaya aur bistar par gussa hokar baith gayi, aapko kya lagta hai Jo ki samasya kya thi? Aisa usne kaafi baar kiya tha, sivaay iske ki iss baar vah hassi nahi. "Haan kaho, daddy." "Theek hai, hum dekhenge. Ab jaldi se ek achi ladki ki tarah soo jao."


"मैं चाहती हूँ कि कल आप मुझे वह कहानी सुनाएं, जिसमें जादूगर अपनी जादू की छड़ी से स्कंक की मम्मी को मारता है" - उसने तेज़ी से अपनी बाहे मोड़ ली - "एकदम उनके सिर पर जैसे उन्होंने जादूगर को मारा।" "नहीं, यह कोई कहानी नहीं है। मुद्दा यह है कि छोटा स्कंक अपनी माँ से अधिक प्यार करता था, अन्य सभी छोटे जानवरों से भी ज़्यादा और वह जानता था कि उसकी माँ सही थी।" "नहीं, कल आप उसकी मम्मी को मारने वाली कहानी सुनाओगे।" उसने अपने पैरों को ऊपर उठाया और बिस्तर पर गुस्सा हो कर बैठ गई, आपको क्या लगता है जो की समस्या क्या थी? ऐसा उसने काफी बार किया था, सिवाय इसके कि इस बार वह हंसी नहीं। "हाँ कहो, डैडी।" "ठीक है, हम देखेंगे। अब जल्दी से एक अच्छी लड़की की तरह सो जाओ।"


He closed the door and went downstairs. Clare had spread the newspapers and opened the paint can and, wearing an old shirt of his on top of her maternity smock, was stroking the chair rail with a dipped brush. Above him footsteps vibrated and he called, “Joanne! Shall I come up there and spank you?” The footsteps hesitated. “That was a long story,” Clare said.


He closed the door and went downstairs. Clare had spread the newspapers and opened the paint can and, wearing an old shirt of his on top of her maternity smock, was stroking the chair rail with a dipped brush. Above him footsteps vibrated and he called, “Joanne! Shall I come up there and spank you?” The footsteps hesitated. “That was a long story,” Clare said.


Hesitated: pause in indecision before saying or doing something, झिझक
Spank: to hit a child on his/her bottom with an open hand as a punishment, बच्‍चे के नितंब पर थप्‍पड़ मारना (सज़ा के तौर पर)


Hesitated: pause in indecision before saying or doing something, झिझक
Spank: to hit a child on his/her bottom with an open hand as a punishment, बच्‍चे के नितंब पर थप्‍पड़ मारना (सज़ा के तौर पर)


Jack ne darwaza band kiya aur neeche chale gaye. Clare ne newspapers ko faila rakha tha aur paint cans bhi khol rakhe the, usne apne maternity kapdon ke oopar Jack ki ek purani kameez pehni thi. Vah ek brush ke saath kursi ko rang rahi thi. Tabhi Jack ko oopar se Jo ki chalne ki aawaz aayi aur ve chillaye, "Jo! kya main vahaan aakar tumhari pitayi karu?" phir pairon ki aawaz ruk gayi. "Kaafi lambi kahaani thi," Clare ne kaha.


जैक ने दरवाजा बंद किया और नीचे चले गए। क्लेयर ने अखबारों को फैला रखा था और पेंट कैन भी खोल रखे थे, उसने अपने मातृत्व (maternity) कपड़ों के ऊपर जैक की एक पुरानी कमीज पहनी थी। वह एक ब्रश के साथ कुर्सी को रंग रही थी। तभी जैक को ऊपर से जो की चलने की आवाज़ आई और वे चिल्लाए, "जो! क्या मैं वहाँ आकर तुम्हारी पिटाई करू?" फिर पैरों की आवाज़ रुक गई। "काफ़ी लंबी कहानी थी," क्लेयर ने कहा।


“The poor kid,” he answered, and with utter weariness watched his wife labour. The woodwork, a cage of moldings and rails and baseboards all around them, was half old tan and half new ivory and he felt caught in an ugly middle position, and though he as well felt his wife’s presence in the cage with him, he did not want to speak with her, work with her, touch her, anything.


“The poor kid,” he answered, and with utter weariness watched his wife labour. The woodwork, a cage of moldings and rails and baseboards all around them, was half old tan and half new ivory and he felt caught in an ugly middle position, and though he as well felt his wife’s presence in the cage with him, he did not want to speak with her, work with her, touch her, anything.


Weariness: extreme tiredness; थकावट


Weariness: extreme tiredness; थकावट


"Bechaara bacha," Jack ne jawaab diya aur apni patni ke kiye gaye kaam ko dekhne lage. Jack Clare ki madad karna chahte the lekin vah Jo ko kahaani sunane ke baad bahut thak gaye the. Vah baith kar apni patni ko dekh rahe the, lakdi (wood) se bani saari cheezein aadhi puraane tan rang ki thi aur aadhi naye ivory rang ki. Lakdi ka saara saamaan unhe aisa mehsoos karva raha tha jaise vah ek pinjare (cage) mein band ho. Unhone apne aap ko ek ajeeb sthiti mein fasa hua paaya. Jack ki responsibilities ekdum se badh gayi thi aur unhe acha mehsoos nahi ho raha tha. Halaanki unke saath unke uss pinjare mein unki patni bhi upasthit thi lekin vah unke saath na to kaam karna chahte the, na baat karna chahte the, na unhe choona chahte the, kuch bhi nahi.


"बेचारा बच्चा," जैक ने जवाब दिया और अपनी पत्नी के किए गए काम को देखने लगे। जैक क्लेयर की मदद करना चाहते थे लेकिन वह जो को कहानी सुनाने के बाद बहुत थक गए थे। वह बैठ कर अपनी पत्नी को देख रहे थे, लकड़ी से बनी सारी चीज़ें आधी पुराने टैन रंग की थी और आधी नए आइवरी रंग की। लकड़ी का सारा सामान उन्हें ऐसा महसूस करवा रहा था जैसे वह एक पिंजरे में बंद हो। उन्होंने अपने आप को एक अजीब स्थिति में फ़सा हुआ पाया। जैक की जिम्मेदारियाँ एकदम से बढ़ गई थी और उन्हें अच्छा महसूस नहीं हो रहा था। हालाँकि उनके साथ उनके उस पिंजरे में उनकी पत्नी भी उपस्थित थी लेकिन वह उनके साथ न तो काम करना चाहते थे, न बात करना चाहते थे, न उन्हें छूना चाहते थे, कुछ भी नहीं।


  • The story, “Should Wizard Hit Mommy?” written by John Updike, revolves around the conflicting views of a child and a parent on the child’s future.

  • Parents express their own expectations. They desire that their children should grow up as per their expectations. However, children have their own ambitions and aspirations.

  • Jack used to tell his little daughter Jo bedtime stories. When she grew a little older, she began to ask a number of questions.

  • For some time, Jack was not able to invent new stories. Thus, the basic story was the same but its hero changed.

  • The hero, a small animal known as Roger, meets an owl with its problem. The owl directs Roger to the wizard. The wizard solved the problem with his magic wand. Roger felt good. He played along with the animals of the woodland. But when his father used to come back, he went back home to eat supper with him. Jo feels happy with this ending.

  • Later, her father told the story of a little animal called Roger Skunk. Just like other heroes of his stories, even Skunk has a problem. He used to smell awfully bad. The wizard made him smell like roses, and little animals liked him and played with him.

  • Jo was again happy. However, Skunk’s mother wanted Skunk to get back his original smell. She took him back to the wizard.

  • The wizard again made Skunk smell as awful as ever. Skunk’s mother was happy.

  • However, Jo was not happy. She desired that the wizard should hit the stupid mother.

  • However, Jack defended the mother’s action.


  • The story, “Should Wizard Hit Mommy?” written by John Updike, revolves around the conflicting views of a child and a parent on the child’s future.

  • Parents express their own expectations. They desire that their children should grow up as per their expectations. However, children have their own ambitions and aspirations.

  • Jack used to tell his little daughter Jo bedtime stories. When she grew a little older, she began to ask a number of questions.

  • For some time, Jack was not able to invent new stories. Thus, the basic story was the same but its hero changed.

  • The hero, a small animal known as Roger, meets an owl with its problem. The owl directs Roger to the wizard. The wizard solved the problem with his magic wand. Roger felt good. He played along with the animals of the woodland. But when his father used to come back, he went back home to eat supper with him. Jo feels happy with this ending.

  • Later, her father told the story of a little animal called Roger Skunk. Just like other heroes of his stories, even Skunk has a problem. He used to smell awfully bad. The wizard made him smell like roses, and little animals liked him and played with him.

  • Jo was again happy. However, Skunk’s mother wanted Skunk to get back his original smell. She took him back to the wizard.

  • The wizard again made Skunk smell as awful as ever. Skunk’s mother was happy.

  • However, Jo was not happy. She desired that the wizard should hit the stupid mother.

  • However, Jack defended the mother’s action.


  • Kahaani “Should Wizard Hit Mommy?” John Updike dwara likhit, ek aise moral issue ko darshati hai ki kya parents ko bacche ka future decide karna chahiye ya baccho ko khud decide karna chahiye ki unhe kya acha lagta hai.

  • Mata-pita apni apekshaye vyakt karte hai. Unki iccha hai ki unke bacche unki umeedo (expectations) ke anusaar bade ho. Halaanki, baccho ki apni ambitions aur desires hote hai.

  • Jack apni choti beti, Jo, ko soote samay kahaaniya sunate the. Jab vah thodi badi hui, toh usne kayi sawaal poochne shuru kar diye.

  • Kuch samay ke liye, Jack nayi kahaaniyo sooch paane mein saksham nahi tha. Iss prakaar, base (original) kahaani vahi thi lekin roz bass uska hero badal jata tha.

  • Base kahaani ke anusaar hero, ek chota jaanwar hota hai, jisse Roger creature ke roop mein jana jaata hai, apni samasya ke saath vah ullu se milta hai. Ullu Roger ko jaadugar ke paas bhej deta hai. Jaadugar apni jaadu ki chadi se samasya ko hal kar deta hai. Roger ko acha lagta hai. Fir khushi se vah jungle ke janwaro ke saath khelta hai. Lekin jab uske pita wapas aate the, toh vah unke saath khaana khane ke liye ghar wapas chala jata tha. Jo ko iss ant se khushi mehsoos hoti hai.

  • Baad mein, uske pita ne Roger Skunk namak ek chote jaanwar ki kahaani sunayi. Unki kahaaniyo ke anya hero ki tarah, Skunk ki bhi samasya thi. Ussey buri badboo aati thi. Jaadugar ne uski buri badboo ko gulaab ki khushboo mein badal diya tha, jiski vajah se chote jaanwar use pasand karne lage aur uske saath khelne lagge the.

  • Jo firse khush thi. Halaanki Skunk ki mummy chahti thi ki Skunk apni asli gandh ko vapis paa le. Vah use vapas jaadugar ke pass le gayi aur unhone jaadugar ko sir par chatri se maara.

  • Jaadugar ne Skunk ko firse pehle jaisa badbudaar bana diya. Skunk ki mummy khush thi.

  • Lekin, Jo khush nahi thi. Vah chahti thi ki jaadugar Skunk ki bewakoof mummy ko vapas maare.

  • Halaanki, Jack ne mummy ka paksh liya.


  • कहानी, "शुड विज़ार्ड हिट मम्मी?" जॉन होयर अपडाइक द्वारा लिखित, एक नैतिक (moral) मुद्दा उठाती है कि यदि माता-पिता को हमेशा यह तय करना चाहिए कि बच्चों को क्या करना चाहिए या बच्चों को वह करने देना चाहिए जो उन्हें पसंद है।

  • माता-पिता अपनी अपेक्षाएं व्यक्त करते हैं। उनकी इच्छा है कि उनके बच्चे उनकी उम्मीदों के अनुसार बड़े हों। हालांकि, बच्चों की अपनी महत्वाकांक्षाएं और आकांक्षाएं हैं।

  • जैक अपनी छोटी बेटी, जो, को सोते समय कहानियां सुनाते थे। जब वह थोड़ी बड़ी हुई, तो उसने कई सवाल पूछने शुरू कर दिए।

  • कुछ समय के लिए, जैक नई कहानियों का आविष्कार करने में सक्षम नहीं था। इस प्रकार, मूल कहानी वही थी लेकिन रोज़ बस उसका हीरो (नायक) बदल जाता था।

  • मूल कहानी के अनुसार हीरो, एक छोटा जानवर होता है, जिसे रोजर जीव के रूप में जाना जाता है, अपनी समस्या के साथ वह एक उल्लू से मिलता है। उल्लू रोजर को जादूगर के पास भेज देता है। जादूगर अपनी जादू की छड़ी से समस्या को हल कर देता है। रोजर को अच्छा लगता है। फिर ख़ुशी के साथ वह जंगल के जानवरों के साथ खेलता है। लेकिन जब उसके पिता वापस आते है, तो वह उनके साथ खाना खाने के लिए घर वापस चला जाता है। जो को इस अंत से खुशी महसूस होती है।

  • बाद में, उसके पिता ने रोजर स्कंक नामक एक छोटे जानवर की कहानी सुनाई। उनकी कहानियों के अन्य हीरो की तरह, स्कंक की भी समस्या थी। उससे बुरी बदबू आती थी। जादूगर ने उसकी बुरी बदबू को गुलाब की खुशबू में बदल दिया था, जिसकी वजह से छोटे जानवर उसे पसंद करने लगे और उसके साथ खेलने लगे।

  • जो फिर खुश थी। हालाँकि, स्कंक की माँ चाहती थी कि स्कंक अपनी असली गंध को वापस पा ले। वह उसे वापस जादूगर के पास ले गई और उन्होंने जादूगर के सिर पर छतरी से मारा।

  • जादूगर ने स्कंक को फिर से पहले जैसा बदबुदार बना दिया। स्कंक की माँ खुश थी।

  • लेकिन, जो खुश नहीं थी। वह चाहती थी कि जादूगर स्कंक की मूर्ख माँ को वापस मारे।

  • हालाँकि, जैक ने माँ का पक्ष लिया।


    Jack: Jack is the father of a young family. He enjoys telling tales and views regular bedtime stories with his daughter, Jo, as a creative outlet. Jack grows increasingly dissatisfied with domestic life and is upset when he finds that his stories no longer captivate his daughter like they once did.

    Jo: Jo is Jack and Clare's four-year-old daughter. She is going through a "reality phase" in which she questions whether concepts and claims that her parents make are real. She's starting to be able to distinguish fantasy from reality and grows less agreeable and less interested in what Jack has to say.


    Jack: Jack is the father of a young family. He enjoys telling tales and views regular bedtime stories with his daughter, Jo, as a creative outlet. Jack grows increasingly dissatisfied with domestic life and is upset when he finds that his stories no longer captivate his daughter like they once did.

    Jo: Jo is Jack and Clare's four-year-old daughter. She is going through a "reality phase" in which she questions whether concepts and claims that her parents make are real. She's starting to be able to distinguish fantasy from reality and grows less agreeable and less interested in what Jack has to say.


    Jack: Iss kahaani mein, Jack ki ek choti si family hai aur vah uss family ke head hai. Unhe kahaaniya sunana pasand hai aur vah apni beti, Jo, ko roz kahaani sunane ke kaam ko ek creative activity mante the. Jack bhot jald hi gharelu jeewan se unsatisfy ho gaye the aur vah udaas ho jaate hai jab unhe pata chalta hai ki unki beti ko bhi unki kahaaniya ab phele jaise pasand nahi aati thi.

    Jo: Jo, Jack aur Clare ki 4 saal ki beti hai. Voh ek "reality phase" se guzar rahi hai jisme vah apne mata pita se har cheez ke asli ya nakli hone par sawaal karti hai. Vah dheere dheere asli aur nakli cheezon mein antar karna seekh jaati hai aur iss vajah se Jack ki kahaaniya use kam interesting lagne lagti hai.


    जैक: इस कहानी में, जैक का एक छोटा सा परिवार होता है और वह इस परिवार के मुख्य होते हैं। उन्हें कहानियाँ सुनाना पसंद हैं और वह अपनी बेटी, जो, को रोज़ कहानी सुनाने के काम को एक रचनात्मक एक्टिवटी (activity) के रूप में देखते हैं। जैक बहुत जल्द ही घरेलू जीवन से असंतुष्ट हो गए थे और वह उदास हो जाते हैं जब उन्हें पता चलता है कि उनकी बेटी को उनकी कहानियाँ अब पहले जैसे पसंद नहीं आती थी।

    जो: जो जैक और क्लेयर की चार साल की बेटी है। वह एक "वास्तविकता के दौर" से गुजर रही है जिसमें वह अपने माता पिता से हर चीज़ के असली या नकली होने पर सवाल करती है। वह धीरे-धीरे वास्तविकता से कल्पना को अलग करना सीख जाती है और इस वजह से जैक की कहानियाँ उसे कम दिलचस्प लगने लगती हैं।


    1. What is the moral issue that the story raises?
    Answer: The story explores moral issues that depend on the different maturity levels. There's a sharp difference between the future outlook of an adult and a little child's perspective. Kids stand for innocence. Hatred and inequality should not have a place in the world. In the novel, only after he smelled of roses could the baby skunk make friends. The joy of being able to make friends outpaced everything else in Jo's view. As a result, she cannot determine why her mother skunk has coerced her child to restore her original foul body odor.
    In the opposite, Jack tried to defend the mother of the skunk and forced Roger to listen to his mother even though that means smelling bad again. Jack, a typical dad, wanted his daughter to believe that parents were always right, and they knew what was best for their children. The story thus poses the question whether parents are always to be pursued blindly.

    2. How does Jo want the story to end and why?
    Answer: With the end of the tale, Jo was not persuaded, and coaxed her father to retell the tale the next day, giving the story a predetermined direction she had planned. According to her, the tale went wrong with neither Roger Skunk nor the wizard. Jo has declined to consider the end where the mother of Roger Skunk hits the wizard, and that too without being hit back. She decided to finish the story with the wizard hitting the mother skunk back with his magic wand and 'forcefully' chopping off her wings.

    3. Why does Jack insist that it was the wizard that was hit and not the mother?
    Answer: There have been three explanations for Jack's determination that only the Mommy hit the wizard.
    First, when Jo learned the story doesn't get a rational and decent end if the mum isn't hit back, Jack had already told the story. Reverting his words would be refuting the idea that whatever parents say is right. Second, giving in to Jo's demand for Jack would mean disrespecting the elders. Around the time, Jo was very young and Jack felt it was time for her to learn to respect the elders and to realize that everything the elders do is for the best.

    4. What makes Jack feel caught in an ugly middle position?
    Answer: As Roger Skunk's tale unfolds, the restless and unsatisfied Jo clearly conveys her perspective. She did not want the story to stop her father's interpretation and description of it. The wizard would have struck the skunk's mum hard, according to her point of view. In an ethical point of view, Jack understood that what she was asking for was incorrect, and contrary to the standards of integrity that one is taught in early childhood.

    5. What is your stance regarding the two endings to the Roger Skunk story?
    Answer: Bearing in mind Jo's tender age, both endings seem a bit irrational. It is likely that, at this age, she will benefit from everything she hears and visualizes. According to Jack, if the story ends, Jo will never be able to doubt something she finds wrong in life because this ending stresses that the elders are always right about everything they do. Additionally, the story shows the mommy of the Skunk hitting the wizard for his no-fault. The magician had done only what was asked of him. It will scare the four-year-old Jo, because it teaches that, even though they are not at fault, mothers, as elders, have the right to strike one.
    Unless the story ends as Jo wanted it to, on the contrary, it would stop her from believing in and honouring her elders. She might even begin to believe there's nothing wrong with hitting elders. A balanced view can be offered in an appropriate resolution, where either the mommy does not reach the wizard at all or does soon realize her error.

    6. Why is an adult’s perspective on life different from that of a child’s?
    Answer: An adult’s perspective on life is different from that of a child because of the difference between their respective experiences and exposure to the world around them. An adult comes across all sorts of experiences—good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, happy or sad, encouraging or discouraging. The child lives a sheltered life under the protection and love of his parents. In their rosy dream world of fairies and wizards, nothing good is impossible for their favorite characters. Their adoration of these characters is nothing short of hero-worship.
    The world of make-believe makes the children lovers of romance, beauty and all things pleasant in nature. These characters and their super feats, which appear so real in stories, may not be real at all in real life. The adults who are familiar with harsh realities of life know that all that glitters is not gold. Everything is not honey. They accept things critically— with a pinch of salt. Children usually lack this quality.


    1. What is the moral issue that the story raises?
    Answer: The story explores moral issues that depend on the different maturity levels. There's a sharp difference between the future outlook of an adult and a little child's perspective. Kids stand for innocence. Hatred and inequality should not have a place in the world. In the novel, only after he smelled of roses could the baby skunk make friends. The joy of being able to make friends outpaced everything else in Jo's view. As a result, she cannot determine why her mother skunk has coerced her child to restore her original foul body odor.
    In the opposite, Jack tried to defend the mother of the skunk and forced Roger to listen to his mother even though that means smelling bad again. Jack, a typical dad, wanted his daughter to believe that parents were always right, and they knew what was best for their children. The story thus poses the question whether parents are always to be pursued blindly.

    2. How does Jo want the story to end and why?
    Answer: With the end of the tale, Jo was not persuaded, and coaxed her father to retell the tale the next day, giving the story a predetermined direction she had planned. According to her, the tale went wrong with neither Roger Skunk nor the wizard. Jo has declined to consider the end where the mother of Roger Skunk hits the wizard, and that too without being hit back. She decided to finish the story with the wizard hitting the mother skunk back with his magic wand and 'forcefully' chopping off her wings.

    3. Why does Jack insist that it was the wizard that was hit and not the mother?
    Answer: There have been three explanations for Jack's determination that only the Mommy hit the wizard.
    First, when Jo learned the story doesn't get a rational and decent end if the mum isn't hit back, Jack had already told the story. Reverting his words would be refuting the idea that whatever parents say is right. Second, giving in to Jo's demand for Jack would mean disrespecting the elders. Around the time, Jo was very young and Jack felt it was time for her to learn to respect the elders and to realize that everything the elders do is for the best.

    4. What makes Jack feel caught in an ugly middle position?
    Answer: As Roger Skunk's tale unfolds, the restless and unsatisfied Jo clearly conveys her perspective. She did not want the story to stop her father's interpretation and description of it. The wizard would have struck the skunk's mum hard, according to her point of view. In an ethical point of view, Jack understood that what she was asking for was incorrect, and contrary to the standards of integrity that one is taught in early childhood.

    5. What is your stance regarding the two endings to the Roger Skunk story?
    Answer: Bearing in mind Jo's tender age, both endings seem a bit irrational. It is likely that, at this age, she will benefit from everything she hears and visualizes. According to Jack, if the story ends, Jo will never be able to doubt something she finds wrong in life because this ending stresses that the elders are always right about everything they do. Additionally, the story shows the mommy of the Skunk hitting the wizard for his no-fault. The magician had done only what was asked of him. It will scare the four-year-old Jo, because it teaches that, even though they are not at fault, mothers, as elders, have the right to strike one.
    Unless the story ends as Jo wanted it to, on the contrary, it would stop her from believing in and honouring her elders. She might even begin to believe there's nothing wrong with hitting elders. A balanced view can be offered in an appropriate resolution, where either the mommy does not reach the wizard at all or does soon realize her error.

    6. Why is an adult’s perspective on life different from that of a child’s?
    Answer: An adult’s perspective on life is different from that of a child because of the difference between their respective experiences and exposure to the world around them. An adult comes across all sorts of experiences—good or bad, pleasant or unpleasant, happy or sad, encouraging or discouraging. The child lives a sheltered life under the protection and love of his parents. In their rosy dream world of fairies and wizards, nothing good is impossible for their favorite characters. Their adoration of these characters is nothing short of hero-worship.
    The world of make-believe makes the children lovers of romance, beauty and all things pleasant in nature. These characters and their super feats, which appear so real in stories, may not be real at all in real life. The adults who are familiar with harsh realities of life know that all that glitters is not gold. Everything is not honey. They accept things critically— with a pinch of salt. Children usually lack this quality.


    1. How did the wizard help Roger Skunk? (All India 2009)
    Answer: The wizard asked Roger Skunk what he wanted to smell like. Roger said he wanted to smell like roses. The wizard took his magic wand and chanted a spell and his whole house was full of the smell of roses. Roger also smelt of roses and in this way the wizard helped him by making him get rid of his bad smell.

    2. Why did Jo think Roger Skunk was better off with the new smell? (Delhi 2010)
    Answer: Jo thought Roger Skunk was much better off with the new smell because of which he had been able to find so many friends and played with them happily. For her, Roger Skunk’s story should have ended on a happy note with his pleasant smell because of which he was accepted by the other creatures as their friend.

    3. How did Roger Skunk pay the wizard? (Comptt. All India 2010)
    Answer: The wizard demands seven pennies as fee to make Roger Skunk smell like roses. Skunk has only four pennies. The wizard tells him how and where to find the rest of the three pennies. Roger follows the wizards instructions and finds the three pennies in the magic well and pays the wizard the full amount.


    1. How did the wizard help Roger Skunk? (All India 2009)
    Answer: The wizard asked Roger Skunk what he wanted to smell like. Roger said he wanted to smell like roses. The wizard took his magic wand and chanted a spell and his whole house was full of the smell of roses. Roger also smelt of roses and in this way the wizard helped him by making him get rid of his bad smell.

    2. Why did Jo think Roger Skunk was better off with the new smell? (Delhi 2010)
    Answer: Jo thought Roger Skunk was much better off with the new smell because of which he had been able to find so many friends and played with them happily. For her, Roger Skunk’s story should have ended on a happy note with his pleasant smell because of which he was accepted by the other creatures as their friend.

    3. How did Roger Skunk pay the wizard? (Comptt. All India 2010)
    Answer: The wizard demands seven pennies as fee to make Roger Skunk smell like roses. Skunk has only four pennies. The wizard tells him how and where to find the rest of the three pennies. Roger follows the wizards instructions and finds the three pennies in the magic well and pays the wizard the full amount.


    Variation: a change or difference in the amount or level of something, किसी वस्‍तु की मात्रा या स्‍तर में परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता, परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता की मात्रा या स्‍तर
    Custom: tradition, trend; रिवाज
    Nap: a short sleep, especially during the day; झपकी (दिन के समय की अल्‍प निद्रा)
    Wizard: a man who has magical powers; जादूगर
    Magic Spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
    Supper: an evening meal, typically a light or informal one; रात का खाना
    Pennies: a small sum of money; पैसे
    Futile: pointless; व्यर्थ
    Rite: a social custom, practice, or conventional act; संस्कार
    Fatiguing: cause (someone) to feel exhausted; थकान
    Arranged: to sit comfortably, आराम से बैठना
    Enthusiasm: strong excitement of feeling, उत्साह
    Skunk: a cat-sized American mammal of the weasel family, when threatened it squirts a fine spray of foul-smelling irritant liquid towards its attacker, नेवला परिवार का एक अमेरिकी स्तनपायी, जब उसे डराया जाता है तो वह अपने हमलावर की ओर दुर्गंधयुक्त तरल पदार्थ स्प्रे करता है
    Humiliations: the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated, अपमान, अवमानना
    Tensely: (used about an atmosphere or a situation) in which people feel worried and not relaxed, (वातावरण या परिस्थिति) तनावभरा
    Realised: to become conscious of something or that something has happened, usually sometime later, किसी बात या कुछ घटित होने का एहसास होना (प्रायः देर से)
    Scraped: to remove something from a surface by moving a sharp edge across it firmly, चाक़ू आदि से किसी सतह पर लगी चीज़ हटाना; खुरचना
    Enormous: very big or very great, विशाल या अत्‍यधिक
    Downstairs: towards or on a lower floor of a house or building, निचली मंज़िल पर
    Magic spell: Magic Spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
    Eager: keenly expectant or interested; उत्सुक
    Narrative: a story; कथा
    Swamp: an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh; दलदल
    Relapsed: return to a less active or a worse state; ढह गया
    Curtly: rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner; बेरूखी
    Crick: A small river; छोटी नदी
    Rapped: to hit a hard object or surface several times quickly and lightly, making a noise; किसी सतह (दरवाज़ा आदि) को खटखटानाRummaged: to move things and make them untidy while you are looking for something, कुछ ढूँढ़ते हुए चीज़ें इधर-उधर फैलाना
    Rapt: completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing, मगन
    Feigning: to pretend that you have a particular feeling or that you are tired or ill, etc., किसी विशिष्‍ट भावना होने का या थकान, बीमारी आदि का स्‍वाँग रचना
    Sincerity: the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy, सच्चाई, ईमानदारी
    Apprehensive: worried or afraid that something unpleasant may happen, (भविष्‍य की किसी अप्रिय घटना के लिए) चिंतित, आशंकित, सशंक
    Skittered- move lightly and quickly or hurriedly, तेज़ी से हिलना
    Agitation: a state of anxiety or nervous excitement, आंदोलन; उत्तेजना, अशांति
    Inspiration: a feeling, person or thing that makes you want to do something or gives you exciting new ideas, कुछ नया करने या सोचने की इच्‍छा उत्‍पन्‍न करने वाला मनोभाव, व्‍यक्ति या वस्‍तु; प्रेरणा
    Genuine: real; true, वास्‍तविक; असली
    Astounded: shock or greatly surprise, चकित
    Dessert: something sweet that is eaten after the main part of a meal, भोजन के अंत में परोसा जाने वाला मीठा व्‍यंजन
    Gingerly: very slowly and carefully so as not to cause harm, make a noise, etc., बहुत धीमे और सावधानी से (कि न कुछ नुक़सान हो न आवाज़)
    Heave: to move up and down or in and out in a heavy but regular way, भारीपन के साथ लगातार ऊपर-नीचे गिरना या अंदर-बाहर जाना
    Hesitated: pause in indecision before saying or doing something, झिझक
    Spank: to hit a child on his/her bottom with an open hand as a punishment, बच्‍चे के नितंब पर थप्‍पड़ मारना (सज़ा के तौर पर)
    Weariness: extreme tiredness; थकावट


    Variation: a change or difference in the amount or level of something, किसी वस्‍तु की मात्रा या स्‍तर में परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता, परिवर्तन या भिन्‍नता की मात्रा या स्‍तर
    Custom: tradition, trend; रिवाज
    Nap: a short sleep, especially during the day; झपकी (दिन के समय की अल्‍प निद्रा)
    Wizard: a man who has magical powers; जादूगर
    Magic Spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
    Supper: an evening meal, typically a light or informal one; रात का खाना
    Pennies: a small sum of money; पैसे
    Futile: pointless; व्यर्थ
    Rite: a social custom, practice, or conventional act; संस्कार
    Fatiguing: cause (someone) to feel exhausted; थकान
    Arranged: to sit comfortably, आराम से बैठना
    Enthusiasm: strong excitement of feeling, उत्साह
    Skunk: a cat-sized American mammal of the weasel family, when threatened it squirts a fine spray of foul-smelling irritant liquid towards its attacker, नेवला परिवार का एक अमेरिकी स्तनपायी, जब उसे डराया जाता है तो वह अपने हमलावर की ओर दुर्गंधयुक्त तरल पदार्थ स्प्रे करता है
    Humiliations: the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated, अपमान, अवमानना
    Tensely: (used about an atmosphere or a situation) in which people feel worried and not relaxed, (वातावरण या परिस्थिति) तनावभरा
    Realised: to become conscious of something or that something has happened, usually sometime later, किसी बात या कुछ घटित होने का एहसास होना (प्रायः देर से)
    Scraped: to remove something from a surface by moving a sharp edge across it firmly, चाक़ू आदि से किसी सतह पर लगी चीज़ हटाना; खुरचना
    Enormous: very big or very great, विशाल या अत्‍यधिक
    Downstairs: towards or on a lower floor of a house or building, निचली मंज़िल पर
    Magic spell: Magic Spell: a form of words used as a magical charm; (विशेषतः कहानियों में) मंत्र, जादू, जादूई बोल
    Eager: keenly expectant or interested; उत्सुक
    Narrative: a story; कथा
    Swamp: an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh; दलदल
    Relapsed: return to a less active or a worse state; ढह गया
    Curtly: rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner; बेरूखी
    Crick: A small river; छोटी नदी
    Rapped: to hit a hard object or surface several times quickly and lightly, making a noise; किसी सतह (दरवाज़ा आदि) को खटखटानाRummaged: to move things and make them untidy while you are looking for something, कुछ ढूँढ़ते हुए चीज़ें इधर-उधर फैलाना
    Rapt: completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing, मगन
    Feigning: to pretend that you have a particular feeling or that you are tired or ill, etc., किसी विशिष्‍ट भावना होने का या थकान, बीमारी आदि का स्‍वाँग रचना
    Sincerity: the absence of pretence, deceit, or hypocrisy, सच्चाई, ईमानदारी
    Apprehensive: worried or afraid that something unpleasant may happen, (भविष्‍य की किसी अप्रिय घटना के लिए) चिंतित, आशंकित, सशंक
    Skittered- move lightly and quickly or hurriedly, तेज़ी से हिलना
    Agitation: a state of anxiety or nervous excitement, आंदोलन; उत्तेजना, अशांति
    Inspiration: a feeling, person or thing that makes you want to do something or gives you exciting new ideas, कुछ नया करने या सोचने की इच्‍छा उत्‍पन्‍न करने वाला मनोभाव, व्‍यक्ति या वस्‍तु; प्रेरणा
    Genuine: real; true, वास्‍तविक; असली
    Astounded: shock or greatly surprise, चकित
    Dessert: something sweet that is eaten after the main part of a meal, भोजन के अंत में परोसा जाने वाला मीठा व्‍यंजन
    Gingerly: very slowly and carefully so as not to cause harm, make a noise, etc., बहुत धीमे और सावधानी से (कि न कुछ नुक़सान हो न आवाज़)
    Heave: to move up and down or in and out in a heavy but regular way, भारीपन के साथ लगातार ऊपर-नीचे गिरना या अंदर-बाहर जाना
    Hesitated: pause in indecision before saying or doing something, झिझक
    Spank: to hit a child on his/her bottom with an open hand as a punishment, बच्‍चे के नितंब पर थप्‍पड़ मारना (सज़ा के तौर पर)
    Weariness: extreme tiredness; थकावट