Class 11 | PHYSICS |
Chapter | WAVE MOTION |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 40
A closed organ pipe and an open organ pipe of same length produce 2 beats when they are set into vibrations simultaneously in their fundamental mode. The length of open organ pipe is now halved and of closed organ pipe is doubled, the number of beats produced wil beQuestion 50
A taut string for which mass per unit length μ=5.0×10−2kg/m is under tension of 80N. How much power in watt upto one decimal points must be supplied to the string to generate siusodial be supplied to the string to generate sinusoidal wave at a frequency of 6.0Hz and amplitude of 6.00cmView SolutionQuestion 56
Two sound sources are moving in opposite directions with velocities v1andv2(v1>v2) . Both are moving away from a stationary observer. The frequency of both the sources is 900 Hz. What is the value of v1−v2 so that the beat frequency aboserved by the observer is 6 Hz. speed of sound v= 300 m/s given ,that v1andv2<<vView SolutionQuestion 60
A transverse wave y=0.05sin(20πx−50πt) meters , is propagating along + ve X - axis on a string light insect starts crawling on the string with velocity of 5 cm /s at t= 0 along the +ve X - axis from point where x = 5 cm . After 5 s the difference in phase of its position is equal to View SolutionQuestion 63
identical wires A and B of different materials are hung from then ceiling of a room . The density of wire A is greater than the density of wire B but their lengths are same. Identical wave pulses are produced at the bottom of respective wires. The time taken by the pulse to reach the top is View SolutionQuestion 81
A transverse sine wave of amplitude 10 cm and wavelength 200 cm travels from left to right along a long horizontal stretched, string with a speed of 100 cm/s. Take the origin at left end of the string. At time t = 0 the left end of the string is at the origin and is moving downward. Then the equation of the wave will be ( in CGS system )View SolutionQuestion 83
A string fixed at both is vibrating in the lowest mode of vibration for which a point at quarter of its length from one end is a point of maximum displacement . The frequency of vibration emitted when it vibrates in the next mode such that this point is again a point of maximum displacement ?View SolutionQuestion 91
there are three strings RP, Pqand QS as shown. Their mass and length are RP = (0.1 kg , 2 m), PQ = ( 0.2 kg , 3 m) ,QS= ( 0.15 kg , 4 m) respectively. All the strings are under the same tension. Wave -1 is incident at P. it is partly reflected (wave -2 ) adn partly transmitted (wave -3) . now wave - 3 is incident at Q . it is again partly transmitted (wave -5)[ and partly reflected (wave -4) . phase difference between wave -1 and waveQuestion 94
A stone in hung in air from a wire which is stretched over a sonometer . The bridges of the sonometer are 40cm apart when the wire is in unison with a tuning fork of frequency 256Hz. When the stone is completely immersed in water , the length between the bridges is 22cm for re - establishing unison . The specific gravity of the material of the stone is View SolutionQuestion 96
the same progressive wave is reprsented by two group I and II. Graoup I shows how the displacement 'y' varies with the distance x along the wave at a given time. Graph II shows how y varies with time t at a given point on the wave. The ratio of measurements AB to CD, marked on the curvse m repersents.Question 99
sound singal is sent through a compostie tube as shown in the figure. The radius of the semicrcular portion of the tube is r, speed of sound in air is v, the source of sound is capable of giving varied frequencies . If n is an integaer then frequnecy for maximum intensity is given byQuestion 102
A soure of sound of frequency 165 Hz generates sound waves which get fully reflected from a wall . A person standing at the wall starts moving away from the wall. The minimum distance of the point from the wall at which the person hears maximum sound is (velcoity of sound = 330 ms−1)View SolutionQuestion 106
A stationary sound sound 's' of frequency 334 Hz and a stationary ovserver 'O' are placed near a reflecting suface moving away from the source with velocity 2 m/s as shown in the figure. If the velocity of the sound waves is air is v= 330 m/s the apparent frequency of the echo isQuestion 107
A sounding body emitting a frequency of 150HZ is dropped from a height. During its fall under gravity it crosses a balloon moving upwards with a constant velocity of 2m/s one second after it started to fall . The difference in the frequency observer by the man in balloon just before and just afer crossing the body will be (velocity of sound =300m/s, g=10m/s2)View SolutionQuestion 108
A soure of sound of frequency 165 hz is placed in front of a wall at a distance 2 m from it. A dtector is also placed in front of the wall at the same distance from it. Find the minimum distance between the source and detector for which maximum sound is recorded int he detector . the speed of sound is 330 m/sView SolutionQuestion 109
A sound detector D moves with constant speed on a circle or radius R and centre at O in xy plane. A point source of sound S lines in xy plane at a distance 2R from the point O and emits sound of a given frequency . The ratio of maximum frequency and minimum frequency recorded by the detector is 119 and speed of sound is 340 m/s . the minimum time interval in seconds between recording a maximum frequency and minimum frequency is (take R = 17)Question 110
A sound detector D moves with constant speed on a circle or radius R and centre at O in xy plane. A point source of sound S lines in xy plane at a distance 2R from the point O and emits sound of a given frequency . The ratio of maximum frequency and minimum frequency recorded by the detector is 119 and speed of sound is 340 m/s . the minimum time interval in seconds between recording a maximum frequency and minimum frequency is (take R = 17)Question 111
Two notes A and B sounded together produce 2 beats per second. When notes B and C are sounded together 3 beats with per second are produced. The notes A and C separately produce the same number of beats with a standard tuning fork of frequnecy 456 Hz. the possible frequency of note B is View SolutionQuestion 113
A stationary observer receiver a sound of frequency f0=2000Hz .Sourece is moving with constant velocity on a road at some non-zero prependicular distance from observer . The apparent frequncy f varies with times as show in figure . Speed of sound =300m/s. Find the maximum apparent frequency.Question 134
Two very long string are tied together at the point x = 0 In region x lt 0, the wave speed is v1,while in the region x gt0, the speed is v2. A sinusoidal wave is incident on the knot from the left(x lt 0). Part of the wave is redlected and part is transmitted. For X lt 0 the the displacement of the wave is described by y(x,t) = A sin(K1x−wt)+B sin (k1x+wt), while for x gt 0, y(x,t)=Csin (K1)x−wt, wherew/k1=v1and w/k2=v2. Which of the following is /are correct .View SolutionQuestion 138
[Q. Nos. 3-4] Difference in frequencies between 3rd overtone of closed pipe and 5th haronic of the same pipe is 400 Hz. Futher 3rd hormonic of this closed pipe os equal to 6th hormonic of another open pipe.Question 139
[Q. Nos. 3-4] Difference in frequencies between 3rd overtone of closed pipe and 5th harmonic of the same pipe is 400 Hz. Further 3rd hormonic of this closed pipe is equal to 6th hormonic of another open pipe. If speed sound is 330 m/s. Then lengths of closed pipe and open pipe are a) 0.4125 m, 0.825 m b) 3.3m, 1.65 m c) 0.825 m, 0.825 m d) 1.65 m, 0.825 mView SolutionQuestion 142
[Q. Nos. 7-8] You have three forks A, B, and C Fork B has a frequency of 440 What A and B are sounded together a frequency of 3 Hz is heard. When B and C sounded together, the beat frequency is 4 Hz. The possible frequencies of C are: a) 437 Hz and 443 Hz b) 436 Hz and 444 Hz c) 436 Hz and 445 Hz d) 437 Hz and 444 HzView SolutionQuestion 144
A source is approaching towoed a wall as shown in figure .We have three observes O1,O2and O3.<br>observerO_(2) is over the source itself . Let f1,f2andf_(3) be the beat frequencires heard by O1,O2and O3 between direct sound from the source and reflected sound from the wall . thenQuestion 152
The figure represents the instantaneous picture of a transverse harmonic wave travelling along the negative x-axis . Choose the correct alternative(s) realted to the movement of the nine points shown in the figure [more than one option may be correct ]Question 153
The figure represents the instantaneous picture of a transverse harmonic wave travelling along the negative x-axis . Choose the correct alternative(s) realted to the movement of the nine points shown in the figure [more than one option may be correct ]Question 154
The figure represents the instantaneous picture of a transverse harmonic wave travelling along the negative x-axis . Choose the correct alternative(s) realted to the movement of the nine points shown in the figure [more than one option may be correct ]Question 155
The figure represents the instantaneous picture of a transverse harmonic wave travelling along the negative x-axis . Choose the correct alternative(s) realted to the movement of the nine points shown in the figure [more than one option may be correct ]Question 161
From a single source, two wave trains are sent in two different string. The two wave equations are ((area of cross-section and tension of both string are same y1 = A sin (w1t−k1x)andy2=2Asin(w1t−k2z)Suppose u = energy density , P = power trasmitted and I = intensity of the wave, then match the following.Question 170
In each of the four situations of column-I , a stretched string or an organ pipe is given along with the required data. In case of strings the tension in string is T=102.4 N and the mass per unit length of string is 1g/m. Speed of sound in air is 320 m/s. Neglect end corrections.The frequencies of resonance are given in column-II.Match each situation in column-I with the possible resonance frequencies given in Column-II.Question 172
Two wires of same material of radii 2r and r are welded together end to end The combination is used as a sonometer wire and is kept under tension T. The welded point lies midway between the bridges. What wil be the ratio of the number of loops formed in the wires, such that the joint is node when the stationary waves are set up in the wire? View SolutionQuestion 176
A strain of sound waves is propagated along an organ pipe and gets reflected from an open end . If the displacement amplitude of the waves (incident and reflected) are 0.002cm , the frequency is 1000Hz and wavelength is 40cm. Then , the displacement amplitude of vibration at a point at distance 10cm from the open end , inside the pipe is View SolutionQuestion 179
Two speakeer connected to the same source of fixed frequency are placed 2m apart in a box. A sensitive microphone placed at a distance of 4m from the midpoint alon the perpendicular bisector shown maximum response. The box is slowly rotated till the speaker are in line with the microphone, The distance between the midpoint of the speakers and the microphone remains unchanged. Exactly 5 maximum responses (inculuding the initial and last one) and observed in the microphone in doing this. The wavelength of the sound wave is (o.x) meter. Find the value of x.View SolutionQuestion 180
One end of a string of length L is tied to the ceiling of a lift accelerating upwards with an acceleration 2g. The other end o the string is free. The linear mass density of the string varies linearly from 0 to λ from bottom to top. The acceleration of a wave pulled through out the string is pg4. Find p.View SolutionQuestion 182
A steel wire is rigidly fixed at both ends. Its length mass and cross-sectionl area are 1m, 0.1kg and 10−8m2 respectively. Tension in the wire is produced by lowering the temperature by 20∘C. If the transerverse waves are some up by plucking the wire at 0.25m from one end and assuming that the wire viberates with minimum number of loops possble for such a case. The frequency of viberation (in Hz) is found to be. 1.11. Find the value of K. Given α=1.21×10−5.∘C−1.Y−2×1011N/m2