Class 11 | PHYSICS |
DC PANDEY ENGLISH | Comprehension |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 2
Two vessels A and B of different shapes have the same base area and are filled with water up to the same height h (see figure). The force exerted by water on the base is FA for vessel A and FB for vessel B. The respective weights of the water filled in vessels are WA and WB. ThenQuestion 6
Figure shows water filled in a symmetrical container. Four pistons of equal area A are used at the four openings to keep the water in equilibrium. Now an additional force F is applied at each piston. The increase in the pressure at the centre of the container due to this addition isQuestion 12
A mass m is suspended from a wire . Change in length of the wire is Δl. Now the same wire is stretched to double its length and the same mass is suspended from the wire. The change in length in this case will become (it is suspended that elongation in the wire is within the proportional limit)View SolutionQuestion 13
A glass capillary tube of inner diameter 0.28 mm is lowered vertically into water in a vessel. The pressure to be applied on the water in the capillary tube so that water level in the tube is same as the vessel in Nm2 is (surface tension of water =0.07Nm atmospheric pressure =105Nm2View SolutionQuestion 16
An open -ended U-tube of uniform cross-sectional area contains water (density 1.0g/cm23) standing initially 20 cm from the bottom in each arm. An immiscible liquid of density 4.0g/cm2 is added to one arm until a layer 5 cm high forms, as shown in the figure above. What is the ratio h2/h1 of the heights of the liquid in the two arms ?Question 18
Question 21
A solid metallic sphere of radius r is allowed to fall freely through air. If the frictional resistance due to air is proportional to the cross-sectional area and to the square of the velocity, then the terminal velocity of the sphere is proportional to which of the following ?View SolutionQuestion 23
A metal ball B1 (density 3.2g/cc) is dropped in water, while another metal ball B2 (density 6.0g/cc) is dropped in a liquid of density 1.6g/cc. If both the balls have the same diameter and attain the same terminal velocity, the ratio of viscosity of water to that of the liquid is View SolutionQuestion 61
A spherical steel ball released at the top of along column of glycerin of length l falls through a distance l/2 with accelerated motion and the remaining distance l/2 with uniform velocity let t1 and t2 denote the times taken to cover the first and second half and w1 and w2 are the work done against gravity in the two halves, then compare times and work done.View SolutionQuestion 73
Two narrow bores of diameters 3.0 mm and 6.0 mm are joined together to form a U-tube open at both ends. If the U-tube contains water, what is the difference in its levels in the two limbs of the tube? Surface tension of water at the temperature of the experiment is 7.3×10−2Nm−1. Take the angle of contact to be zero and density of water to be 1.0×103kgm−3(g=9.8ms−2)View SolutionQuestion 74
A block of wood is floating in water such that 1/2 of it is submerged in water when the same block is floated in alcohol, 1/3rd of it's volume is submerged Now a mixture of water and alcohol is made taking equal volume of both and block is floated in it. What is the % of it's volume that is now submerged?View SolutionQuestion 75
The area of cross-section of the two vertical arms of a hydraulic press are 1 cm2 and 10cm2 respectively. A force of 10N applied. As shown in the figure, to a tight fitting light piston in the thinner arm balances a force F applied to the corresponding piston in the thicker arm. Assuming that the levels of water in both the arms are the same, we can conclude:-Question 94
A small block of wood of specific gravity 0.5 is subnerged at a depth of 1.2 m in a vessel filled with water. The vessel is accelerated upwards with an acceleration a0=g2. Time taken by the block to reach the surface, if it is released with zero initial velocity is (g=10m/s2)View SolutionQuestion 96
A cubical block of wood of edge a and density ρ floats in water of density 2ρ. The lower surface of the cube just touches the free end of a mass less spring of force constant K fixed at the bottom of the vessel. The weight W put over the block so that it is completely immersed in water without wetting the weight isView SolutionQuestion 97
The opening near the bottom of the vessel shown in the figure has an area A. A disc is held against the opening keep the liquid from running out. Let F1 be the net forces on the disc applied by liquid and air in this case. Now the disc is moved away from the opening a short distance. The liquid comes out and strikes the disc in elastically. Let F2 be the force exerted by the liquid in this condition. The F1/F2 isQuestion 100
A small hole is made at the bottom of a symmetrical jar as shown in figure. A liquid is filled in to the jar up to a certain height. The rate of dissension of liquid is independent of level of the liquid in the jar. Then the surface of jar is a surface of revolution of curveQuestion 101
There are two identical small holes of area of cross section a on the opposite sides of a tank containing liquid of density ρ. The differences in height between the holes is h. The tank is resting on a smooth horizontal surface. The horizontal force which will have to be applied on the tank to keep it in equilibrium isQuestion 113
A cylindrical vessel of area of cross-section A is filled with water to a height H. It has capillary tube of length l and radius r fitted horizontally at its bottom. If the coeffiecient of viscosity of water is η, then time required in which level will fall to a height H2 is (density of water is ρ)View SolutionQuestion 117
A cylinder with a movable piston contains air under a pressure p1 and a soap bubble of radius 'r' . The pressure p2 to which the air should be compressed by slowly pushing the piston into the cylinder for the soap bubble to reduce its size by half will be (The surface tension is σ and the temperature T is maintained constant).View SolutionQuestion 119
A uniform rod OB of length 1m, cross-sectional areal 0.012m2 and relative density 2.0 is free to rotate about smooth hinge O in vertical plane. The rod is held with a horizontal string AB which can withstand a maximum tension of 45N. The rod and string system is kept in water as shown in figure. The maximum value of angle α which the rod can make with vertical without breaking the string isQuestion 121
A tube of fine bore AB is connected to a manometer M as shown. The stop cock S controls the flow of air. AB is dipped into a liquid whose surface tension is T. On opening the stop cock for a while, a bubble is formed at B and the mamometer liquid and r the radius of curvature of the bubble, then the surface tension T of the liquid is given byQuestion 122
A bucket water filled upto a height = 15 cm. The bucket is tied to a rope which is passed over a frictionless light pulley and the other end of the rope is tied to a weight of mass which is half of that of the (bucket + water). The water pressure above atmospheric pressure at the bottom is View SolutionQuestion 124
Some liquid is filled in a cylindrical vessel of radius R. Let F1 be the force applied by the liquid on the bottom of the cylinder. Now the same liquid is poured into a vessel of uniform square cross-section of side R. Let F2 be the force applied by the liquid on the bottom of this new vessel. (Neglect atmosphere pressure). ThenView SolutionQuestion 125
A glass capillary of length l and inside radius r(r<<l) is submerged vertically into water. The upper end of the capillary is scaled. The atmospheric pressure is p0. To what length h has the capillary to be submerged to make the water levels inside and outside the capillary coincide. Assume that temperature of air in the capillary remains constant. (given, surface tension of water = T, angle of contact between glass water interface =0∘)Question 128
A U-tube of cross section A and 2A contains liquid of density ρ. Initially, the liquid in the two arms are held with a level difference h as shown in figure. After being released the levels equalize after some time. The work done by gravity forces on the liquid in the process is :Question 132
A solid sphere of radius r is floating at the interface of two immiscible liquids of densities ρ1 and ρ2(ρ2>ρ1), half of its volume lying in each. The height of the upper liquid column from the interface of the two liquids is h. The force exerted on the sphere by the upper liquid is (atmospheric pressure =p0 and acceleration due to gravity is g):Question 134
The diagram shows a tall cylindrical container kept on a horizontal surface. From a tap, water come with constant rate qm3/s. Initially the container was empty. An orifice of area of cross section A is made at some height h in the side wall of the container. If the horizontal range of the water jet in steady is found to be 2h, then the relation between h and q isQuestion 137
A hollow object of volume V is immersed in a tank. The object is tied to the bottom of the tank by two wires which make an angle 30∘ with the horizontal as shown in figure. The object would float if it was set free and one forth volume is immersed in liquid of density ρ0. The tension in the wires isQuestion 143
A small solid ball of density ρ is held inside at point A of a cubical container of side L, filled with an ideal liquid of density 4ρ as shown in the figure. Now, if the container starts moving with constant acceleration a horizontally and the ball is released from point A simultaneously, then choose from following the correct option(s)Question 160
Question 165
A cube (side =10cm) of density 0.5g/cm3 is placed in a vessel of base area 20cm×20cm. A liquid of density 1.0gcm2 is gradually filled in the vessel at a constant rate Q=50cm3/sQuestion 167
Question 168
Question 178
A long glass capillary (radius R) is taken out of liquid (surface tension S and density ρ) in vertical position. Angle of contact everywhere is zero. Atmospheric pressure is P0. It is observed that the capillary retains some liquid.Question 179
A long glass capillary (radius R) is taken out of liquid (surface tension S and density ρ) in vertical position. Angle of contact everywhere is zero. Atmospheric pressure is P0. It is observed that the capillary retains some liquid.Question 180
In two identical communicating vessel we poured water (see picture). In one of them we put an ice ball of volume V=100cm3 which gets exactly half immersed in the water. The density of water ρw=1000kg/m3 the density of ice ρi=900kg/m3Question 181
In two identical communicating vessel we poured water (see picture). In one of them we put an ice ball of volume V=100cm3 which gets exactly half immersed in the water. The density of water ρw=1000kg/m3 the density of ice ρi=900kg/m3Question 182
Soap bubble of radius R is blown at one end of a pipe of circular of circular cross-section of radius R as shown in diagram. On the vertical portion of pipe, there is a piston of mass m. T is surface tension of liquid.Question 183
Soap bubble of radius R is blown at one end of a pipe of circular of circular cross-section of radius R as shown in diagram. On the vertical portion of pipe, there is a piston of mass m. T is surface tension of liquid.Question 184
A container contains three liquds as shown in the figure. The specific gravity of liquid 1 and liquid 2 are 0.8 and 1.2 respectively. A small hole having area 10−6m2 at point P is as shown in the figure. Initially hole is closed. The cross-sectional area of container is 50cm2. assume all liquids ae ideal and neglect any type of friction between liquid and container. (Given that g=9.8m/s2 and h=28cm)Question 185
A container contains three liquds as shown in the figure. The specific gravity of liquid 1 and liquid 2 are 0.8 and 1.2 respectively. A small hole having area 10−6m2 at point P is as shown in the figure. Initially hole is closed. The cross-sectional area of container is 50cm2. assume all liquids ae ideal and neglect any type of friction between liquid and container. (Given that g=9.8m/s2 and h=28cm)Question 187
A tank contains water and mercury as shown in figure. An iron cube of edge d=6 cm is in equilibrium as shown. (density of iron =7.8×103kg/m3, density of mercury =13.6×103kg/m3, density of water =103kgm3)(Neglect the atmospheric pressure)Question 189
A ring of radius R is made of a thin wire of material of density ρ, having cross-section area a and Young's modulus y. The ring rotates about an axis perpendicular to its plane and through its centre. Angular frequency of rotation is ω.Question 190
A thin uniform copper rod length l and mass m rotates unifomly with an angular velocity ω about a vertical axis passing through one of its ends as shown in the figure. Young's modulus of copper is Y. Breaking stress is σmax, cross sectional area of rod is A and density of rod is uniform. Based on above information, answer the following questionsQuestion 191
A uniform rod of length l, mass m, cross-sectional area A and Young's modulus Y is rotated in horizontal plane about a fixed vertical axis passing through one end, with a constant angular velocity ω. Find the total extension in the rod due to the tension produced in the rod.View SolutionQuestion 195
In the figure shown, velocity of liquid which comes out is v, time of liquid to fall to ground is t and range on ground is R. If the vessel is taken to a mountain, match the following.Question 197
There are two point A and B inside a liquid as shown in figure. Now the vessel starts moving upwards with an acceleration a. Match the following.Question 199
A cube is floating in a liquid as shown in figure. Match the following.Question 200
A solid is immersed completely in a liquid. The temperature coefficients of volume expansion of solid and the liquid are γ1 and γ2(<γ1). If temperatures of both are increased, then match the following.Question 205
The two wires shown in figure are made of the same material which has a breaking stress of 8×108Nm−2. The area of cross section of the upper wire is 0.006cm2 and that of the lower wire is 0.003cm2. The mass m1=10kg, m2=20kg and the hanger is light. a. Find the maximum load that can be put on the hanger without breaking a wire. Which wire will break first if the load is increased? b. Repeat the above part m1=10kgandm2=36kg.Question 210
A cubical block 'A' of mass m0(=a3ρ=3kg) of edge 'a' and density ρ floats in a liquid of density 3ρ. The lower surface of the cube just touches the free end of massless spring of spring of spring constant k(=a2ρg) fixed at the bottom of the vessel. Another block 'B' of mass 'm' is lept over block 'A', so that is completely immersed in liquid without wetting the block 'B'. Then find the value of m in kg.View SolutionQuestion 211
A solid uniform ball having volume V and density ρ floats at the interface of two unmixible liquids as shown in Fig. 7(CF).7. The densities of the upper and lower liquids are ρ1 and ρ2 respectively, such that ρ1<ρ<ρ2. What fractio9n of the volume of the ball will be in the lower liquid.