Class 11 | CHEMISTRY |
Medium | English |
Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Question 27
The arrangemen t of orbitals on the basis of energy is based upon th eir (n + l) value. Lower the value o f (n + l), low er is th e energy. For o rb itals h aving sam e values of (n + l), th e o rb ital w ith low er value of n will have lower energy. (I) Based upon the above inform ation, arrange th e fo llo w in g o r b ita ls in th e in c re a s in g order of energy. (a) Is, 2s, 3s, 2p (b) 4s, 3s, 3p, 4d (c) 5p, 4d, 5d, 4f, 6s (d) 5f, 6d, 7s, 7p (II) Based u p o n th e above inform ation, solve the questions given below : (a) W hich of th e following orbitals has the lowest energy ? 4d, 4f, 5s, 5p (b) W hich of the following orbitals has the highest energy ? 5p, 5d, 5f, 6s, 6pView SolutionQuestion 32
The Balm er series in the hydrogen sp ectru m corresponds to the transition from n1 = 2 to n2 = 3, 4,........This series lies in th e visible region. Calculate the wave num ber of line associated with the tran sitio n in Balm er series w hen the electron m oves to n = 4 orbit. (RH=109677cm−1)View SolutionQuestion 33
According to de Broglie, matter should exhibit dual behaviour, that is both particle and wave like properties. However, a cricket ball of mass 100 g does not move like a wave when it is thrown by a bowler at a speed of 100 km/h. Calculate the w avelength of the ball and explain why it does not show wave nature.View SolutionQuestion 41
Hydrogen atom has only one electron, so mutual repulsion between electrons is absent. However, in multielectron atoms mutual repulsion between the electrons is significant. How does this affect the energy of an electron in the orbitals of the same principal quantum number in multielectron atoms ?View SolutionQuestion 52
Threshold frequency, v0 is the minimum frequency which a photon must possess to eject an electron from a metal. It is different for different metals. When a photon of frequency 1.0×1015s−1 was allowed to hit a metal surface, an electron having 1.988×10−19J of kinetic energy was emitted. Calculate the threshold frequency of this metal. Show that an electron will not be emitted if a photon with a wavelength equal to 600 nm hits the metal surface.View SolutionQuestion 53
When an electric discharge is passed through hydrogen gas, the hydrogen m olecu les dissociate to produce excited hydrogen atoms. These excited atom s em it electrom agnetic radiation of discrete frequencies which can be given by the general formula What points of Bohr’s model of an atom can be used to arrive at this formula ? Based on these p o in ts derive the above form ula giving description of each step and each term.View Solution