Doubtnut Promotions Sticky



Two or more words with the same pronunciation but different spelling & meanings are called homophones.
दो या दो से अधिक शब्द जिनका उच्चारण एक जैसा होता है लेकिन उनका अर्थ एक दूसरे से अलग होता है।


Prey- शिकार
Pray- प्रार्थना करना

In this, both prey and pray are pronounced same but have different meaning.
इसमें Prey और Pray दोनों का उच्चारण एक ही है लेकिन दोनों का अर्थ अलग-अलग हैं।


1) Birth- जन्म
Berth- ट्रैन में बैठने वाली सीट

2) Scene- दृश्य
Seen- देखा हुआ

3) Too- अधिक
Two- दो

4) Beat- पीटना
Beet- चुकन्दर

5) Deer- हिरन
Dear- प्रिय

6) Pail- बाल्टी
Pale- पीला

7) Waste- बर्बाद करना
Waist- कमर

8) Weak- कमज़ोर
Week- सप्ताह, हफ़्ता

9) Tail- पूँछ
Tale- कहानी

10) Meat- माँस
Meet- मिलना


Q1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences choosing one of the two words given in brackets.
1) A ___ of elephants lived in a forest. (herd/heard)
2) Gajraj took another ____ to the pond. (root/route)
3) The elephants were in ______ danger. (some/sum)
4) Rohit is _____ in Science. (week/weak)
5) Do not _____ (waste/waist) water.
6) I ____ (meet/meat) with Pankaj daily.
7) Bring a _____ (pale/pail) of water.
8) Seeta saw a golden _____ (dear/deer).
9) Neha is _____ .(here/hear)
10) Kalibai could not ______ this. (seal see)
11) Kalibai cut the rope with ______ stroke of the sickle. (won/one)
12) The earth revolves round the ______ (son/sun)
13) Do you _______ me? (hear/here)
14) Neeraj has a daughter and a _____ .(sun/son)
15) The tiger ran after a _______ .(dear/deer)
16) My younger brother is _______ years old. (too/two)
17) Naresh _____ (knows/nose) how to ride a bicycle.
18) Raddish is a _____ (root/route) vegetable.
19) There are two ______ (rows/rose) of chairs in the room.
20) Mumbai Indians _______ the match. (won/one)

Answer. 1) herd
2) route
3) some
4) weak
5) waste
6) meet
7) pail
8) deer
9) here
10) see
11) one
12) sun
13) hear
14) son
15) deer
16) two
17) knows
18) root
19) rows
20) won

Q2. Circle the correct homophone.
1) The king's (throne / thrown) was made out of solid gold.
2) A male deer is called a buck and the female is a (dough / doe).
3) My parents and I are very (clothes / close).
4) I saw a girl whose hair came down to her (waste / waist).
5) I like the (scent / cent) of this perfume.
6) I (wear / where) a suit and tie for work.
7) The Eiffel Tower is a famous (sight / site) in Paris.

Answer. 1) throne
2) doe
3) close
4) waist
5) scent
6) wear
7) site

Q3. Fill in the blanks using the right choice given in brackets.
1) Get up my _____ (sun / son).
2) You ______ (ought / aught) to have said it long ago.
3) _____ (Buoys / Boys) float on the sea to warn ships of danger.
4)He skidded because he did not apply the _____ (brake / break).
5) We must try our best to _____ (caste / cast) away all prejudices.
6) I did not have the ____ (hart / heart).
7) The ____ (hair / hare) has a short tail.
8) The flesh of Kangaroo sells very ____ (deer / dear) .
9) He told me the ____ (tail / tale) of a fox.
10) We _____ (peel / peal) the orange with a knife.

Answer. 1) son
2) ought
3) Buoys
4) brake
5) cast
6) heart
7) hare
8) dear
9) tale
10) peel