Writing your mental feelings or thoughts in a concise and controlled manner is called an 'essay'.
In other words, writing your feelings on a topic in the complete sequence is called an 'essay'. Essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal.


अपने मानसिक भावों या विचारों को संक्षिप्त रूप से तथा नियन्त्रित ढंग से लिखना ‘निबन्ध’ कहलाता है।
दूसरे शब्दों में – किसी विषय पर अपने भावों को पूर्ण रूप से क्रमानुसार लिपिबद्ध करना ही ‘निबंध’ कहलाता है। निबंधों को पारंपरिक रूप से औपचारिक और अनौपचारिक के रूप में उप-वर्गीकृत किया गया है।


Basic Essay Outline
Each essay needs an introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion to include all the key information. The following outline shows the basic format for all types of essays and research papers.

  • Introduction

  • Body of your essay

  • Conclusion

  • Introduction
    Start your essay by introducing your topic and provide some background information. Don’t forget to end this with a strong thesis statement that shows the main argument of the paper.

    Body of the essay
    In each body paragraph, write a topic sentence at the start and provide the main arguments to support the thesis.

    In the last paragraph, provide a summary of the entire paper and restate the thesis statement. Provide a call to action or give the readers something to think about.


    मूल निबंध रूपरेखा

    सभी महत्वपूर्ण सूचनाओं को शामिल करने के लिए प्रत्येक निबंध को एक परिचय, मुख्य पैराग्राफ और निष्कर्ष की आवश्यकता होती है। निम्नलिखित रूपरेखा सभी प्रकार के निबंधों और शोध पत्रों के मूल प्रारूप को दर्शाती है।

  • परिचय

  • मुख्य पैराग्राफ

  • निष्कर्ष

  • परिचय
    अपने विषय का परिचय देकर अपने निबंध की शुरुआत करें और कुछ पृष्ठभूमि की जानकारी प्रदान करें। इसे एक मजबूत थीसिस स्टेटमेंट के साथ समाप्त करना न भूलें जो पेपर के मुख्य तर्क को दर्शाता है।

    मुख्य पैराग्राफ
    प्रत्येक बॉडी पैराग्राफ में, शुरुआत में एक विषय वाक्य लिखें और थीसिस का समर्थन करने के लिए मुख्य तर्क प्रदान करें।

    अंतिम पैराग्राफ में, पूरे पेपर का सारांश प्रदान करें और थीसिस स्टेटमेंट को दोबारा दोहराएं। कॉल टू एक्शन प्रदान करें या पाठकों को सोचने के लिए कुछ दें।


    Types of essay and in which departments they can be divided so that essay writing can be easy–
    According to the topic, almost all the essays are of three types –
    निबंध के प्रकार और उन्हें किन विभागों में बाँटा जा सकता है जिससे निबंध लेखन सरल हो सके –
    विषय के अनुसार प्रायः सभी निबंध तीन प्रकार के होते हैं –

    (1) Narrative (वर्णनात्मक) –
    The description of any living or non-living matter is called a narrative essay. These essays are written on the basis of place, scene, situation, person, thing, etc.
    For the narrative essay, your topic should be divided into the following sections-
    किसी सजीव या निर्जीव पदार्थ का वर्णन वर्णनात्मक निबंध कहलाता है। ये निबंध स्थान, दृश्य, परिस्थिति, व्यक्ति, वस्तु आदि को आधार बनाकर लिखे जाते हैं।
    वर्णनात्मक निबंध के लिए अपने विषय को निम्नलिखित विभागों में बाँटना चाहिए-

    1. If the subject is an 'animal' (यदि विषय कोई ‘प्राणी’ हो) –
    (i) Category (श्रेणी)
    (ii) Receipt (प्राप्तिस्थान)
    (iii) Shape-type (आकार-प्रकार)
    (iv) Nature (स्वभाव)
    (v) Oddity (विचित्रता)
    (vi) Epilogue (उपसंहार)

    2. If the subject is a 'human' (यदि विषय कोई ‘मनुष्य’ हो) –
    (i) Introduction (परिचय)
    (ii) Ancient History (प्राचीन इतिहास)
    (iii) Dynastic Tradition (वंश-परंपरा)
    (iv) Language and Religion (भाषा और धर्म)
    (v) Social and Political Life (सामाजिक एवं राजनीतिक जीवन)

    3. If the subject is a 'place' (यदि विषय कोई ‘स्थान’ हो)-
    (i) Location (अवस्थिति)
    (ii) Nomenclature (नामकरण)
    (iii) History (इतिहास)
    (iv) Climate (जलवायु)
    (v) Craft (शिल्प)
    (vi) Trade (व्यापार)
    (vii) Caste-religion (जाति-धर्म)
    (viii) Place of interest (दर्शनीय स्थान)
    (ix) Epilogue (उपसंहार)

    4. If the subject is an 'object' (यदि विषय कोई ‘वस्तु’ हो)-
    (i) Origin (उत्पत्ति)
    (ii) Natural or artificial (प्राकृतिक या कृत्रिम)
    (iii) Place of realization (प्राप्तिस्थान)
    (iv) In what state is it found (किस अवस्था में पाई जाती है)
    (v) History of artificiality (कृत्रिमता का इतिहास)
    (vi) Epilogue (उपसंहार)

    5. If the subject is 'mountain' (यदि विषय ‘पहाड़’ हो)-
    (i) Introduction (परिचय)
    (ii) Plants, animals, forests etc. (पौधे, जीव, वन आदि)
    (iii) Caves, rivers, lakes etc. (गुफाएँ, नदियाँ, झीलें आदि)
    (iv) Countries, cities, pilgrimages etc. ( देश, नगर, तीर्थ आदि)
    (v) Tools and decorations (उपकरण एवं शोभा)
    (vi) Humans and their life (वहाँ बसनेवाले मानव और उनका जीवन)

    (2) Descriptive (विवरणात्मक)–
    The description of a historical, mythological, or incidental event is called a descriptive essay.
    Details of travel, event, match, fair, season, memoir, etc. are written.
    किसी ऐतिहासिक, पौराणिक या आकस्मिक घटना का वर्णन विवरणात्मक निबंध कहलाता है।
    यात्रा, घटना, मैच, मेला, ऋतु, संस्मरण आदि का विवरण लिखा जाता है।

    To write a descriptive essay, the given topic should be divided into the following sections-
    विवरणात्मक निबंध लिखने के लिए दिए गए विषय को निम्नलिखित विभागों में बाँटना चाहिए-

    1. If the subject is 'Historical' (यदि विषय ‘ऐतिहासिक’ हो) –
    (i) Time and place of the event (घटना का समय एवं स्थान)
    (ii) Historical background (ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि)
    (iii) Cause, description and outcome (कारण, वर्णन एवं फलाफल)
    (iv) Criticism of good and bad and your purpose (इष्ट-अनिष्ट की समालोचना एवं आपका मंतव्य)

    2. If the subject is 'Life-character' (यदि विषय ‘जीवन-चरित्र’ हो) –
    (i) introduction, birth, lineage, parents, childhood (परिचय, जन्म, वंश, माता-पिता, बचपन)
    (ii) ducation, tenure, fame, profession etc (विद्या, कार्यकाल, यश, पेशा आदि)
    (iii) contribution to the country (देश के लिए योगदान)
    (iv) merits and demerits (गुण-दोष)
    (v) death, epilogue (मृत्यु, उपसंहार)
    (vi) future generations his ideal for (भावी पीढ़ी के लिए उनका आदर्श)

    3. If the subject is 'travelling' (यदि विषय ‘भ्रमण-वृत्तांत’ हो) –
    (i) Introduction, Purpose, Time, Beginning (परिचय, उद्देश्य, समय, आरंभ)
    (ii) Description of the Tour (यात्रा का विवरण)
    (iii) Profit and Loss (हानि-लाभ)
    (iv) Description of Social, Political, Economic, Business, and Art-Culture (सामाजिक, राजनीतिक, आर्थिक, व्यापारिक एवं कला-संस्कृति का विवरण)
    (v) Criticism and Epilogue (समालोचना एवं उपसंहार)

    4. If the subject is an 'accidental event' (यदि विषय ‘आकस्मिक घटना’ हो) –
    (i) Introduction (परिचय)
    (ii) Date, Place and Reason (तारीख स्थान एवं कारण)
    (iii) Description and End (विवरण एवं अन्त)
    (iv) Falafel (फलाफिल)
    (v) Criticism (What is the effect on individual and society, etc.?) (समालोचना (व्यक्ति एवं समाज आदि पर कैसा प्रभाव ?)

    (3) Reflective (विचारात्मक) –
    The description of any virtue, defect, religion, or fruit is called a reflective essay.
    This essay does not describe anything seen or heard; It only takes work with imagination and thinking power. A thoughtful essay is more laborious than the above two types. Therefore, it requires special practice.
    किसी गुण, दोष, धर्म या फल का वर्णन विचारात्मक निबंध कहलाता है।
    इस निबंध में किसी देखी या सुनी हुई बात का वर्णन नहीं होता; इसमें केवल कल्पना और चिंतनशक्ति से काम लिया जाता है। विचारात्मक निबंध उक्त दोनों प्रकारों से अधिक श्रमसाध्य होता है। अतएव, इसके लिए विशेष रूप से अभ्यास की आवश्यकता होती है।

    To write a reflective essay, the given topic should be divided into the following sections-
    विचारात्मक निबंध लिखने के लिए दिए गए विषय को निम्नलखित विभागों में बाँटना चाहिए-

    (i) Meaning, Definition, Role, and Introduction (अर्थ, परिभाषा, भूमिका और परिचय)
    (ii) Public or social, natural or common cause (सार्वजनिक या सामाजिक, स्वाभाविक या अभ्यासलभ्य कारण)
    (iii) Accumulation, comparison, merits and demerits (संचय, तुलना, गुण एवं दोष)
    (iv) Profit and Loss (हानि-लाभ)
    (v) Illustrations, proofs etc. (दृष्टांत, प्रमाण आदि)
    (vi) Epilogue (उपसंहार)


    The following points should be kept in mind while writing the essay-
    (1) Before writing the essay, there should be sufficient knowledge of the related subject.
    (2) Ideas should be written in sequence.
    (3) The language of the essay should be interesting and simple.
    (4) The sentences of the essay should be short and effective.
    (5) The essay should be short. Don't write unnecessary things.
    (6) There should be a proper use of grammar rules and punctuation marks.
    (7) Idioms should also be used in the essay according to the topic. The use of idioms makes the essay strong.
    (8) Get additional information on the topic of the essay.
    (9) In the beginning, middle or end, mention the lines of the poem related to any utterance or theme.
    (10) Keep in mind the word limit of the essay and do not write useless things, that is, do not deviate from the topic.
    (11) Express your views on all aspects related to the subject.
    (12) All the articles should be related to each other.
    (13) Pay attention to the correctness of spelling and language, cleanliness of the article, and punctuation marks.


    निबन्ध लिखते समय निम्नलिखित बातों पर ध्यान देना चाहिए-
    (1) निबन्ध लिखने से पूर्व सम्बन्धित विषय का पर्याप्त ज्ञान होना चाहिए।
    (2) क्रमबद्ध रूप से विचारों को लिखा जाये।
    (3) निबन्ध की भाषा रोचक एवं सरल होनी चाहिए।
    (4) निबन्ध के वाक्य छोटे-छोटे तथा प्रभावशाली होने चाहिए।
    (5) निबन्ध संक्षिप्त होना चाहिए। अनावश्यक बातें नहीं लिखनी चाहिए।
    (6) व्याकरण के नियमों और विरामादि चिह्नों का उचित प्रयोग होना चाहिए।
    (7) विषय के अनुसार निबन्ध में मुहावरों का भी प्रयोग करना चाहिए। मुहावरों के प्रयोग से निबन्ध सशक्त बनता है।
    (8) निबंध के विषय पर अतिरिक्त जानकारी प्राप्त करें।
    (9) आरंभ, मध्य अथवा अंत में किसी उक्ति अथवा विषय से संबंधित कविता की पंक्तियों का उल्लेख करें।
    (10) निबंध की शब्द-सीमा का ध्यान रखें और व्यर्थ की बातें न लिखें अर्थात विषय से न हटें।
    (11) विषय से संबंधित सभी पहलुओं पर अपने विचार प्रकट करें।
    (12) सभी अनुच्छेद एक दूसरे से जुड़े हों।
    (13) वर्तनी व भाषा की शुद्धता, लेख की स्वच्छ्ता एवं विराम-चिह्नों पर ध्यान दें।


    7 Tips on Writing an Effective Essay

  • Pick a topic.

  • Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas.

  • Write your thesis statement.

  • Write the introduction.

  • Write the body.

  • Write the conclusion.

  • Add the finishing touches.

  • एक प्रभावी निबंध लिखने के लिए 7 युक्तियाँ

  • एक विषय चुनें।

  • अपने विचारों की रूपरेखा या आरेख तैयार करें।

  • अपना थीसिस स्टेटमेंट लिखें।

  • परिचय लिखें।

  • मुख्य पैराग्राफ लिखो।

  • निष्कर्ष लिखें।

  • परिष्कृत स्पर्श जोड़ें।


    Generally, the topics of the essay are familiar topics, that is, about which we hear, see and read; Such as – religious festivals, national festivals, different types of problems, weather, etc. For successful discussion in all areas of life, we need the best essay writing. An essay can be written on any topic. Today essays are being written on social, economic, political, and scientific subjects. Every subject, every object, the person in the world can be the center of an essay.
    Defining the essay, Acharya Ramchandra Shukla, the leading litterateur of Hindi, has said-"In the writing of the essay, according to the tendency of his mind, the author walks on the branches scattered here and there at a free pace." The above definition means that the essay should be according to the tendency of the writer's mind and the writing of the essay should be based on free movement, that is, the essay should be written in such a way that the author's thinking, ideological level, and his own ideology on the subject should become clear.
    Moreover, the author should flow like a river, without being influenced by the opinion of others. It is very important that the personal identity or selfishness of the author should not affect the subject matter. It is not necessary that whatever you write is acceptable to everyone, it is important that you write objectively because objectivity is the first and last criterion of an essay.

    साधारण रूप से निबंध के विषय परिचित विषय होते हैं, यानी जिनके बारे में हम सुनते, देखते व पढ़ते रहते हैं; जैसे – धार्मिक त्योहार, राष्ट्रीय त्योहार, विभिन्न प्रकार की समस्याएँ, मौसम आदि। जीवन के सभी क्षेत्रों में सफल विचार-विमर्श के लिए हमें श्रेष्ठ निबंध लेखन की आवश्वयकता होती है। निबंध‍ किसी भी विषय पर लिखा जा सकता है। आज सामाजिक, आर्थिक, राजनीतिक और वैज्ञानिक विषयों पर निबंध लिखे जा रहे हैं। संसार का हर विषय, हर वस्तु, व्यक्ति एक निबंध का केंद्र हो सकता है।
    हिंदी के प्रमुख साहित्यकार आचार्य रामचंद्र शुक्ल ने निबन्ध को परिभाषित करते हुए कहा है- "निबन्ध लेखन में लेखक अपने मन की प्रवृत्ति के अनुसार स्वच्छंद गति से इधर-उधर फूटी हुई सूत्र शाखाओं पर विचरता चलता है।"उपरोक्त परिभाषा का अर्थ है कि निबन्ध लेखक के मन की प्रवृत्ति के अनुरूप ही होना चाहिए और निबन्ध का लेखन स्वच्छन्द गति पर आधारित हो अर्थात निबंध ऐसा लिखना चाहिए कि लेखक का चिंतन, वैचारिक स्तर, विषय पर उसकी स्वयं की विचारधारा स्पष्ट हो जानी चाहिए।
    इसके अतिरिक्त लेखक को नदी की धारा के समान बहना चाहिए, किसी अन्य के मत से प्रभावित हुए बिना। यह अत्यन्त आवश्यक है कि लेखक का व्यक्तिगत परिचय या स्वार्थ विषय-वस्तु को प्रभावित न करे। ज़रूरी नहीं कि आप जो भी लिखें वो सभी को स्वीकार्य हो, ज़रूरी ये है कि आप निष्पक्ष हो कर लिखें क्योंकि निष्पक्षता ही किसी निबंध की प्रथम और अंतिम कसौटी है।


    Examples of Essay Writing:

    1. Write an essay on ‘My Dream’.


    A dream is a vision of the future. Everyone has dreams and pursues them with sincerity and preservation. “A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Dreams are not what you see in sleep. They are the things that don’t let you sleep”. Just like others, I have also nurtured a career dream from an early age. I aspire and wish to write and publish my works one day. I have never been very good when it comes to verbal communication. It is embedded in my nature.

    I do not like to be blunt or impolite even when someone says something to me. I choose to remain quiet during such situations. I am also a bit of an introvert and do not like opening up with everyone and that saves a lot of my time. I could spare time for myself and brood over happenings. I am a keen observant. I figured out that it is a good way to vent out one’s idea and imagination through writing. I began writing and found out that I am actually good at it.

    It is hard for me to communicate my feelings verbally however it is quite easy for me to pin them down. Writing for me has now become a way of life. I keep journaling all my feelings and this keeps me sorted. It has become more of a passion for me and I now aspire to turn it into my profession. Apart from writing bits and pieces about the happenings in my life, I also love writing stories and will soon come up with my own novel. My family is completely supportive of my career dream. It is rightly said, “Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears”.

    2. Write an essay on “My School”.


    School is the temple of learning and gets trained for professional and social life. My school was set up in 1990 on the donated land with the help of donated money. My school atmosphere is very pleasant and the school environment is very clean and attractive. My school building is located in the center of the playground. On one side of the school, there is a big garden with a small pond. There are many colorful fish and other water animals in this pond.

    My school is a four-storey building having classes for nursery to 12th class students. My school has one big library, principal office, head office, clerk office, one science laboratory, one computer lab, one common study room, one big lobby, teacher common room, one big sports ground, separate hostel for girls and boys in the school campus. My school has highly qualified and experienced teachers who teach us in a very effective and creative manner.

    My school has around one thousand students who always rank higher in the competitions held outside the school or inside the school. We all go to school in the proper uniform. We have two types of uniforms, one common uniform, and other house uniforms. My school timing starts at 7:50 am in the morning and 1:30 pm in the afternoon in the summer season and 8:50 am in the morning and 3:30 pm in the evening in the winter season. We go to the library daily for some time where we practice reading creative books and newspapers to enhance our skills and general knowledge.

    3. Write an essay on “Digital India”.


    In the state of a fast paced world, would lag behind, if he does not watch his step. So to make the country a leader that shoulder the global responsibility with vision and a smart brain, the ‘digital India’ slogan came through a leader who can thrice the young geniuses with a constructive approach. Digital India is a project started by the government of India on the 1st of July, 2015 (from 1st to 7th of July as a digital week) in order to transform India into a completely digitally empowered as well as knowledgeable country of the world. This project is interconnected by the various governmental departments such as IT, education, agriculture, etc in order to achieve a promising bright return.

    It is headed and planned by the ministry of communications and information technology. It is like a golden opportunity for India when implemented properly. At the very start of the project launch, there was a plan by the state government to make available high-speed internet connection in almost 250,000 villages and other residential areas of the country. The crucial role played by the ‘Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL)’ in this project is really appreciable. In digital India, there would be easy digitization of data which will help in making things much more efficient and fast in the future.

    It will reduce paperwork, save manpower and save time as well. This project will take speed by tying the knot between the government and private sectors. A huge number of villages interconnected with the high-speed networks will really undergo a huge change from backward regions to complete digitally equipped areas. All the cities, towns, and villages in India will get more tech-savvy. The project has been planned to be completed by 2019 with the investment of leading companies (national or international).

    4. Write an essay on “My City”.


    Delhi is my city which is beautifully situated on the right of the river Yamuna. It was called by various names Inderprastha is one of them. Delhi is an amalgamation of modernity and tradition. Its rich culture & tradition is restored with dignity and pride. It fascinates tourists. The web of connectivity in turns of transport, people, heritage; is a center of political power.

    It keeps on spreading and the regions of those neighboring states are called NCR (National capital Region). Delhi is famous for its delicious food as it offers a wide variety of cuisine. A business center like Chandni chowk, Cannaught place, Janpath attracts the tourists. My city is one of the most happening cities in the country. Everything here is just awesome. I just wish the government here strengthens women’s security too.

    5. Write an essay on “Dussehra”.
    The celebration of Dussehra indicates the victory of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana. Lord Rama symbolizes truth and Ravana represents evil power. It is a ten-day-long festival, nine days of which is celebrated by worshipping the goddess Durga and the tenth day as Vijay Dashmi when people celebrate the victory of Lord Rama over the demon King, Ravana. Dussehra is the most significant festival of the Hindu religion celebrated all across the country. It falls every year in the month of September or October twenty days before the Diwali festival. It is a great ceremonial and religious festival celebrated by the Hindu people with the worship of the goddess Durga.

    The tradition and culture of celebrating this festival vary from region to region in the country. A huge preparation for this festival takes place which starts a few days earlier to the exact date. A big fair is held for the whole ten days or a whole month where people from far regions come to make shops and stalls of all things necessary for the people. It takes place in the Ram-Lila ground in every society or community where a huge fair is held with the dramatic show of legends of Dussehra for all days.

    Paper models of the Ravana, Kumbhkaran, and Meghnath are prepared in the Ram Lila ground and real people play the role of Rama, Sita, and Lakshman. Everywhere lights are on and the whole environment becomes full of the sound of firecrackers. People and kids used to see the fair including Ram-Lila all night. Various important events of the life of Lord Rama are demonstrated by the real people in the Ram Lila. Thousands of men, women, and children of the nearby regions get together in the Ram Lila ground to enjoy the show.


    Write an essay on the topic “A Picnic”.


    It was a fine day in March last. A cool breeze was blowing. Some of my friends and 1 decided to go on a picnic to a nearby lake. It was a pleasant morning. We were a party of ten friends. We collected 20 rupees each. We bought fruits, sweets and some other eatables. We took our bikes and started at 7 a.m. We reached there in half an hour. We selected a beautiful grassy spot. We spread the carpet and rested for some time. First of all we ate apples.

    Then we took off our clothes and jumped into the water. We swam, dived and played in the water. We came out of the water and put on our clothes. We soon felt hungry. We ate some fruits and sweets. We took tea. After taking tea ,we sat in a circle. We played cards. Mohan sang a song. Sohan played upon the flute. Ajit recited a poem. Ram told us a story. Manoj amused us with tit – bits. We laughed heartily. We sang and danced.
    We again bathed in the lake. We had a jolly good time there. It was evening by then. We left for our homes. It was a nice picnic. It was really a happy day of my life.

    Write an essay on the topic “A Morning Walk”.


    A morning walk is a light exercise. It is very useful for health. It keeps us fresh and active the whole day. It makes us healthy and cheerful. Morning time is the best time of the day. It is calm and quiet. A cool breeze blows. The atmosphere is free from dust and smoke. There is a famous saying: “He, who walks a mile, will surely smile.”

    I am an early bird. Last Sunday, I got up at 4 O’clock. I called on my friend, Manish. Both of us left for the canal. The birds were chirping, We saw many people on the way. They were also going for a walk. Farmers were going to their fields. Women were going to fetch water. They were singing beautiful songs. A cool breeze was blowing. The sky was clear. Green field fields looked beautiful. Dew-drops on the grass looked like pearls.
    We reached the canal in half an hour. We sat on the bank and took rest. We saw some persons bathing in the canal. Some were praying to God. Some were walking along thè bank. Some were swimming. We took exercise. We had our bath. We felt fresh. We put on our clothes. We started for our homes. A morning walk costs nothing but gains are many. We should never miss it.


    You must have seen articles written in newspapers, books, magazines, or blogs, you must have seen that all of them talk clearly about a topic. Anyone can read and understand the words written in it. The article is a medium through which we can convey our thoughts, experiences, or opinions to the people in the world in writing.


    आपने अख़बार, किताबें, मैगज़ीन या ब्लॉग में लिखे आर्टिकलस तो देखे होंगे, आपने देखा होगा उन सभी में एक विषय के बारे में स्पष्ट रूप से बात की गई होती है। जिसे कोई भी पढ़ सकता है और उसमें लिखे शब्दों को समझ सकता है। आर्टिकल को हिंदी में 'लेख' कहा जाता है। आर्टिकल या लेख एक ऐसा माध्यम होता है जिसके द्वारा हम अपने विचारों, अनुभव या राय को दुनिया में लोगों तक लिखित रूप में पहुंचा सकते हैं।


    The format of an article consists of the following parts –
    2. By line and
    3. Body

    1. HEADING: The heading should be catchy and in not more than 5-6 words. You can go as creative as you want with this one just make sure you do not devote too much time to it in the exam.

    2. BY LINE: It refers to the name of the person writing the article. It is generally given in the question. If not given, then do not write your personal details.
    (NOTE- You are not supposed to mention any of your personal details while attempting the answers in the exam.)

    3. BODY: It is the main part of your writing piece. It generally consists of 3-4 paragraphs.

    PARAGRAPH 1: It is always prescribed that you begin with a short introduction of the topic; its meaning to be precise. Briefly tell what the article is about giving some quotations or startling facts to arouse the interest of the readers.

    PARAGRAPH 2 or PARAGRAPH 2&3: Now this part can be written in either one or two paragraphs. You are required to do a complete analysis of the subject matter in question. It may include-

  • TYPES – In how many forms does the problem exist? You are required to mention the various possible types (if it exists).

  • CURRENT SCENARIO – Then you need to explain the current situation, the problems (if any), and whether after any corrective actions, betterment in the situation has been observed or not. It may include advantages/ disadvantages depending upon the topic in question.

  • CAUSE AND EFFECT RELATIONSHIP– Develop the cause and effect relationship by supporting it with facts or data. You may also write the consequences.

  • Any other relevant and related information.

  • PARAGRAPH 3 or PARAGRAPH 4: The conclusion. It is the concluding paragraph. It is important to conclude what you’ve started. Never leave an article open-ended. Now, it is to be remembered that wherever you elaborate on a problem, you always have to mention the steps being taken to improvise the situation and suggest a few solutions as well. Predictions and personal problems may be included. This paragraph needs to be short and precise. Here also, you could add some glitter to your art piece with some quotes.


    एक लेख (Article) के प्रारूप में निम्नलिखित भाग होते हैं -
    1. Heading
    2. By line और
    3. Body

    1. HEADING– शीर्षक (Heading) आकर्षक होना चाहिए और 5-6 शब्दों से अधिक नहीं होना चाहिए। आप इसके साथ जितना चाहें उतना रचनात्मक हो सकते हैं, बस सुनिश्चित करें कि आप परीक्षा में इसके लिए बहुत अधिक समय नहीं देते हैं।

    2. BY LINE– यह लेख लिखने वाले व्यक्ति के नाम को दर्शाता है। यह आमतौर पर प्रश्न में दिया जाता है। यदि नहीं दिया है, तो अपना व्यक्तिगत विवरण (नाम) न लिखें।
    (नोट- परीक्षा में उत्तर देने का प्रयास करते समय आपको अपने किसी भी व्यक्तिगत विवरण का उल्लेख नहीं करना चाहिए।)

    3. BODY– यह आपके लेखन का मुख्य भाग है। इसमें आमतौर पर 3-4 पैराग्राफ होते हैं।

    पैराग्राफ 1: यह हमेशा निर्धारित किया जाता है कि आप विषय के संक्षिप्त परिचय के साथ शुरुआत करें; इसका अर्थ सटीक होना चाहिए। पाठकों की रुचि जगाने के लिए कुछ उद्धरण या चौंकाने वाले तथ्य देने के बारे में संक्षेप में बताएं।

    पैराग्राफ 2 या पैराग्राफ 2 और 3: अब इस भाग को एक या दो पैराग्राफ में लिखा जा सकता है। आपको संबंधित विषय का पूरा विश्लेषण करना होगा। इसमें शामिल हो सकते हैं-

  • प्रकार - समस्या कितने रूपों में मौजूद है? आपको विभिन्न संभावित प्रकारों (यदि यह मौजूद है) का उल्लेख करना आवश्यक है।

  • वर्तमान परिदृश्य - फिर आपको वर्तमान स्थिति, समस्याओं (यदि कोई हो) की व्याख्या करने की आवश्यकता है, और क्या किसी सुधारात्मक कार्रवाई के बाद, स्थिति में सुधार देखा गया है या नहीं। इसमें विचाराधीन विषय के आधार पर फायदे/नुकसान शामिल हो सकते हैं।

  • कारण और प्रभाव संबंध- तथ्यों या आंकड़ों के साथ समर्थन करके कारण और प्रभाव संबंध विकसित करें। आप नतीजा भी लिख सकते हैं।

  • कोई अन्य प्रासंगिक और संबंधित जानकारी।

  • पैराग्राफ 3 या पैराग्राफ 4 निष्कर्ष: यह समापन पैराग्राफ है। आपने जो शुरू किया है उसका निष्कर्ष निकालना ज़रूरी है। किसी लेख को अपूर्ण न छोड़ें। अब, यह याद रखना चाहिए कि जहाँ भी आप किसी समस्या के बारे में विस्तार से बताते हैं, आपको हमेशा स्थिति को सुधारने के लिए उठाए जा रहे कदमों का उल्लेख करना होगा और साथ ही कुछ समाधान भी सुझाने होंगे। भविष्यवाणियां और व्यक्तिगत समस्याएं शामिल हो सकती हैं। यह पैराग्राफ छोटा और सटीक होना चाहिए। यहां भी, आप कुछ उद्धरणों के साथ अपनी कला में कुछ चमक जोड़ सकते हैं।


    There are various types of article writings. These are writing a newspaper article, writing a magazine article, SEO article writing, online article writing, freelance article writing, and many more.
    There are divisions among these articles also. Some of the articles, like online article writing, freelance article writing, can be descriptive, or narrative that depends upon the writer and the client for whom the writer works. There are a few types of article writing that most people know about. It includes narrative and descriptive types but there are many more types other than these two. These are persuasive article writing and expository article writing.

    Article writing के विभिन्न प्रकार हैं। ये एक समाचार पत्र लेख लेखन, एक पत्रिका लेख लेखन, एस.ई.ओ (SEO) लेख लेखन, ऑनलाइन लेख लेखन, स्वतंत्र लेख लेखन, और बहुत कुछ।
    इन लेखों में भी विभाजन हैं। कुछ लेख, जैसे ऑनलाइन लेख लेखन, स्वतंत्र लेख लेखन, वर्णनात्मक या कथात्मक हो सकते हैं जो लेखक और ग्राहक पर निर्भर करता है जिसके लिए लेखक काम करता है। लेख लेखन के कुछ प्रकार हैं जिनके बारे में अधिकांश लोग जानते हैं। इसमें कथात्मक और वर्णनात्मक प्रकार शामिल हैं लेकिन इन दोनों के अलावा और भी कई प्रकार हैं। ये प्रेरक लेख लेखन और व्याख्यात्मक लेख लेखन हैं।

    Article Writing Rules – Rules for Writing Good Articles

  • Rule 1: Minimize your barrier to entry.

  • Rule 2: Conduct in-depth Research

  • Rule 3: Structure & Form

  • Rule 4: Keep your paragraphs short and your text visually appealing

  • Rule 5: Be Succinct

  • Rule 6: Always proofread your writing

  • लेख लिखने के नियम – अच्छे लेख लिखने के नियम
  • नियम 1: प्रवेश के लिए अपने अवरोध को कम करें।

  • नियम 2: गहन शोध का संचालन करें।
  • नियम 3: संरचना और रूप।
  • नियम 4: अपने पैराग्राफ को छोटा रखें और अपने टेक्स्ट को आकर्षक बनाएं।

  • नियम 5: संक्षिप्त रहें।

  • नियम 6: हमेशा अपने लेखन को प्रूफरीड करें।



  • Plan before you pen- it is important that you follow a sequence. Jot down the points at the back of your answer sheet and ensure a proper sequence of ideas. Introduce, Analyse, Suggest and conclude.

  • It is possible that you have too many points or very few points. When you have a lot of varied points, it is better you choose a few best ones and write a line or two on each. In case you have very few already, explain them in at least two-three lines each.

  • MOST IMPORTANT- Always begin with your strongest point. You can accommodate the weaker ones in between and end with another strong point. (REMEMBER: Strong-Weak-Strong)

  • You have to strictly follow the prescribed word limit in a restricted time frame so just do not go on writing and writing.

  • Feel free to give your personal opinion in one or two lines.

  • It is very important that you do not deviate from the topic. There are chances you may get ideas linking from one to another that may deviate you from the main point. You have to refrain from doing so.

  • Avoid repetition of ideas.

  • Underline all the important points.

  • Make sure you double-check for grammatical accuracy and spelling. They carry marks.

  • Always have a few general quotes in handy. They help in the presentation and show that you’re prepared.

  • Read editorials in a few newspapers and notice the pattern.

  • Make small sentences. It restricts the scope of grammatical inaccuracies.


  • लिखने से पहले योजना बनाएं- यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप एक क्रम का पालन करें। अपनी उत्तर पुस्तिका के पीछे दिए गए बिंदुओं को लिख लें और विचारों का एक उचित क्रम सुनिश्चित करें। परिचय दें, विश्लेषण करें, सुझाव दें और निष्कर्ष निकालें।

  • यह संभव है कि आपके पास बहुत अधिक पॉइंट्स हों या बहुत कम पॉइंट्स हों। जब आपके पास बहुत सारे विविध पॉइंट्स हों, तो बेहतर होगा कि आप कुछ सर्वोत्तम चुनें और प्रत्येक पर एक या दो पंक्तियाँ लिखें। यदि आपके पास पहले से बहुत कम पॉइंट्स हैं, तो उन्हें कम से कम दो-तीन पंक्तियों में समझाएं।

  • सबसे महत्वपूर्ण - हमेशा अपने सबसे मजबूत पॉइंट से शुरू करें। आप बीच में कमजोर पॉइंट्स को समायोजित कर सकते हैं और एक और मजबूत पॉइंट के साथ समाप्त कर सकते हैं। (याद रखें: मजबूत-कमजोर-मजबूत)

  • आपको एक सीमित समय सीमा में निर्धारित शब्द सीमा का सख्ती से पालन करना होगा, इसलिए बस लिखना और लिखना न छोड़ें।

  • बेझिझक अपनी व्यक्तिगत राय एक या दो पंक्तियों में दें।

  • यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप विषय से विचलित न हों। ऐसी संभावना है कि आपको एक से दूसरे से जुड़ने वाले विचार मिल सकते हैं जो आपको मुख्य पॉइंट से विचलित कर सकते हैं। आपको ऐसा करने से बचना होगा।

  • विचारों की पुनरावृत्ति से बचें।

  • सभी महत्वपूर्ण पॉइंट्स को रेखांकित करें।

  • सुनिश्चित करें कि आप व्याकरणिक सटीकता और वर्तनी की दोबारा जांच करें। उनकी वजह से अंक कट जाते हैं।

  • हमेशा कुछ सामान्य उदाहरण का उपयोग करे। वे प्रस्तुति में मदद करते हैं और दिखाते हैं कि आपको पूरी समझ हैं।

  • कुछ समाचार पत्रों में संपादकीय पढ़ें और पैटर्न पर ध्यान दें।

  • छोटे-छोटे वाक्य बनाए। यह व्याकरण संबंधी अशुद्धियों के दायरे को सीमित करता है।


  • Always write the article sequentially.

  • Use headings in your article.

  • Write short paragraphs.

  • Give correct information in the article.

  • Also, write some new information in your article.

  • Write according to the needs of the readers.

  • Use simple and spoken language while writing articles.

  • Involve readers in your article as well.

  • Use images in articles. Use at least one image in your article.

  • आर्टिकल को हमेशा क्रमवाइज लिखें।

  • अपने आर्टिकल में हैडिंग का प्रयोग करें।

  • छोटे – छोटे पैराग्राफ लिखें।

  • आर्टिकल में सही जानकारी दें।

  • अपने आर्टिकल में कुछ नयी जानकारी भी लिखें।

  • पाठकों की जरुरत के अनुसार लिखें।

  • लेख लिखते समय सरल और बोल-चाल वाली भाषा का प्रयोग करें।

  • पाठकों को भी अपने आर्टिकल में शामिल करें।

  • आर्टिकल में Image का इस्तेमाल करें। कम से कम एक Image अपने आर्टिकल में जरुर प्रयोग करें।


    The main objective of writing an article is to make some changes to the world by presenting facts, stats, or views. Well, there are so many objectives of Article Writing on various topics like society, persons, locations, rising issues, and technical developments. It influences some readers and some may fail in audience perception because of messiness in your article writing.

    लेख लिखने का मुख्य उद्देश्य तथ्यों, आँकड़ों या विचारों को प्रस्तुत करके दुनिया में कुछ बदलाव करना है। खैर, समाज, व्यक्तियों, स्थानों, उभरते मुद्दों और तकनीकी विकास जैसे विभिन्न विषयों पर लेख लेखन के बहुत सारे उद्देश्य हैं। यह कुछ पाठकों को प्रभावित करता है और कुछ आपके लेख लेखन में गड़बड़ी के कारण दर्शकों की धारणा में विफल हो सकते हैं।


    Question 1. The number of women in the police force seems insufficient especially when we see the increasing involvement of women in terrorist activities. Write an article in 150-200 words for The Hindustan Chronicle’, on the need of having more women in the police force.

    Need Of Having More
    Women In The Police Force

    Women empowerment and participation have seen a radical improvement in the recent few decades. Women are no longer confined to their homes and have come forward to excel in almost all fields, at par with men. But it has been observed that the number of women in the police force seems insufficient especially when we compare their increasing number in terrorist activities. Women are sure to prove their worth in the police force as they are more committed to the cause they work for and less corrupt, two qualities that are lacking in policemen. The government needs to increase the reserved quota for the recruitment of women in the police force. Women need to be given incentives to join the police force and this is sure to prove favorable as they bring with them a distinctly different and valuable set of skills that is bound to change the way the police is perceived in our community. As the job description of the police expands beyond crime-fighting into community service the presence of more women in the police force is sure to help to burnish the tarnished image of the police officers, improve community relations and foster a more flexible and less violent approach to maintaining law and order.

    Question 2. The present-day youth are greatly stressed due to cut-throat competition and consumerist culture. Write an article in 150-200 words on the causes of the stress on the modem generation suggesting suitable solutions.

    Causes Of Stress On
    The Modern Generation

    The main cause of stress on the modern generation is the cut-throat competition and consumerist culture prevalent in our society. This always puts them under the pressure of efficiency and productivity. The modern environment is highly competitive and calls for relentless effort on the part of each youngster. To achieve the goals they have to devote all their time and capacity, without rest. So they have no time to care even for their own selves. They have no time for relaxing or to pursue something of their own interest sounds like a luxury to them. The effects of this stress on the youth are also visible in their physical being whereby they have increased pulses and a lot of tension in their muscles.

    With increased professionalism and specialization there seems no practical and suitable solution for this stress due to the competition. In this age of consumerism, it is not surprising that the youth of today are also constantly vying to outdo each other in acquiring material things. But now it is high time each one of us sat back in quiet introspection to contemplate where we are actually heading at this high-speed pace. Our health and well-being will have to be our primary concern for, as they say, “a healthy mind lies in a healthy body”. Let us stop living like robots. We are humans and have to behave likewise and not like machines that are our own creations.

    Question 3. An increase in the number of vehicles causes pollution and traffic jams. Write an article in 150-200 words for ‘The New Indian Express, Delhi, highlighting the urgent need to solve these man-made problems, giving suitable suggestions. You are Madhav/Madhuri.

    The Problem Of Pollution
    By: Madhav

    Cities, in general, have a great deal in common with vehicles. In fact, they often seem to be turning into vehicles. India’s population and its traffic are concentrated within its cities. The increasing number of vehicles in Delhi is putting our city at the risk of completely losing clean air to breathe. Delhi would have, in fact, been buried under a pollution load if the Supreme Court had not intervened to introduce cleaner fuels and emissions technology in the city, in the form of CNG-run public vehicles. Moreover, an increase in the number of vehicles also means getting stuck in rush traffic hours which has also become a routine.

    It is high time we now look towards solving this problem of heavy traffic congestion which is taking a toll both on our health and our time. The traffic police department must use technology for controlling and monitoring the movement of vehicles at important and busy crossroads for which the department officials can also take the help of Close Circuit T.V. Drives should be launched to educate the masses about the importance of driving in their respective lanes only and to follow traffic signals strictly. Violation of these should result in fines and in case of repeated offense the driving license of the person should be confiscated.

    Pollution checks of vehicles by owners at regular intervals should be made mandatory. This can also contribute a lot to saving the environment from pollution. Thus, we as responsible citizens just need to make a start.

    Question 4. Travel is an important part of a man’s education. It enables a person to learn manners, customs, languages, and the history of different people and places and also widens the circle of one’s acquaintances. Write an article in 150-200 words on “Travel, an Important Source of Education”.

    Travel – An Important
    Source Of Education

    To travel is to discover. If not necessary, travel is a very important aspect of education, and experience to learn on personal levels with hands-on experience. When people travel to a new place they absorb and remember information faster and retain it longer just by experiencing it themselves. Traveling to other parts of the country provides the opportunity to see different cultures practicing their everyday lives. It also enables a person to learn the manners, customs, languages, and history of different people and places and widens the circle of one’s acquaintances. While traveling to each new place gives us a different experience, all of these travels will add up to a worldly view that instills a feeling of connection with people, places, and events from all over the globe.

    In the past few years, it has become a norm for people from one country to travel to another country as a part of their education program. As wonderful as it is to read about places and people who interest us, to experience a personal visit to these places and interact personally with these people allows us to understand and even appreciate their world in a more lasting and meaningful way. Our minds open up to new things, people, places, and experiences. Very few ways allow for greater learning than travel. It is one of the best and most entertaining ways to get an education. While classes, books, and internet sites are great ways to learn and build your knowledge base, travel takes what you have already learned and expands upon it.

    Question 5. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Poverty is the cause of all evils’, to be published in the Young World of ‘The Hindu’, Chennai.

    Poverty – The Cause Of All Evils
    By: ABC, Correspondent

    The Hindu, Chennai Poverty, in one way or another, is the fundamental cause of all evils. It fosters desperation which, in turn, breeds crime. The lack of money breeds all negative characteristics that people loathe; it breeds hatred, anger, and jealousy.

    Poverty also breeds racism, classism, ethnicism as the society itself stratifies to define classes to separate the rich from the poor. It makes people dishonest as they will do anything to get even a little bit of scarce money. In today’s world, poverty has become the root cause of all evils, because it has the power and ability to make people compromise their once held and respected values, cultures, and religious beliefs. Poverty has created a new race of people with common marks of frustrations, loss of hope, prospects, and value of life. Poverty leads to illiteracy, unemployment, dissatisfaction among individuals, corruption, and crime, and all these handicaps not only the growth of individuals but also the growth of the nation as a whole. There is an urgent need also to find solutions to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.

    Thus, poverty is indeed one of the biggest problems that are affecting our society and it definitely stands as a major obstacle in the development of an advanced, progressive and peaceful nation.


    Question 1. With the onset of the rains, there has been an outbreak of malaria in your locality. Write a newspaper article explaining the dangers caused by the outbreak and the preventive measures that need to be undertaken. Write the article in about 100-150 words.

    Heavy Rains Result in Malaria Outbreak
    (your name)

    The constant ram for the past few weeks has brought about an epidemic in the city. The coming of the rains marks not only a change in season and temperature but it also signifies the onset of a series of health issues. Public health officials have notified that because of the constant rain, mosquitoes have been found breeding in many parts of the city which has stagnant water and this has resulted in the outbreak of malaria.

    Malaria is an infectious disease that is spread by mosquitoes. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, vomiting as well as headaches. Malaria can even lead to deaths. The city already has 27 confirmed cases of malaria victims and many patients have been kept under the provision.

    Public health officials have notified the public to keep their surroundings clean and prevent water from stagnating in and around their homes. The public has also been advised to use mosquito repellents and if anyone shows symptoms of malaria, they are requested to head straight to the hospital for treatment.

    Question 2. While going through your old school magazine, you found an interesting article by Ravi Jatav about what it would be like 5 years from now. Complete the magazine article by using your own ideas and thoughts. Write the article in about 100-150 words.

    Five years from now
    Ravi Jatav

    We won’t be the same five years from now. Maybe you would have lost your Mohawk hairstyle and my love for guitar. Maybe five years from now I will have new friends or maybe I’ll still be with my old school friends. I keep thinking of what would happen after school and where I will be five years from now and this same thought is what makes us all anxious.

    Being in school for all these years never prepares you for what’s next. Maybe it’s right to be anxious because one has to decide about what career to take up and where to go in life. By five years’ time, we would have made our choices and decisions.

    Maybe five years from now I’ll be selected for an internship by a company I’ve always dreamed of working at and I would have never started pursuing this dream if I hadn’t been sleeping and dreaming in class.

    Question 3. You are interested in investing in a new housing complex that promises a green lifestyle. Write an article in 100-150 words on the need for green housing complexes.

    Need for Green Housing Complex
    by: Anuj

    Living in a concrete tower complex, much above ground level does not lead to environmental destruction if certain precautions are taken.

    The buildings can be surrounded by ample green spaces like parks, walking tracks, water bodies, yoga, and related mind-body enhancement rooms. Terrace gardens on a few floors, a jogging track on the rooftop, and even tree plantings along boundary walls can help reduce noise pollution and provide oxygen.

    Environmental measures of reduction, reuse, and recycle must be practiced by adopting rainwater harvesting measures, as well as garbage collection for energy production, and the use of LED lights to serve the lighting needs. Green patches all over the place for people to walk barefoot can also be considered as that provides a healing touch from mother earth.

    Nearness to bus stops would reduce private car use while airy rooms and designed spaces inside homes would create happy families so that living becomes healthy and energetic.

    Question 4. A rally was organized by the women of the ‘Welfare Organisation’. All the women were holding banners such as

  • We are not weak

  • Don’t treat us like this

  • Reserve seats for women in colleges and parliament

  • Grant women their due

  • Stop harassment

  • Write an article in 100-150 words on ‘The Sufferings of Indian Women’ for your school magazine. You are Suresh/Shivani of DAV Public School, New Delhi.

    The Sufferings of Indian Women
    by: Suresh

    In Indian society, women have customarily been kept subservient to men. The traditional mindset gives preference to sons over daughters. Sex determination and female infanticide are common practices, even among the educated classes. Though women have been emerging as eminent writers, political leaders, High Court, and Supreme Court judges, yet their ratio in comparison to men is negligible.

    Though the Constitution grants equal rights to women, most of them are ignorant of these rights.

    Women are still abused and exploited. Even educated working women are not able to stand up for their rights. The need of the hour is to change the patriarchal mindset. Women must be brought into the social and political mainstream for their economic, social, and political development. The gap between legal rights and the attitude of society needs to be bridged. Women of India need to be empowered for a strong and healthy society.