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Conversation is a a talk between two or more people.

कन्वर्सेशन (बातचीत) क्या है?

कन्वर्सेशन दो या दो से अधिक लोगों के बीच की बातचीत है।

Conversation between a person & his friend

Adarsh:- Hey Divyanshu. I’ve got a job at a consulting firm.
आदर्श:- हे दिव्यांशु। मुझे एक कंसल्टिंग फर्म में नौकरी मिल गई है।Divyanshu:-Congratulations brother!
दिव्यांशु:-बधाई हो भाई।
Adarsh:- I’m so happy. I don’t have to worry about finding a job anymore.
आदर्श:- मैं बहुत खुश हूँ । अब मुझे नौकरी ढूँढने की चिंता करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है।
Divyanshu:-When are you gonna start?
दिव्यांशु:-कब से शुरू कर रहे हो?
Adarsh:-From next Monday.
आदर्श:- अगले सोमवार से।
Divyanshu:-You were so tensed bro; really I loved it.
दिव्यांशु:-तुम बहुत परेशान थे, सच में दिल खुश हो गया।
Adarsh:-I know. But I’m a little nervous too.
आदर्श:-मुझे पता है। वैसे मैं थोड़ा नर्वस भी हूँ।
Divyanshu:-I can understand.
दिव्यांशु:-मैं समझ सकता हूँ।
Adarsh:-I want to hang out today?
आदर्श:-मैं आज तुम्हारे साथ घूमने जाना चाहते हूँ?
दिव्यांशु:- ज़रूर।

Conversation between 2 boys

Sejal:-How are you feeling these days?
सेजल:- तुम इन दिनों कैसा महसूस कर रहे हो?
Ankit:- A little bored and restless I guess.
अंकित:- मेरे ख्याल से मैं थोड़ा ऊब गया हूँ और बेचैन हूँ।
Sejal:-Why is that?
सेजल:- ऐसा क्यों?
Ankit:- I have so much time in my hands and I have nothing to do.
अंकित:- मेरे पास बहुत समय है और मेरे पास कुछ करने के लिए नहीं है।
Sejal:-Why don’t you go out and have fun?
सेजल:- तुम बाहर क्यों नहीं जाते, मज़ा करो?
Ankit:- I have to save money so I can’t go out all the time.
अंकित:- मुझे पैसे बचाने हैं इसलिए मैं हर समय बाहर नहीं जा सकता।
Sejal:- Life is nothing like we imagined as kids.
सेजल:- ज़िन्दगी ​​वैसी बिल्कुल नहीं है जैसी हम बचपन में कल्पना करते थे।
Ankit:- True. Well, struggle is also a must; then only we will get motivated to work harder.
अंकित:- बात तो सही है। खैर, स्ट्रगल भी ज़रूरी है, तभी तो मेहनत करने की प्रेरणा मिलेगी।
Sejal:- Yes, this is also true. Though, a lot can be done at home. Try reading a good book. That’s always a good way to kill time. If nothing works, you can call me or any of your good friends.
सेजल:- हाँ, ये भी है। वैसे, घर पर भी बहुत कुछ हो सकता है। एक अच्छी किताब पढ़ने की कोशिश करो। यह हमेशा समय बिताने का एक अच्छा तरीका है। अगर कुछ भी काम न हो तो तुम मुझे या अपने किसी अच्छे दोस्त को बुला सकते हो।
Ankit:- I’ll try these things.
अंकित:- मैं इन चीजों को करने की कोशिश करूँगा।
Sejal:- Great!
सेजल:- बहुत बढ़िया!

Conversation between Two gym friends

Pankaj: I never noticed that belly of yours.
पंकज: मैंने कभी तेरी तोंद पर ध्यान नहीं दिया।
Mayank:- Don’t make fun yaar. I need to start working out again.
मयंक:- मज़ाक मत उड़ा यार। मुझे फिर से कसरत शुरू करने की ज़रूरत है।
Pankaj:- Seriously bro. You should go to gym. 
पंकज:- सच में। तुझे जिम जाना चाहिए।
Mayank:- Where do you work out?
मयंक:- तू कहाँ कसरत करता है?
Pankaj:- At the gold gym. It’s pretty close to home so it is convenient.
पंकज:- गोल्ड जिम में। यह घर के बहुत करीब है इसलिए यह सुविधाजनक है।
Mayank:- How much are you paying?
मयंक:- तू उन्हें कितने पैसे दे रहा है?
Pankaj:- 2000 rupees a month.
पंकज:- 2000 रुपये महीना।
Mayank:- That’s pretty good. I think I should join.
मयंक:- बहुत अच्छा है। मुझे लगता है कि मुझे भी ज्वॉइन करना चाहिए।
Pankaj:- If you join, we could work out together. It’s hard to motivate yourself when you are alone. 
पंकज:-अगर तू ज्वाइन करता है तो हम साथ मिलकर कसरत कर सकते है। अकेले में खुद को प्रेरित करना कठिन होता है।
Mayank:- I’m joining from tomorrow.
मयंक:- मैं कल से आ रहा हूँ।


Q1. Write a conversation between a store attendant and a girl discussing about buying a creative gift.
Store Attendant: Hello! How may I help you?
Sakshi: Hi, I was looking for a present for my friend. Could you help me select one?
Store Attendant: Yes, of course! What exactly are you looking for?
Sakshi: Well, my friend is a very creative person, so I would like to give her something she could work on.
Store Attendant: Does your friend like ornaments?
Sakshi: Yes, she does. But she prefers to make her own ornaments.
Store Attendant: Well then, I have just the gift you are looking for.
Sakshi: What is it?
Store Attendant: This is an ornament-making set. It contains a colourful range of strings, beads and stones. It alsocontains hooks and chains. Your friend will love it.
Sakshi: This looks attractive. How much does it cost?
Store Attendant: Only Rs 299. If you’d like, I can show you some handmade card which you could couple with this?
Sakshi: That will not be necessary. I already bought a card. Kindly gift wrap this for me.

Q2. Write a conversation between two friends who have met after several years.
Divya: Hi Smitha, what a pleasant surprise! I am so glad to see you after so many years.
Smitha: Me too, Divya. It feels like ages! How are you? And what are you doing here?
Divya: I am good. I got married three years ago, and I live here with my husband and son.
Smitha: That’s great news. I too moved back with my husband from Pune six months ago.
Divya: So, where do you live?
Smitha: I live in Khar.
Divya: We live very close. We should meet sometime.
Smitha: Yes, we should. How about this weekend?
Divya: Sounds great. You should bring your husband along.
Smitha: I sure will.
Divya: I’m sorry, I have to rush now. I have to pick up my son from school.
Smitha: I understand. Duties come first.
Divya: Well then, see you on Saturday!
Smitha: Good bye.

Q3. Complete the dialogues given below in a suitable way. Write the answers against the correct blank numbers.
Sameer had to catch a train to go to attend an interview in Chandigarh, but he reached the station late due to the traffic jam on roads and so he could not buy a ticket and boarded the train as the train was about to leave. Read the conversation between Sameer and the ticket-checker and complete it in a suitable way.
Ticket Checker:- (a) ____________ ?
Sameer:- I am sorry, I don’t have one.
Ticket Checker:- Travelling without ticket? Don’t you (b) _________ ?
Sameer: Yes sir, I do know that. But you see (c) ___________ and so I had to board the train without a ticket. Won’t you (d) ________ ?
Ticket Checker:- Yes I can make a ticket, but you have to pay a fine of Rs. 100 along with the fare.
Sameer:- No problem sir, here is the money.
Ticket Checker:- That’s all right, but be careful in future.
Sameer:- I will, sir. Definitely.

Answer: (a) Will you please show me your ticket.
(b) know that it is a crime.
(c) when I reached the station, the train was about to leave
(d) make me a ticket, please.