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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter VOLUME AND SURFACE AREA OF SOLIDS of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Class 9MATHS
RS AGGARWALSolved Examples
Number Of Questions79
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the volume, the total surface area and the lateral surface area of a cuboid which is `15 m` long, `12 m` wide and `4.5 m` high.

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  2. How many bricks will be required to construct a wall `13.5 m` long, `6 m` high and `22.5 cm` thick ? It is being given that each brick measured `(27 cm xx 12.5 cm xx 9 cm)` ?

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  3. A room is `16m` long, `9m` wide and `3m` high. If has two doors, each of dimensions `(2m xx 1.5 m)` and the three windows, each of dimensions `(1.6 m xx 75 cm)`.
    Find the cost of distempering the walls of the room from inside at the rate of `Rs 50` per square metre.

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  4. A field is 70 m long and 40 m broad. In one corner of the field, a pit which is 10 m long, 8 m broad and 5 m deep, has been dug out. The earth taken out of it is evenly spread over the remaining part of the field. Find the rise in the level of the field.

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  5. An open wooden box `80 cm` long, `65 cm` wide and `45 cm` high, is made of `2.5 cm` thick wood.
    Find (i) the capacity of the box, (ii) volume of wood used and (iii) weight of the box, it being given that 100 `cm^(3)` of wood weight `8g`

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  6. Find the volume, total surface area, lateral surface area and the length of diagonal of a cube, each of whose edges measured `20 cm`

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  7. The total surface area of a cube is `216 cm^(2)`. Find the volume

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  8. The lateral surface area of a cube is `324 cm^(2)`. Find its volume and the total surface area

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  9. How many square sheets of coloured paper of side 30 cm would be required to cover a wooden box having length, breadth and height as 90 cm, 60 cm and 30 cm respectively ?

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  10. A small indoor greenhouse (herbarium) is made entirely of glass panes (including base) held together with tape. It is 30 cm long, 25 cm wide and 25 cm high. (i) What is the area of the glass? (ii) How much of tape is needed for all the 12 edge

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  11. A sweet seller placed an order for making cardboard boxes of two sizes, namely `(25cm xx 20 cm xx 5 cm) and (15 cm xx 12 cm xx 5 cm)`. If 5% of the total surface area is required extra for all overlaps and the cost of the cardboard is Rs 5 for `1000 cm^(2)`, find the cost of cardboard required for 200 boxes of each kind.

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  12. Ravish wanted to make a temporary shelter for his car by making a box-like structure with tarpaulin that covers all the four sides and the top of the car (with the front face as a flap which can be rolled up). Assuming that the stitching margins are very small, and therefore negligible, how much tarpaulin would be required to make the shelter of height 2.5 metre with base dimension `4m\ x\ 3m\ ?`

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  13. A cubical box has each edge `10 cm` and another cuboidal box is `12.5 cm` long, `10 cm` wide and `8 cm` high.
    (i) Which box has the greater lateral surface area and by how much?
    (ii) Which box has the smaller total surface area and by how much?

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  14. Hameed has built a cubical water tank with lid for his house, with each outer edge 1.5 m long. He gets the outer surface of the tank excluding the base, covered with square tiles of side 25 cm (see Fig. 13.5). Find how much he would spend for the

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  15. A solid cube of side `12 c m` is cut into 8 cubes of equal volume. What will be the side of the new cube? Also, find the ratio between their surface areas.

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  16. A river `3 m` deep and `40 m` wide is flowing at the rate of `2 km` per hour. How much water will fall into the sea in a minute?

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  17. The length of a cold storage is double its breadth. Its height is `3` m. The area of its four walls (including doors) is `108` `m^2`. Find its volume.

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  18. A village, having a population of 4000, requires 150 litres of water per head per day. It has a tank measuring `20"\ "m"\ "xx"\ "15"\ "m"\ "xx"\ "6"\ "m` . For how many days will the water of this tank last?

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  19. A room is half as long again as it is broad. The cost of carpeting the room at `Rs 13` per `m^(2)` is `Rs 702` and the cost of papering the walls at `Rs 7` per `m^(2)` is `Rs 1204.` If `1` door and `2` window occupy `8 m^(2)`, find find dimensions of the room

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  20. Water flows in a tank `60 m xx 40m` at the base through a pipe whose cross section is `2 dm` by `1.5 dm` at the speed of `8 km` per hour. In what time will the water be `5` metres deep ?

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  21. A storage tank is in the form of a cube . When it is full of water, the volume of water is `15.625 m^(3)`. If the present depth of water is `1.3 m,` then, find the volume of water already used from the tank.

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  22. Find the (i) Volume,
    (ii) Area of curved surface and
    (iii) Total surface area of a cylinder having radius of the base `14 cm` and height `30 cm.`

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  23. The total surface area of a cylinder of radius `7 cm` is `880 cm^(2)`.
    Find the height and the volume of the cylinder

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  24. The curved surface area and the volume of a pillar are `264 m^(2) and 396 m^(3)` respectively. Find the diameter and the height of the pillar.

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  25. How many cubic metres of earth must be dug out to sink a well `14 m` deep and having a radius of `4 m.` If the earth taken out is spread over a plot of dimension `(25 m xx 16 m)`. What is the height of the platform so formed?

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  26. A well of inner diameter 14m is dug to a depth of 15m. Earth taken out of it has been evenly spread all around it to a width of 7m to form an embankment. Find the height of the embankment so formed.

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  27. The diameter of a roller, `120 cm` long, is `84 cm.` If it takes `500` complete revolutions to level a playground, find the cost of leveling it at `Rs 5` per square metre.

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  28. Find the number of coins `1.5 cm` in diameter and `0.2 cm` thick to be melted to form a right circular cylinder of height `5 cm` and diameter `4.5 cm.`

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  29. 2.2 cubic dm of brass is to be drawn into a cylindrical wire 0.50 cm in diameter. Find the length of the wire.

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  30. The external diameter of a lead pipe is `2.4 cm` and the thickness of the lead is `2 mm.` Find the weight of a pipe of length `7 m`, it being given that `1 cm^3` of lead weight `10 g.`

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  31. An iron pipe `20 cm` long has exterior diameter equal to `25 cm.` If the thickness of the pipe is `1 cm,` find the whole surface of the pipe.

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  32. The difference between the outside and inside surfaces of a cylindrical metallic pipe `14 cm` long is `44 cm^2`. If the pipe is made of `99 cm^3` of metal, find the outer and inner radii of the pipe.

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  33. A solid iron rectangular block of dimensions `(2.2 m xx 1.2 m xx 1m)` is cast into a hollow cylindrical pipe of internal radius `35 cm` and thickness `5 cm.` Find the length of the pipe

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  34. A copper wire of diameter `6mm` is evenly wrapped on a cylinder of length `15 cm` and diameter `49 cm` to cover its whole surface. Find the length and volume of the wire. If the specific gravity of copper be `9 g` per cu cm, find the weight of the wire.

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  35. In Fig. 13.12, you see the frame of a lampshade. It is to be covered with a decorative cloth. The frame has a base diameter of 20 cm and height of 30 cm. A margin of 2.5 cm is to be given for folding it over the top and bottom of the frame. Find

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  36. The sum of radius of the base and height of a cylinder is `37 m.` If the total surface area of the cylinder is `1628 m^(2)`, find the curved surface area and volume of the cylinder

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  37. A metal pipe is `77 cm` long. The inner diameter of a cross section is `4 cm`, the outer diameter being `4.4 cm.` Find its (i) inner curved surface area
    (ii) outer curved surface area
    (iii) total surface area

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  38. Rainwater, which falls on a flat rectangular rooftop of dimensions `22 m` by `10 m`, is transferred into a cylindrical vessel of internal radius `50 cm` through a circular pipe. A certain day recorded a rainfall of `2.5 cm.` Find the
    (i) volume and
    (ii) height of the water, filled in the cylindrical vessel.

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  39. Find the lateral curved surface area of a cylindrical petrol storage tank that is `4.2 m` in diameter and `4.5 m` high. How much steel was actually used, if `1/(12)` of steel actually used was wasted in making the closed tank?

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  40. Find the area of the chart paper used to make the curved surface of a model of cylindrical kaleidoscope of length `25` cm and radius `3.5` cm

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  41. How much cardboard is required to make 35 penholders in the shape of cylinders, each of radius 3 cm and height 10.5 cm ?

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  42. A rectangular sheet of paper, `44 c m\ x\ 20 c m ,` is rolled along its length of form a cylinder. Find the volume of the cylinder so formed.

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  43. The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio 2:3 and their heights are in the ratio 5:3. Calculate the ratio of their volumes and the ratio of theri curved surfaces.

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  44. The volume of a metallic cylindrical pipe is `784 cm^(3)`. Its length is 14 cm and its external radius is 9 cm. Find its thickness

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  45. A lead pencil consists of a cylinder of wood with a solid cylinder of graphite filled in the interior. The diameter of the pencil is 7 mm and the diameter of the graphite is 1 mm. If the length of the pencil is 14 cm, find the volume of the wood

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  46. 30 circular plantes, each of radius 14 cm and thickness 3 cm are placed one above the another to from a cylindrical solid . Find
    (i) the total surfce area.
    (ii) volume of the cylinder so formed.

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  47. The height of a cone is 24 cm and the diameter of its base is 14 cm. Find the slant height, volume, area of curved surface and the cone

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  48. How many metres of cloth 5m wide will be required to make a conical tent, the radius of whose base is 7m and whose height is 24m? `(T a k epi=(22)/7)`

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  49. The height of a cone is 21 cm and its slant height is 28 cm. The volume of the cone is

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  50. The volume of a right circular cone is `9856` `c m^3` . If the diameter of the base is `28 cm`, find:
    (i) height of the cone.
    (ii) slant height of the cone.
    (iii) curved surface area of the cone.

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  51. The radius and the height of a right circular cone are in the ratio of `5 : 12` and its volume is 2512 cu cm. Find the curved surface area and the total surface area of the cone. (Use `pi = 3.14`)

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  52. A cone of height `8 m` has a curved surface area `188.4` square metres. Find its volume. (Take `pi = 3.14`)

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  53. What length of tarpaulin 3m wide will be required to make a conical tent of height 8m and base radius 6m? Assume that the extra length of material will be required for stitching margins and wastage in cutting is approximately 20 cm `(U s e\ pi=3. 14)`

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  54. A corn cob (see in figure), shaped somewhat like a cone, has the radius of its broadest end as 2.1 cm and length as 20cm. If each `1\ c m^2` of the surface of the cob carries an average of four grains, find how many grains you would find on the entire cob?

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  55. A tent is in the form of a right circular cylinder surmounted by a cone. The diameter of cylinder is 24 m. The height of the cylindrical portion is 11 m while the vertex of the cone is 16 m above the ground. Find the area of canvas required for the tent.

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  56. A right triangle ABC with its sides 5 cm, 12cm and 13cm is revolved about the side 12cm. Find the volume of the solid so formed. If the triangle ABC is revolved about side 5cm, then find the volume of the solid so obtained. Find also the ratio of the volumes of the two solids obtained.

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  57. A semicircular sheet of diameter 28 cm is bent to form an open conical cup. Find the capacity of the cup. (Use `sqrt3 = 1.732`)

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  58. A conical tent is to accommodate 11 persons. Each persons must have 4 sq. metres of the space on the ground and 20 cubic metrs of air to breath. Find the height of the cone.

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  59. A cylinder is within the cube touching all the vertical faces. A cone is inside the cylinder. If their heights are same with the same base, find the ratio of their volumes.

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  60. Find the volume of the largest right circular cone that can be cut out of a cube whose edge is 21 cm

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  61. The height of a cone is 30 cm. A small cone is cut off at the top by a plane parallel to the base. If its volume be `1/(27)` of the volume of the given cone, at what height above the base is the section mode?

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  62. Find the volume and surface area of a sphere of radius `21 cm.`

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  63. Find the surface area of a sphere whose volume is `4851 cm^(3)`

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  64. The surface area of a sphere is `346.5` `cm^2`, calculate its radius and the volume.

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  65. How many spherical bullets can be made out of a solid cube of lead whose edge measures `44 cm,` each being `4 cm` in diameter.

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  66. The diameter of a metallic sphere is `6 cm.` The sphere is melted and drawn into a wire of uniform cross-section. If the length of the wire is `36 m`, find its radius.

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  67. A metallic sphere of radius `21 cm` is dropped into a cylindrical vessel, which is partly, filled with water. The diameter of the vessel is `1.68 m.` If the sphere is completely submerged, find by how much the surface of water will rise.

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  68. A hollow sphere of internal and external diameters `4 cm` and `8 cm` respectively is melted into a cone of base diameter `8 cm.` Calculate the height of the cone.

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  69. Find the volume, curved surface area and the total surface area of a hemisphere of diameter `7 cm.`

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  70. The internal and external diameter of a hollow hemispherical vessel are 20 cm and 28 cm respectively. Find the cost of painting the vessel all over at 35 paise by `cm^(2)`

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  71. On increasing the radius of a sphere by `10%,` find the percentage increase in its volume.

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  72. The surface area of a sphere of radius `5 cm` is five times the curved surface area of a cone of radius `4 cm.` Find the height and volume (correct to two decimal places) of the cone.

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  73. If volumes of two spheres are in the ratio `64 : 27` then the ratio of their surface areas is

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  74. A sphere and a right circule cylinder of the same radius have equal volume. By what percentage does the diameter of the cylinder exceed its height ?

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  75. The water for a factory is stored in a hemispherical tank whose internal diameter is `14 m`. The tank contains `50 L` of water. Water is pumped into the tank to fill to its capacity. Calculate the volume of water pumped into the tank.

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  76. A shopkeeper has one spherical laddoo of radius `5 cm.` With the same amount of material. How many laddoos of radius `2.5 cm` can be made ?

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  77. A shot-putt is a metallic sphere of radius `4.9 cm.` If the density of the metal is `7.8 g` `" per "` `cm^3` , find the mass of the shot-putt

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  78. Tow solid spheres made of the same metal have weight `5920 g` and `740 g,` respectively. Determine the radius of the radius of the larger sphere, if the diameter of the smaller one is `5 cm.`

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  79. A hemispherical tank is made up of an iron sheet `1 cm` thick. If the inner radius is `1 m`, then find the volume of the iron used to make the tank

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter VOLUME AND SURFACE AREA OF SOLIDS of RS AGGARWAL MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 9