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Complete Solutions to Level 1 of chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions45
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In the formation of `NH_(3)` from nitrogen and hydrogen, rate with respect to `H_(2) " is" (2)/(3)` the rate of `NH_(3)`.

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  2. The rate of reaction with respect to change in the concentration of products is represented as `r=-(Delta d)/(Delta t)`

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  3. For the reaction `PCl_(5) hArr PCl_(5)+Cl_(2)`, there is no effect of pressure.

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  4. The rate of an exothermic reaction increases with increasing temperature.True or False?

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  5. At equilibrium properties, like, pressure, concentratio, density and colour remain constant.

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  6. The negative catalyst decreases the activation energy of a reaction.

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  7. The activation energy for slow reactions is high.

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  8. The rate of a reaction is positive when it is measured with respect to ____.

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  9. Potential energy of the products is ___ than reactants in an endothermic reaction.

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  10. In the formation of NO from nitrogen and oxygen increase in temperature shifts the reaction to ____.

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  11. If `K_(C )` for the formation of ammonia is `2 " moles"^(-2) "lt"^(2), K_(c )` for decomposition of ammonia is ____.

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  12. The rate of an endothermic reaction increases with ____ in temperature.

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  13. `CaCO_(3(g)) hArr CaO_((s))+CO_(2(g))`. This reaction becomes irreversible because ____.

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  14. For the equilibrium reaction, dissociation of calcium carbonate `K_(c )` is equal to _____.

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  16. For the reaction `2X+3Y to 4Z + 6Q`

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  17. For the reaction involving the formation of 1 mole fo water molecule from hydrogen and oxygen, the rate of rection with respect to reactants is given as

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  18. The following graph represents a reaction taking place in three steps. From this, identify the exothermic step of the reaction.

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  19. Which of the following expressions can be used to describe the rate of reaction for the equation,` 2X + Y to X_(2)Y` ?

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  20. `2SO_(2)+O_(2) to 2SO_(3)+ " Heat"`. The favourable conditions for the above reaction are

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  21. In reversible reactions

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  22. Consider the reaction `NO+(1)/(2)O_(2) hArr NO_(2)`. Which of the following gives the value of `K_(c )` for this equilibrium ?

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  23. The reaction `2 hArr B` is started with 2 moles of A in a 1 L container. Which of the following graphs represents the equilibrium of the given reaction, if 40% of the reactant A gets converted to B to attain equilibrium ?

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  24. Which of the following is true ?

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  25. Which of the following equilibria can be shifted in backward direction by applying high pressure ?

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  26. If the activation energy of forward reaction is four times the amount of energy released `(DeltaH= -10` kcal), what could be the activation energy of the backward reaction ?

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  27. Which of the following factors affect the equilibrium constant ?

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  28. A reaction has an equilibrium constant of `22xx10^(-2) " mole"^(-1)` L at a certain temperature. Which of the following equilibria corresponds to the above `K_(c )` value ?

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  29. What happens when temperature of a reaction mixture increases from `20^(@)C " to " 60^(@)C` ?

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  30. Which of the following equilibrium shifts in the backward direction by applying high pressure ?

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  31. `2A + 4B to 3C + 5D`
    In the given reaction, the rates of reaction with respect to A, B, C and D are
    `(a) r_(A) " " (b) r_(B)`
    `(c ) r_(C ) " " (d) r_(D)`
    Arrange them in the ascending order of their magnitude.

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  32. From the given graph, arrange the following in an ascending order :
    1. energy of the reactant
    2. energy of the product
    3. threshold energy
    4. activation energy of the backward reaction
    5. activation energy of the forward reaction

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  33. `A_((s)) hArr B_((s))+C_((g))-"Heat"`
    Arrange the conditions which are given below and applied on the above reaction in the increasing order of the yield :
    1. low temperature and low pressure
    2. high temperature and low pressure
    3. continuous removal of the gas C and high temperature
    4. low temperature and high pressure

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  34. `(a) 2A_((g)) hArr 2B_((g))+C(g)`
    `(b) X_((g)) hArr Y_((g)) + Z_((g))`
    `(c ) 2P_((g)) hArr Q_((g))+R_((g))`
    `(d) 2R_((g)) hArr 3S_((g))+2T_((g))`
    The above reactions are carried out in four separate closed vessels of same volume and same temperature is maintained throughout. If all the reactions are inititained throughout. If all the reactions are initiated with with equal number of moles of the reactants and their degrees of dissociation are same, arrange them in the increasing order of pressure after the reactions attain equilibrium.

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  35. `Zn+2HCl to ZnCl_(2) + H_(2) uarr` for this reaction which among the following graphs is true ?

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  36. For the formation of one mole of nitric oxide from its constituents rate of formation of nitric oxide is ______ the rate of consumption of one of the reactants

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  37. Which among the following is true regarding dynamic equilibrium ?

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  38. For the equilibrium, `N_(2)+3H_(2) hArr 2NH_(3)`, if deuterium is introduced into the reaction mixture after equilibrium, the final composition of equilibrium mixture is

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  39. Which among the following reactions is reversible when carried out in a closed container ?

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  40. `K_(C )` for the reaction `(1)/(2)N_(2)(g)+(3)/(2)H_(2)(g) hArr NH_(3(g))` is

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  41. `C_((s))+CO_(2(g)) hArr 2CO_((g)) -" Heat"`. The favourable conditions for the above reaction are

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  42. Which of the following statements regarding a catalyst is false ?

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  43. In a certain reaction `2A + B hArr 4C`, the concentration of A decreases from `5 xx 10^(-3) " mol"//L` to `2 xx10^(-3) " mol"//L` in 30 s. What is the rate with respect to C ?

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  44. The activation energy for the forward reaction of `A+B hArr C+D` is 50 kJ/mole. If the energy of the products is 10 kJ mole more than that of reactants, the activation energy for the formation of reactants from the products is

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  45. Assertion (A) : In the preparation of oxygen from `KClO_(3),MnO_(2)` acts as a positive catalyst.
    Reasson (R ) : `MnO_(2)` decreases the activation energy of the reaction

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Level 1 questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL KINETICS AND CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 9