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Complete Solutions to Level -1 Concept Application of chapter ATOMIC STRUCTURE of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATIONLevel -1 Concept Application
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `._(8)(O)^(16) and ._(8)(O)^(18)`are isotpes while `._(20)(Ca)^(40) and ._(18)(Ca)^(40)` are isobars.

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  2. Energy is absorbed when the electron jumps from K to L energy sheels.

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  3. Anode rays are deflected towards the negative plate in the presence of an electric field because they consist of _________particles.

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  4. Some of the `alpha`-rays deflect in acute and obtuse angles due to the presence of the ________in the centre of the atom.

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  5. The spectra produced by the deexcitation of an electron is called______________.

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  7. Which among the following pairs are having different number of valence electrons ?

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  8. Which among the following are isobars ?

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  9. Which of these pairs has almost similar masses ?

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  10. The energy of an electron revolving in the `3^rd` orbit of `Be^(+3)` ion is __________ev

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  11. Which of the following concepts , was not considered in Rutherford's atomic model ?

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  12. `._7(X)^15,._(7)(X)^11` are two naturally occuring isotopes of an element X. what is the percentage of each isotope of X if the average atomic mass is 14 ?

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  13. A trinegative ion of an element has 8 electrons in its M shell. The atomic number of the element is

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  14. Arrange the following statements given by various scientists in chronological order :

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  15. What is the ratio of radii of the first successive odd orbits of hydrogen atom?

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  16. An electron revolves round the nucleus in the `3rd` orbit and jumped to a higher orbit X showing a difference in angular momentum equal to `(h)/(pi)`. The value of 'X' could be.

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  17. Ruterford's `alpha`-particle scattering experiment eventually led to the conclusion that

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  18. Arrange the following steps which are carreid out in `mu`-ray experiment in the correct sequence:
    (i) Passage of `mu`- particles thorugh a slit.
    (ii) bombardment of `mu`-partilces with a gold foil
    (iii) deflection of `mu`-particles
    (iv) production of `mu` -particles

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  19. Which among the following pairs are having different number of toatl electrons ?

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  20. The postulates of Bohr's atomic model are given below. Arrange them in the correct sequence :
    (1) As long the electron revolves in a particular orbit, the electron does not lose its energy. Therefore, these orbits are called stationary orbits and the electrons are said to be in stationary energy states.
    (2) Electrons revolve round the nucleus in specified circualr paths called orbits or shells.
    (3) The energy associated with a certain energy level increases with the increase of its distance from the nucleus.
    (4) An electron jumps form a lower energy level to a higher energy level by absorbing energy. But when it jumps from a higher to lower energy level, energy is emitted in the form of electromagnetic radiation.
    (5) Each orbit or sheel is associated with a definite amount of energy. Hence, these are also called energy levels and are designated as K,L,M and N, respectively.

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  21. The ratio of atomic number of two elements A and B is `1:2` The numebr of electrons present in the valence sheel `(3^rd)` of A is equal to the difference in the number of electrons present in the other two shells. Steps involved for the calculation of ratio of number of electrons present in a penultimate sheel to anti-penultimate sheel of B are given below :
    Arrange them in the correct sequence :
    (1) calculation of atomic number of B
    (2) calcualtion of valence electrons present in A.
    (3) calacualtion of atomic number of A.
    (4) calacualtion of number of electrons present in the penultimate and anti-penultimate shells of B.
    (5) writing electronic configuration of B.

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  22. The equation given by Bohr to calculate radius of `n^th` orbit of hydrogen atom is

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  23. The number of electrons present int the valence shell of an atom with atomic number 38 is

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  24. The mass number of an atom whose unipositive ion has 10 electrons and 12 neutrons is

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Level -1 Concept Application questions and complete solutions for chapter ATOMIC STRUCTURE of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 9