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Complete Solutions to Exercise 8b of chapter QUADRILATERALS of Class 9 book with complete answers and questions

Class 9MATHS
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The sides AB and AC are equal of an isosceles triangle ABC. D E and F are the mid-points of sides BC, CA and AB respectively. Prove that:
    (i) Line segment AD is perpedicular to line segment EF.
    (ii) Line segment AD bisects the line segment EF.

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  2. Show that the quadrialteral formed by joining the mid-points of the consecutive sides of a rhombus, is a rectangle.

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  3. E is the mid-point of the median AD of `DeltaABC.` Line segment BE meets AC at point F when produce, prove that `AF=1/3AC.`

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  4. Show that the quadrilateral, formed by joining the mid-points of the sides of a square is also a square.

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  5. Show that, in a parallelogram ABCD, the internal and external bisectors of `angleA and angleB` from a rectangle.

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  6. If the mid -point of the consecvitve sides of any quadrilateral are connected by staight line segments, prove that the resulting quadrilteral is a parallelogram .

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  7. In a right-angled triangle `ABC, angleABC=90^(@)` and D is mid-point of AC. Prove that `BD=(1)/(2)AC`.

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  8. `squarePQRS` is a reactangle. If A, B and C are the mid-points of PQ, PS and QR respectively, then prove that

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  9. `P ,Q` and `R` are, respectively, the mid-points of sides `B C ,C A` and `A B` of a triangle `A B C` , `P R` and `B Q` meet at `XdotC R` and `P Q` meet at `Y` . Prove that `X Y=1/4B Cdot`

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  10. In `DeltaPQR,Pq=PR` and S is the mid-point of PQ. A line drawn from S parallel to QR, intersects the line PR at T. Prove that PS = PT.

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  11. M and N divide the side AB of a triangle ABC into three equal parts . Through M and N, lines are drawn parallel to BC and intersecting AC at points P and Q respectively. Prove that P and Q divide AC into three equal parts.

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  12. In the adjoining figure, two points A and B lie on the same side of a line 'l'. C is the mid-point of AB. If AD `botlandBEbotl,` then prove that CD = CE.

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  13. AB and CD are the parallel sides of a trapeziuml. E is the mid-point of AD. A line through E and parallel to side AB meets the line BC at point F. Prove that F is the mid-point of BC.

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  14. Prove that a line drawn from the vertex of a triangle to its base is bisected by the line joining the mid points of the remaining two sides of the triangle.

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  15. In a parallelogram ABCD, E and F are the mid-points of sides BC and AD respectively. Show that the line segment BF and ED trisect the diagonal AC.

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Exercise 8b questions and complete solutions for chapter QUADRILATERALS of NAGEEN PRAKASHAN ENGLISH of Class 9