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Complete Solutions to Level -2 of chapter SOURCES OF ENERGY of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Hydrogen gas which is easily available on the earth is going to be the next promising fuel ' -discuss.

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  2. A solar panel containing 1500 solar cell each of surfaces area `5 cm^(2)` arranged in parallel combinations, is used to supply electrical energy for domestic needs. The efficiency of a solar cell is 35% and 600 J of energy is incident on one square metre area in one second, find the electrical energy generated in one hour.

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  3. How much energy will 1 kg mass of wood yield on complete combustion if its calorific value were 18 kJ `g^(-1)`?

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  4. Among the given fuels, justify which one is a good fuel ?

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  5. Some renewable sources of energy are given below : solar energy, tidal energy, biogas energy, hydel energy , OTEC, wind energy, geothermal energy, ocean wave energy. Which of the given sources are more reliable and consistent in availability.

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  6. The flame of candle or kerosene stove is sometimes yellow and sometimes blue. What do these colours indicate ?

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  7. Why is electric energy the most desirable form of energy ?

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  8. The heat produced on complete combustion of 20 g of a fuel could raise the temperature of 1.5 kg of water form `25^(@)C` to `75^(@)C`. Calculate the calorific value of the fuel if the specific heat capacity of water is `4.2 J g^(-1).^(@)C^(-1)`. Assume that the heat absorbed by the container is negligible.

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  9. What are the advantages and disadvantage of using nuclear energy ?

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  10. 60 MJ energy is produced on combustion of 2 kg of coal. Find how much energy is produced on burning 0.5 kg of coal. Also find the calorific value of coal.

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  11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using charcoal as a fuel as compared to wood ?

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  12. A piece of cloth is soaked in kerosene and another piece in water. When both are lighted with a match stick, which one will burn easily ? Why ?

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  13. What is the source of energy for an artificial satellite ?

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  14. Find the mass of the fuel required to raise the temperature of 2 kg of water in a copper container of mass 1 kg by `88^(@)C`. Given calorific value of fuel is 48 MJ `kg^(-1)`, specific heat capacity of water is 1 cal `g^(-1).^(@)C^(-1)` and specific heat capacity of copper is 0.095 cal `g^(-1).^(@)C^(-1)`.

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  15. A surface of area `1 m^(2)` kept perpendicular to the sun rays absorbs 3 MJ solar energy in one hour.
    (a) What is the amount of solar energy absorbed by a solar heater when a surface of area of `9 cm^(2)` is exposed perpendicular to the sun rays for 4 hours.
    (b) What is amount of time taken by this heater to boil 12 kg of water at `40^(@)C` if its efficiency is 60% ? specific heat capacity of water =4200 J `kg^(-1) .^(@)C^(-1)`

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Level -2 questions and complete solutions for chapter SOURCES OF ENERGY of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8