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Complete Solutions to Concept Application (Level 1) of chapter LIGHT of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATIONConcept Application (Level 1)
Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. When an object is moved away from a convex mirror, the image

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  2. Which among the following do you consider the reason for light to be travelling in a staight line?

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  3. A man stands in front of a mirror and finds that his image is larger than himself. The mirror is a _____mirror.

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  4. Total internal reflection may occur when light travels from _____

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  5. Real images are formed by ____

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  6. Velocity of light in medium 1 is `2.4 xx 10^7 "m s"^(-1)` and velocity of light in medium 2 is `1.8 xx 10^7 "m s"^(-1)`, then the refractive index of medium 2 with respect to medium 1 is

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  7. A ray of light passing through the principal focus of a convex lens after refraction

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  8. The sun is seen before the actual sun rise because of _______

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  9. In a convex lens, we get virtual image when the object is _____

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  10. When white light is incident on a hollow prism,

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  11. By using a concave mirror, image of a tree is focused on a screen. The distance between the screen and the mirror is _____

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  12. The object or image distance is taken as positive

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  13. The convex lens of larger focal length used in a compound microscope is called

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  14. A concave mirror forms an erect image twice the size of a object. The object distance from the mirror is ______

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  15. If the real depth of a coin in water (`mu` = 4/3) is 4 cm, the apparent depth is

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  16. Five spherical mirrors are made from the same sphere. The uncommon thing among the mirrors is _______

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  17. When an extended source of light moves towards a stationary opaque body, where the extended source is bigger than the opaque body, then on a stationary screen placed behind the object the

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  18. A concave mirror produces a virtual, erect image when the object is ______

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  19. The heights of objects or images are taken as negative when they are measured

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  20. Arrange the following steps in sequential order to verify laws of reflection of light.
    (A) Place a mirror on MM' and looking at the pins P and Q from the other side of the normal, observe their images.
    (B) Fix a white paper to a drawing board and draw a straight line MM' and a line ON perpendicular to MM' on the paper.
    (C) Fix two more pins P' and Q' in line with the images of the pins P and Q.
    (D) Draw a line PO such that it makes suitable acute angle with the normal and fix two pins P and Q on the line, which is the incident ray.
    (E) Measure `anglePON`, the angle of incidence and `angle(P'ON)`, the angle of reflection.
    (F) Remove the plane mirror and join P' and O. OP' is the reflected ray.
    (G) Repeat the experiment for different angles of incidence and tabulate the results.

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  21. Arrange the following steps of an experiment in sequential order to prove the rectilinear propagation of light.
    (A) Place a lighted candle towards the wooden upright C facing the hole.
    (B) The candle flame is clearly visible which would disappear if one of the uprights is moved.
    (C) Take three wooden uprights A, B and C and make a small hole at the same height from the base on each of A, B and C such that they are in a straight line.
    (D) Now, look through the hole of upright A.

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  22. Arrange the following steps of an experiment in sequential order to calculate the focal length of a concave mirror when the object is at a small distance.
    (A) Mount a concave mirror on the mirror stand and place an object in front of it at a certain distance.
    (B) Adjust the position of the screen and the mirror until a bright and sharp image is obtained on the screen.
    (C) Measure the distance between the object and the mirror. This distance gives the object distance u.
    (D) Place the screen between the object and mirror but not in line with them.
    (E) Measure the distance between the concave mirror and the screen. This gives the image distance v.
    (F) The focal length of the given concave mirror can be found out using the mirror formula with proper signs.
    (G) Repeat the experiment for different values of u and v and tabulate the results.

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  23. Long-sightedness is caused due to

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  24. If an object is placed at the principal focus of a convex lens, the image formed is real, inverted and

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  25. The image obtained by using a simple microscope is

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  26. Just before the time of sunset the sun appears to be bigger because

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  27. Myopia is caused due to

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  28. Assertion (A): Convex mirrors are used as rear view mirrors in vehicles.
    Reason:(R) : The field ivew of convex mirror is maximum and they form diminished images.

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  29. Assertion (A): A rianbow is formed when white light is inicdent on raindrops.
    Reason (R): White light contains seven colours and it undergoes dispersion inside a raindrop.

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  30. Read the following statements and choose the correct option.
    (A) Onlly a point source forms a complete umbra.
    (B) An extended source forms a complete umbra and penumbra.

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Concept Application (Level 1) questions and complete solutions for chapter LIGHT of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8