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Complete Solutions to CONCEPT APPLICATION (LEVEL-2) of chapter Electricity of Class 7 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions26
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Three batteries are connected as shown in the figure.
    Then the total emf in the circuit is `"____"` V.

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  2. Three identical bulbs are connected as shown in fig-ure. Choose the correct statement.

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  3. A positively charged body is brought in contact with the cap of gold leaf electroscope. Whose strips are netural , then

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  4. Choose the correct statement:
    When the same current(i) flows through tow circuits as shown in the figures, then (assume that all bulbs are identical)
    (A) bulbs in first combination glow with more brightness.
    (B) bulbs in second combination glow with more brightness.
    (C) bulbs in both the combination glow with equal brightness.

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  5. A glass rod is rubbed against a silk cloth, then

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  6. A magnet is brought close to a current carrying conductor as shown in figure, then

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  7. Three dry cells are connected as shown in the figure. If e.m.f of each cell is 2 V, then the e.m.f. of the combination is `"_____"` V.

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  8. Choose the correct statement about the given circuit: Three identical bulbs are connected as shown in the figure.

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  9. When a positively charged and another negtively charged bodies with equal magnitude of charge are brought simultaneously in contact with the cap of a positively charged electroscope, then the strips

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  10. When a neutral body is brought closer to a negatively charged body, then

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  11. What happens when a current carrying metallic comb is placed close to small iron filings?

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  12. (a) Two charged bodies, A and B are suspended from a fixed point with the help of silk threads as shown in the figure. If A is positively charged can we identify the nature of charge on 'B' ?

    (b) A negatively charged conducting sphere A and a neutral sphere B are kepton insulating stands and brought cose to each other. The charge distri-bution is as shown in the figure.
    Is B charged ? What type of force exists between A and B ?

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  13. Raghavan found a metallic rod AB and a glass rod CD both positively charged and placed on an insulat-ing table. He wanted to know what would happen to the charges on AB and CD if he touched both the rod at A and C ? Discuss.

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  14. Two identical, small metallic shpheres A and B are placed side by side on an insultaing smooth table as shown in the figure. If A is positively charged and held fixed with the table , discuss the motion of B.

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  15. Observe the circuit and state whether the cells are connected in series or parallel. If each cell is of e.m.f. `1.5 V`, then find the total e.m.f applied across the bulb connected.

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  16. Three identical cells of e.m.f. `1.5 V` are given. Find how we can arrange them to get a total e.m.f. of
    (a) `1.5 V`, (b) `3 V`, (c ) `4.5 V`.

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  17. Prahar took two identical heating elements and con-nected them to a battery in two different ways as shown in the figure. When he switched ON the switch, is the heat developed in each element the same or different in both the cases ?

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  18. Identify whether the following circuits are open or closed.

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  19. What is the nature of materials used to make the 'filament' of an electric bulb and the 'fuse wire' used in electric fuse ? Compare them.

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  20. Define live and neutral wires.

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  22. We observe the bulb glowing when the switch is 'ON'. Can we conculde that charges instantly move from the 'switch' to the bulb ? Discuss.

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  23. What is a depolarizer and how does it work ?

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  24. Gourang made an electric circuit with three bulbs `B_(1), B_(2)` and `B_(3)` a cell and two switches `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` as shown in figure. He notes his observation when

    (a) `S_(1)` is closed and `S_(2)` is open,
    (b) `S_(2)` is closed and `S_(1)` is open.
    He also found that a bulb whose failure made the circuit 'open' irrespective of the status of `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` . What are his observation.

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  25. Saket was repairing an electric bell. By mistake, instead of an electromagnet, he placed a permanent magnet in the electric bell. Explain, what changes do you observe.

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  26. Ravinder was inspired by reading the autobiography of Thomas Alva Edison and changed a portion of his room into a laboratory. In his laboratory he per-formed and activity that demonstrates both 'heating effect' and 'magnetic effect' of electric current. He connected different components with different wires and the connections are represented by the following circuit diagram.
    To his disappointment, he was not successful in his effort. Observe the circuit and suggest modifications to make his effort successful.

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CONCEPT APPLICATION (LEVEL-2) questions and complete solutions for chapter Electricity of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 7