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Complete Solutions to HOTs Worksheet of chapter MAGNETISM of Class 6 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The relation between geometric length and magnetic length of a bar magnet is given by Magnetic length `=(5)/(6)xx` Geometric length. If the difference between geometric length and magnetic length of a bar magnet is 'K' units, then find its geometric length and magnetic length.

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  2. The strength of a magnetic pole is measured in terms of pole strength. Pole strength depends on number of free poles exposed at the end of the magnet. Number of free poles exposed at the end of magnet inturn depends on the area of cross section of the magnet. A bar magnet has a pole strength 'K'. If is cut into 2007 parts as shown in the figure. The pole strength of each piece now is ____

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  3. A bar magnet has a pole strength 'K'. If it is cut into 4 pieces as shown in the figure. The pole strength of each piece now is ____

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  4. A bar magnet of dimensions l, b and h has pole strength of K units. Now its dimensions are doubled. The new pole strength is ______

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  5. The product of the length of the magnet and its pole strength is called the moment of a magnet or Magnetic moment. If 'm' is the pole strength and 2l is the length of the magnet then, the moment of the magnet or Magnetic moment is given by. `M =m xx 2l`. Also, Magnetic moment is a vector quantity, with its direction from south pole to north pole along its axial line. If a bar magnet of magnetic moment 80 units be cut into two halves of equal lengths the magnetic moment of each half will be

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  6. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is cut into four parts of equal length. The magnetic moment of each part is

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  7. A bar magnet of magnetic moment M and pole strength m is broken into two pieces at the middle. The magnetic moment and pole strength of each piece will be

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  8. Two similar bar magnets P and Q each of magnetic moment M, are taken,. If P is cut along its axial line and Q is cut along its equatorial line, all the four pieces obtained have

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  9. The moment of a magnet is `3 xx 10^(-1)A m^(2)` and the length of the magnet is 10cm. The pole strength of the magnet is (in A.m)

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  10. A straight steel wire of length l has a magnetic moment M. When it is bent in the form of a semi - circle its magnetic moment will be

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HOTs Worksheet questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETISM of BEIITIANS of Class 6