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Complete Solutions to PHYSICS of chapter NTA TPC JEE MAIN TEST 111 of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The power consumed by the 4 V battery is

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  2. A photoelectric experiment is performed at two different light intensities `I_(1) and I_(2) (I_(2) gt I_(1))`. Choose the correct graph showing the variation of stopping potential versus frequency of light.

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  3. A conductor rod AB moves parallel to X-axis in a uniform magnetic field, pointing in the positive Z-direction. The end A of the rod gets-

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  4. When induced `emf` in inductor coil is `50%` of its maximum value then stored energy in inductor coil in the given circuit at that instant will be:-

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  5. A photoelectric cell is illuminated by a point source of light 1 m away. When the source is shifted to 2 m then

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  6. The current through and ideal p-n junction shown in the following circuit diagram will be

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  7. A cylindrical capacitor has charge Q and length L. If both the charge and length of the capacitor are doubled by keeping other parameters fixed, the energy stored in the capacitor

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  8. Point charges g, -q, 2Q and Q are placed in order at the corners A, B, Cand D of a square of side 2b. If the field at the midpoint of CD is zero, then `(q)/(Q)` is

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  9. The escape velocity from the earth is about 11 km/s. The escape velocity from a planet having twice the radius and the twice mean density as the earth, is

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  10. A vessel is filled with an ideal gas at a pressure of `10` atmospheres and temp `27^(0)C`. Half of the mass of the gas is removed from the vessel the temperature of the remaining gas is increased to `87^(0)C`. Then the pressure of the gas in the vessel will be

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  11. In the figure a smooth pulley of negligible weight is suspended by a spring balance. Weights of 1kg and 5 kg are attached to the opposite ends of a string passing over the pulley and move with acceleration because of gravity. During the motion, the spring balance reads a weight of `:`

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  12. A Galvanometer, with a scale divided into 150 equal divisions, has current sensitivity of 10 divisions per milliampere and voltage sensitivity of 2 divisions per millivolt. Find shunt resistance for making an ammeter of 6A.

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  13. A sound wave of frequency `f` propagasing through air with a velocity `C`, is reflected from a surface which is moving away from the source with a constant speed `V`. Find the frequency of the reflected wave, measured by the observer at the position of the source.

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  14. Two stationary soruces of sound, `S_(1)` and `S_(2)` having an equal frequency are fixed some distance apart. The position A is left of `S_(1)` , position B in the middle of the two sources and positionC is to the right of `S_(2)`. An observer starts moving with velocity `V_(0)` from position A towards `S_(1)`, then

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  15. An incompressible liquid travels as shown in figure. Calculate the speed of the fluid in lower branch

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  16. A light ray moving in medium-I (of refractive index `n_(1)`) is incident on interface of two media and it is totally internally reflected at the interface. Now, refractive index `n_(2)` of medium-II is decreased, then

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  17. A rod of mass `M kg` and length `L m` is bent in the from of an equilateral tringle as shown in Gig. The moment of inertia of the triangle about a vertical axis perpendicular to the plane of the triangle and passing through the centre (in units of `kg m^2`) is.

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  18. A thin circular ring of mass M and radius R is rotating about its axis with a constant angular velocity omega. Four objects each of mass m, are kept gently to the opposite ends of two perpendicular diameters of the ring. The angular velocity of the ring will be

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  19. The specific heats, `C_(P)` and `C_(V)` of a gas of diatomic molecules, A are given (in units of `Jmol^(-1) K^(-1)`) by 29 and 22 , respectively. Another gas of diatomic molecules , B has the corresponding values 30 and 21. if they are treated as ideal gases, then :

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  20. In Young's experiment , the fringe width of the fringes with light of wavelength 6000 Å is `2.0` mm . What will be the fringe width if the entire apparatus is immersed in a liquid of refractive index `1.33` ?

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  21. When the first transitions of the Balmer series of excited hydrogen atoms are observed at an angle `theta = 60^(@)` to their motion, the wavelength appears to be displaced by `Delta lamda = 0.2 Å.` If the velocity of the hydrogen atoms is found to be `N xx 10 ^(3) ms ^(-1),` then find the value of N. [Take `R = 10 ^(7) m ^(-1)`]

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  22. All the edges of a block with parallel faces are unequal. Its longest edge is twice its shortest edge. The ratio of the maximum to minimum resistance between parallel faces is.

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  23. A bandwidth of 10 MHz is available for AM transmission. If the maximum audio signal frequency used for modulating the carrier is not to exceed 5 kHz, how many stations can be broadcasted within this band simultaneously without interfering with each other ?

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  24. Find the value of `|vecV|` if the linear velocity of a rotating body is given by `vecv = vecomega xx vecr ,` where `vecomega` is the angular velocity and `vecr` is the radius vector. The angular velocity of a body is
    `vecomega = hati - 2 hatj ` and the radius vector
    `vecr = 2 hatj - 3 hatk.`

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  25. A tightly wound solenoid of radius 'a' and length 'l' has n turns per unit length. It carries an electric current i. Magnetic field at a distance `(l)/(4)` from one of the end (inside the solenoid on its axis) is `B=(mu_(0)ni(sqrt5+3))/(sqrtK)` for `l=4a`. Then find the value of K.

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  26. Two blocks P and Q of masses 0.3 kg and 0.4 kg respectively are stuck to each other by some weak glue as shown in the figure. They hand together at the end of a spring with a spring constant `"k = 200 N m"^(-1)`. The block Q suddenly falls free due to failure of glue, then find the maximum kinetic energy of the block P during subsequent motion (in mJ).

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  27. The lengths of sides of a cuboid are a, 2a and 3a. If the relative percentage error in the measurement of a is `1%`, then what is the relative percentage error in the measurement of the volume of the cuboid.

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  28. A light rod of length 4.0 m is suspended from the ceiling horizontally by means of two vertical wire of equal length tied to its ends. One of the wires is made of steel and is of cross-section `10^(-3)m^(2)` and the other is of brass of cross-section `2xx10^(-3)m^(2)`. Find out the position along the rod at which a weight may be hung to produce equal stresses in both wires.

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  29. Earth receives `1400 W m ^-2` of solar power. If all the solar energy falling on lens of area `0.2m^2` is focussed on to a block of ice of mass 280 g , then what is the time (in min) taken by the ice to melt completely ? `[L_("fusion")=3.3xx105 J kg ^-1]`

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  30. An automobile travelling with a speed `60 km//h` , can brake to stop within a distance of `20 m` . If the car is going twice as fast i. e. , `120 km//h`, the stopping distance will be

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PHYSICS questions and complete solutions for chapter NTA TPC JEE MAIN TEST 111 of NTA MOCK TESTS of Class 12