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Complete Solutions to MCQs of chapter NEET of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Two masses as shown are suspended from a massless pulley. Calculate the acceleration of the system when masses aere left free:

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  2. A body of mass 3 kg hits a wall at an angle of `60^(@)` & returns at the same angle. The impact time was 0.2s. Calculate the force exerted on the wall:

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  3. A mass of 1 kg is thrown up with a velocity of 100 m/s. After 5 seconds. It explodes into two parts. One parts of mass 400 g comes down with a velocity 25 m/s Calaculate the velocity of other parts:

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  4. Calculate the net resistance of the circuit between A and B:

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  5. A capacitor is charged with a battery and energy stored is U. After disconnecting battery another capacitor of same capacity is connected in parallel with it. Then energy stored in each capacitor is:

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  6. Two projectiles of same mass and with same velocity are thrown at an angle `60^(@)` and `30^(@)` with the horizontal, then which quantity will remain same:-

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  7. A mass is performing vertical ciruclar motion . If the average velocity of the particle is increased, then at which point the string will break:

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  8. A nuclear decay is expressed as ltbr. `._(6)C^(11) rarr ._(5)B^(11)+beta^(+)+X`
    Then the unknown particle `X` is

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  9. A man is slipping on a frictions inclined plane & a bag falls down from the same height. Then the speed of both is related as:

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  10. A body weighs 72 N on the surface of the earth. What is the gravitational force on it due to earth at a height equal to half the radius of the earth from the surface

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  11. What is a rainbow ? What is its two types ? How are they formed ? Discuss briefly.

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  12. Gravitational force is required for:

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  13. For a plane convex lens `(mu 1.5)` has radius of curvature 10 cm. It is slivered on its plane surface. Find focal length after silvering:

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  14. By photoelectric effect, Einstein, proved

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  15. Maximum frequency of emission is obtained for the transition:

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  16. To find out degree of freedom, the correct expression is:

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  17. To find out degree of freedom, the correct expression is:

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  18. The frequency order of for `gamma`-rays (b) X-rays (a) UV-rays (c ):

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  19. Electric field at centre O of semicircule of radius 'a' having linear charge density `lambda` given is given by

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  20. The width of river is 1 km. The velocity of boat is 5 km/hr. The boat covered the width of river with shortest will possible path in 15 min. Then the velocity of river stream is:

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  21. Motion of a particle is given by equation `S = (3t^(3) + 7 t^(2) + 14 + t + 8)`m, The value of acceleration of the particle at t = 1 sec, is:

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  22. A charge Q is situated at the corner of a cube the electric flux passed through all the six faces of the cube is :

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  23. For adjoining fig, The magnetic field at point, 'P' will be:

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  24. A charge having q/m equal to `10^(g)` c/kg and with velocity `3 xx 10^(5)` m/s enters into a uniform magnetic field B = 0.3 tesla at an angle `30^(@)` with direction of field. Then radius of curvature will be:

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  25. The value of quality factor is:

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  26. Two sound sources emitting sound each of wavelength `lambda` are fixed at a given distance apart. A listener moves with a velocity `u` along the line joining the two suorces. The number of beats heard by him per second is

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  27. A string is cut into three parts, having fundamental frequencies `n_(1), n_(2)` and `n_(3)` respectively, Then original fundamental frequency 'n' related by the expression as:

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  28. The equations of two waves given as `x = a cos (omega t = delta)` and `y = a cos (omega t + alpha)`, where `delta = alpha + pi/2`, then resultant wave represent:

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  29. The relation between half`-`life period `(t_(1//2))` and disintegration constant `(lambda)` is expressed as a)`lambda=(0.693)/(t_(1//2))` b)`lambda=(0.693)/(t_(1//2))` c)`lambda=(693)/(t_(1//2))` d)`lambda=693t_(1//2)`

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  30. A cannot engine has efficiency `(1)/(6)`. If temperature of sink is decreased by `62^(@)C` then its efficiency becomes `(1)/(3)` then the temperature of source and sink:

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  31. A forward biased diode is

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  32. Given Truth table is correct for :

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  33. A pendulum is displaced to an angle `theta` from its equilibrium position, then it will pass through its mean position with a velocity v equal to

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  34. If `vec(F ) = (60 hat(i) + 15 hat(j) - 3 hat(k)) N` and `vec(V) = (2 hat(i) - 4 hat(j) + 5 hat(k))` m/s, then instantaneous power is:

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  35. For the adjoining diagram, a triangular lamina is shown the correct relation between `I_(1), I_(2)` & `I_(3)` is (I - moment of inertia)

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  36. Masses `M_(A) "and" M_(B)` hanging from the ends of strings of lengths `L_(A) "and" L_(B)` are executing simple harmonic motions. If their frequencies are `f_(A) = 2f_(B)`, then

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  37. Nuclear fission can be explained by

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  38. Who evaluted the mass of electron indirectly with help of charge:

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  39. A car battery of emf 12V and internal resistance `0.05 omega` receives a current of 60 A from an external source, then the terminal potential difference of the battery is

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  40. Two bulbs of (40 W, 200 V) and (100 W, 200 V). Then correct relation for their resistance:

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  41. According to the Faraday Law of electrolysis, the mass deposited at electrode proportional to:

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  42. A man is 6 ft tall In order to see his entire image, he requires a plane mirror of minimum length equal to

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  43. A potentiometer is an ideal device of measuring potential difference because

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  44. Escape velocity on the surface of earth is 11.2 km/s . Escape velocity from a planet whose mass is the same as that of earth and radius 1/4 that of earth is

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  45. Choose the corrector relation between the transistor parameters `alpha` and `beta`.

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  46. The life span of atomic hydrogen is:

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  47. The cations and anions are arranged n alternate form in:

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  48. When an electron do transition from n = 4 to n = 2, then emitted line in spectrum will be:

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  49. A bubble in glass slab `(mu = 1.5)` when viewed from one side appears at 5 cm and 2 cm from other side, then thickness of slab is :

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  50. Which pair have not equal dimensions :

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  51. The dimension of Planck's constant are the same as that of

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  52. Which rays contain (+ Ve) charged particle : -

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  53. An electron having mass 'm' and kinetic energy E enter in uniform magnetic field B perpendicularly, then its frequency will be : -

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  54. A particle is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at half of the height is 10 m/s. Then the maximum height attained by it : -
    `(g=10 m//s^2)`

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  55. A stone is thrown at an angle of `45^(@)` to the horizontal with kinetic energy K. The kinetic energy at the highest point is

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  56. A black body has maximum wavelength `lambda_(m)` at temperature `2000 K`. Its corresponding wavelength at temperature 3000 will be

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  57. Two particles having mass 'M' and 'm' are moving in a circular path having radius R & r respectively. If their time period are same then the ratio of angular velocity will be : -

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  58. A child is swinging a swing. Minimum and maximum heights fo swing from the earth's surface are 0.75 m and 2 m respectively. The maximum velocity of this swing is

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  59. The current (I) in the circuit will be : -

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  60. Biological importance of Ozone layer is

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  61. Two spreings A and B`(k_A=2k_B)` ar stretched by applying forces of equa magnitudes at the foru ends. If the energy stored in A is E, that in B is

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  62. A charge Q `muc` is placed at the centre of cube, the flux coming out from any surfaces will be : -

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  63. In the nuclear reaction : `X (n, alpha)_3 Li^7` the term `X` will be `3`

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  64. Half life of a radioactive elemets is 12.5 hour and its quantity is 256 gm. After how much time is quantity will remain 1 gm ?

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  65. A scientist says that the efficiency of his heat engine which operates at source temperature `127^(@)C` and sink temperature `27^(@)C is 26%`, then

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  66. A cricketer catches a ball of mass 150 gm. in 0.1 second moving with speed `20 ms^(–1)`. Then he experiences force of : -

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  67. If the tension and diameter of a sonometer wire of fundamental frequency `n` are doubled and density is halved then its fundamental frequency will become

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  68. The total energy of particle performing SHM depend on : -

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  69. With what velocity should a particle be projected so that its height becomes equal to radius of earth?

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  70. A disc is placed on a surface of pond which has refractive index `3/5` . A source of light is placed 4 m below the surface of liquid. The minimum radius of disc will be so light is not coming out

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  71. A ray of light travelling in air haves wavelength `lambda`, frequency n, velocity v and intensity I. If this ray enters into water then these parameter are `lambda`', n' , v' and I' respectively. Which relation is correct

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  72. A cylindrical rod having temperature `T_(1)` and `T_(2)` at its ends. The rate of flow of heat is `Q_(1) cal//sec`. If all the linear dimensions are doubled keeping temperature constant, then rate of flow of heat `Q_(2)` will be

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  73. If `|vecA+vecB|=|vecA|+|vecB|`, then angle between `vecA` and `vecB` will be

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  74. Optical fibers are based on the phenomenon of

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  75. Which of the following pheniomeana exhibits particle nature of light ?

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  76. Two waves having equaitons
    If in the resultant wave the frequency and amplitude remain equal to those of superimposing waves. Then phase difference between them is

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  77. In Thomson mass spectrograph `vecE bot vecB` then the velocity of underflected electron beam will be :

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  78. Energy per unit volume for a capacitor having area A and separation d kept at potential diffeence V is given by : -

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  79. On the horizontal surface of a truck `(mu=0.6)` a block of mass 1 kg is placed. If the truck is accelerating at the rate of `5m//sec^(2)` then friction force on the block will be

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  80. Tangent galvanometer is used to measure

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  81. A capacitor has capacity C and reactance X. If capacitance and frequency become double, then reactance will be

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  82. A disc is rolling the velocity of its centre of mass is `V_"cm"` then which one will be correct : -

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  83. If specific resistance of a potentiometer wire is `10^(–7 ) Omega m`, the current flow through it is `0.1 A` and the cross-sectional area of wire is `10^(–6) m^(2)` then potential gradient will be

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  84. In an inductor of self-inductance L=2 mH, current changes with time according to relation `i=t^(2)e^(-t)`. At what time emf is zero ?

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  85. In a common-base configuration of a transistor `(Delta i)/(Delta i_(e)) = 0.98`, then current gain in common emitter configuration of transistor will be

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  86. A dipole of moment `vecp` is placed in a uniform electric field `vecE`. The force on the dipole is `vecF` and the torque is `vec(tau)`

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  87. A small coil of `N` turns has area `A` and a current `I` flows through it. The magnetic dipole moment of this coil will be

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  88. The equation of a wave is represented by `y=10^-4sin[100t-(x)/(10)]`. The velocity of the wave will be

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  89. The interplaner distance in a crystal is `2.8 xx 10^(–8)` m. The value of maximum wavelength which can be diffracted : -

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  90. If the energy of a hydrogen atom in `nth` orbit is `E_(n)`, then energy in the nth orbit of a singly ionised helium atom will be

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  91. In which type of material the magnetic susceptibility does not depend on temperature?

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  92. The resistance of each arm of the wheat stone bridge is `10Omega`. A resistance of `10Omega` is connected in series with galvanometer then the equivalent resistance across the battery will be:-

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  93. Copper and silicon is cooled from 300 K to 60 K, the specific resistance

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  94. In bcc structure of lattice constant a, the minimum distance between atoms is

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  95. 250 N force is required to raise 75 kg mass from a pulley. If rope is pulled 12 m then the load is lifted to 3m, the efficiency of pulley system will be : -

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  96. A photo cell is receiving light from a source placed at a distance of `1 m`. If the same source is to be placed at a distance of `2 m` , then the ejected electron

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  97. `M_n` and `M_p` represent mass of neutron and proton respectively. If an element having atomic mass `M` has `N-`neutron and `Z`-proton, then the correct relation will be :

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  98. A 1 kg stationary bomb is exploded in three parts having mass 1 : 1 : 3 respectively. Parts having same mass move in perpendicular direction with velocity `30 ms^(–1)`, then the velocity of bigger part will be : -

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  99. Why a huge amount of energy is released in nuclear fission of nuclear fusion solution.

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  100. A mass is suspended separately by two different springs in successive order then time period is `t_1` and `t_2` respectively. If it is connected by both spring as shown in figure then time period is `t_0`, the correct relation is : -

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MCQs questions and complete solutions for chapter NEET of NEET PREVIOUS YEAR (YEARWISE + CHAPTERWISE) of Class 12