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Complete Solutions to Ecosystem of chapter ECOSYSTEM of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which one of the following is not correct match of the term and its description?

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  2. Match column I with column II and choose the correct option from the given codes.

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  3. Term 'ecosystem' was coined by

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  4. Which of the following pairs is not correct?

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  5. Vertical distribution of different species occupying different levels in dense vegetation is called

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  6. Which of the following aspects is not a component of functional unit of ecosystem?

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  7. In a comparative study of grassland ecosystem and pond ecosystem, it may be observed that

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  8. The movement of energy from lower to higher trophic level is

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  9. The given pie diagram represents different components of the soil. Identify P,Q and R and select the correct option

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  10. The rate of conversion of light energy into chemical energy of organic molecules in an ecosystem is

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  11. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1: Net primary productivity is less than the gross primary productivity.
    Statement 2 : Net primary productivity is equal to the gross primary productivity minus the respiration losses.

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  12. The biomass available for consumption by the herbivores and the decomposers is called

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  13. ____ is the rate of production of organic matter by consumers.

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  14. The rate of formation of new organic matter by rabbit in a grassland, is called.

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  15. Primary productivity depends upon

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  16. The annual net primary productivity of the whole biosphere is approximately

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  17. Which one of the following exhibits least productivity?

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  18. Which one of the following is the most productive ecosystem?

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  19. Arrange the following ecosystems in increasing order of their mean NPP .
    (A) Tropical deciduous forest
    (B) Temperate coniferous forest
    (C ) Tropical rainforest
    (D) Temperate deciduous forest

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  20. Fragmentation, leaching and catabolism are some of the important steps of decomposition. Study the following statements I , ii and iii regarding these and select the correct option.
    (i) Detritivores (e.g., earthworm) breakdown detritus into smaller particles.
    (ii) Water soluble inorganic nutrients go down into soil horizon and get precipitated as unavailable salts.
    (iii) Decomposers (e.g., bacteria and fungi) secrete digestive enzymes and degrade detritus into simpler inorganic substances.

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  21. Read the given statements and select the correct option. Statement 1 : Decomposition is the physical and chemical breakdown of complex organic matter into simple inorganic substances.
    Statements 2: Humification is the process of formation of humus from detritus or organic remains.

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  22. which of the following is not characteristic of humus?

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  23. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
    `{:("column I","Column II"),("Gross primary productivity",(i)"Self-sustainable"),("Net primary productivity",(ii)"Aquatic ecosystem"),("Pond",(iii)O_(2)"requiring process"),("Aquarium",(iv)"Photosynthetic production"),("Decompositon",(v)"Available to secondary consumers"):}`

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  24. During the process of decompositon

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  25. Rate of decompositon depends upon

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  26. Decomposers are also called as

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  27. The ultimate energy source of all ecosystem is

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  28. Percentage of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in the incident solar radiation is

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  29. Percentage of photosyntetically active radiation (PAR) that is captured by plants in synthesis of organic matter is

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  30. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1: Herbivours are also called as first order consumers.
    Statement 2: Herbivores obtain their food directly from plants.

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  31. Given figure represents two food chains (X and Y) linked together to form a food web.

    Identify the types of food cahin X and Y and the organism A that interconnects these food cahins.

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  32. Select the option that correctly identifies A,B and C in the table.

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  33. Select the incorrect food chain

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  34. Which of the following organisms in the given food web act both as apredator and a prey?

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  35. Which of the following organisms in the given food web act as a secondary consumers?

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  36. Given food web contains some missing organisms, 1,2,3 and 4. Identify these organisms and select the correct answer?

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  37. Mathc column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
    `{:("column I","column II"),("Gross primary productivity",(i)"Geen plants"),("Secondary productivity",(ii)"Rate of synthesis of organic matter by consumers"),("Transducers",(iii)"Total organic matter produced from solar energy"),("Food web",(iv)"Interconnection of food chains"):}

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  38. In the given food web, and increase in the population of hawks will not result in

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  39. In an aquatic ecosystem, the organism present at the trophic level equivalent to cows in grasslands is

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  40. Productivity at the second trophic level is always.

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  41. If 10 joules of energy is available at the producer level, then amount of energy present at the level of secondary consumer is

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  42. Study the following statements regarding food chains and select the correct ones.
    (i) Removal of 80% tigers from an area resulted in greatly increased growth of vegetation.
    (ii) Removal of most of the carnivores resulted in an increased population of deers.
    (iii) The lenght of food chains is generally limited to 3-4 trophic levels due to energy loss.
    (iv) The lenght of food chains may vary from 2 to 8 trophic levels.

    A) i and ii B) ii and iii C) i and iii D) iii and iv

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  43. The energy and biomass relationship between the organisms at different trophic levels can better expressed by

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  44. Given figure represents a pyramid of biomass in an aquatic ecosystem.

    Identify A and B and select the correct answer.
    (i) A is the crop which supporsts and B is the crop which is supported.
    (ii) A is the crop which is supported and B is the crop which supports.
    (iii) A is phytoplanktons and B is zooplanktons.
    (iv) A is zooplanktons and B is phytoplanktons.

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  45. Which kind of pyramid is represented by the given figure?

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  46. In an open ocean, the biomass of primary producers (microscopic algae) is often lower than the biomass of higher trophic levels (zooplanktons and fish), as illustrated below by an inverted pyramid of biomass. How can there be enough food in an open ocean to support the higher trophic levels?

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  47. Study the following ecological pyramids carefully.

    Mathc the following statements I,ii and iii with gien pyramidsa, B and C and select the correct answer.
    (i) Inverted pyramid of biomass depicting small standing crop of phytoplanktons supporintg a large standing crop of zooplanktons
    (ii) Pyramid of numbers in a grassland ecosytems showing about 6 milion producers.
    (iii) Upright pyramid of biomass

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  48. Read the following statements and select the correct ones.
    (i) A given species may occupy more than one trophic level in the same ecosystem at the same time.
    (ii) Productivity of an aquatic ecosystem is less than that of a terrestrial ecosystem.
    (iii) Producers constitute the first trophic level of a detritus food chain.

    A) i and ii
    B) ii and iii
    C) i and iii
    D) i, ii and iii

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  49. Which one of the following animals may occupy more than one trophic levels in the same ecosystem at the same time?

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  50. Organisms which are associated with first as well as third trophic level are

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  51. Which of the following representations shows the pyramid of numbers in a forest ecosystem?

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  52. Pyramid of biomass for a grazing food chain represents

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  53. Mr. X is eating curd/yoghut. For this food intake in a food chain he should be considered as occupying

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  54. What kind of pyramid is represented by the given figure?

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  55. Which kind of pyramid is represented by the given figure?

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  56. In a grassland ecosystem, if the number of primary producers (plants) is approximately 6 million, the number of top carnivors. Which may be supported by them will be

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  57. The given pyramid best represents

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  58. Read the statements and select the correct option Statement 1: In an aquatic ecosystem, pyramid of biomass is inverted.
    Statement 2: Biomass depends upon reproductive potential and longevity of individuals.

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  59. Study the following statements and select the incorrect one.

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  60. Study the following statements and select the incorrect ones.
    (i) Pyramids of energy and yearly biomass production can never be inverted, since this would violate the laws of thermodynamics.
    (ii) Pyramids of standing crop and numbers can be inverted, since the number of organisms at a time does not indicate the amount of energy flowing through the system.
    (iii) There are certain limitations of ecological pyramids such as they do not take into account the same species belonging to two or more trophic levels.
    (iv) Saprohytes are not given any place in ecological pyramids even though they play a vital role in the ecosystem.

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  61. The stable community during an ecological succession that would be near equilibrium with the environment is called

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  62. Primary succession occurs on

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  63. Successions that occur on soils or areas which have recently lost their community are reffered to as

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  64. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
    `{:("column I","column II")
    ,`("Gross primary productivity",(i)"Geen plants"),("Secondary productivity",(ii)"Rate of synthesis of organic matter by consumers"),("Transduc`{:("column I","column II"),("Bacteria",(i)"Prisere"),("Green plants",(ii)"Transducers"),("Primary succession",(iii)"Lithosere"),("Succession on bare rock",(iv)"Micro-consumers"):}`

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  65. Which one of the following statements is correct for secondary succession?

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  66. The rate of secondary succession is faster than primary succession because.

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  67. As the succession proceeds number and types of ____ change.

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  68. Which of the following is considered as pioneer community is xerarch?

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  69. Correct sequence of stages of succession on a bare rock is:
    1) Lichens → Mosses → Grasses → Shrubs → Trees
    2) Trees → Shrubs → Lichens → Mosses → Grasses
    3) Mosses → Shrubs → Trees → Lichens → Grasses
    4) Mosses → Lichens → Grasses → Shrubs → Trees.

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  70. In lithosere, foliose lichens make the conditions favourable for the growth of

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  71. Read the given statements and select the correct option:
    Statement 1: Pioneer community is the stable and final biotic community of an ecological succession.
    Statement 2 : Pioneer community has maximum diversity and niche specialisation.

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  72. Correct sequence of stages of succession of a lithosere is:
    1) Foliose lichens `rarr` Crustose lichens `rarr` Mosses `rarr` Annual grasses `rarr` Perennial grasses `rarr` Shrubs `rarr` Trees.
    2) Crustose lichens `rarr` Foliose lichens `rarr` Mosses `rarr` Perennial grasses `rarr` Annual grasses `rarr` Annula grasses `rarr` Shrusb `rarr` Trees
    3) Reed swamp stage `rarr` Sedges `rarr` Floating plants `rarr` Submerged plants
    4) Sedges `rarr` Reed swamp stage `rarr` Floating plants `rarr` Submerged plants

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  73. Select the correct sequence of succession in a pond.
    1) Submerged plants `rarr` Floating plants `rarr` Reed swamp stage `rarr` Sedges
    2) Floating plants `rarr` Submerged plants `rarr` redd swamp stage `rarr` Sedges
    3) Reed swamp stage `rarr` Sedges `rarr` Floating plants `rarr` Submerged plants
    4) Sedges `rarr` Reed swamp stage `rarr` Floating plants `rarr` Submerged plants

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  74. Given below are some of the stages of the hydrarch.

    (A) March-meadow stage
    (B) Reed-swamp stage
    (C ) submerged plant stage (D) Phyotplankton stage
    Select the option that represents the correct sequence of these stages.

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  75. Mathc column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
    `{:("column I","Column II"),("Presence of 3-4 storeyed",(i)"Blue green angle"),("A biome having grasses with scattered trees",(ii)"Stratification"),("Man made ecosystem",(iii)"Savannah"),("Pioneer in hydrosere",(iv)"Dam"):}`

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  76. In the given figure A,B,C,D,E and F represent some stages of hydrosere, Select the correct statement regarding these.

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  77. The correct sequence of plants in a hydrosere is

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  78. The second stage of hydrosere is occupied by plants like

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  79. An ecosystem which can be easily damaged but can recover after some time if damaging effect stops, will ba having.

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  80. During the stages of succession in a given ecosystem, the following changes in characteristics may be observed.

    Which one of the characteristics A,B,C,D or E is responsible for the apparent high degree of stability associated with a climax acosystem?

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  81. All type of successions leads to

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  82. Mathc column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.

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  83. Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
    `{:("column I","Column II"),("Artermisla tridentata",(i)"Grows better in overgrazed area"),("Capparis spinosa",(ii)"Drominate in areas destructed by fires"),("Pleris aquilina and Pyronema",(iii)"Indicates intense soil erosion"),("Amaranthus and Chenopodium",(iv)"Saline soils"):}`

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  84. Select the pairs of sediamentary biogeochemical cycles.
    I. Hydrogen cycle and water cycle
    II. Phosphorus cycle and sulphur cycle
    III. Calcium cycle and magnesium cycle
    IV. Carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle

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  85. Which one of the following is not a gaseous biogeochemical cycle in ecosystem?

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  86. The function of reservoir pool is to meet with the deficit of nutrient that occurs due to

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  87. Mathc column I with column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
    `{:("Column I","Column II"),("Standing state",(i)"Fast and nearly perfect"),("Gaseous cycles",(ii)"Amount of nutrients present in soil at given time"),("Standing crop",(iii)"Slow and less perfect"),("Sedimentary cycles",(iv)"Mass of living matter in a unit area"):}`

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  88. Study the given biogeochemical cycle and identify the steps I and ii

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  89. About `71%` of total global carbon is found is

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  90. What percentage of total global carbon is atomospheric carbon?
    1) 0.0003
    2) 0.01
    3) 0.1
    4) 0.3

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  91. Which of the following processes does not contribute to the `CO_(2)` pool in the atmosphere?
    1) Respiration by producers
    2) Photosynthesis by producers
    3) Respiration by consumers
    4) Decomposition by decomposers.

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  92. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1: Major reservoirs of phosphorus are phosphate rocks and fossil bone deposits laid down in the past geological ages.
    Statement 2: During weathring of rocks, minute amounts of these phosphates dissolve in soil solution and are absorbed by the roots of the plants.
    A. Both statements 1 and 2 are correct.
    B. Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect.
    C. Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct.
    D. Both statement 1 and 2 are incorrect.

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  93. Study the given flow chart and select the correct statement regarding this.

    (i) It represents phosphorus cycling in a terrestrial ecosystem.
    (ii) It represents phosphorus cycling in an aquatic ecosystem.
    (iii) Natural resenvoir of phosphorus is phosphate rocks.
    (iv) There is no repiratory release of phosphorus into atmosphere.
    (v) Gaseous exchange of phosphorus between organisms and enviornment occurs to a considereable extent.

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  94. Major source of sulphur is

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  95. Which one of the following is not one of the three aspects studied in biogeochemical cycling?

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  96. Read the given statement and select the correct option.
    Statement 1: Global water cycle does not involver the living organisms.
    Statement 2 : In global water cycle. Water circulates between hydrosphere and atmosphere.

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  97. Which of the following is most important in water cycle?

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  98. The ecosystem services include

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  99. Out of the total proposed cost of various ecosystem services, cost of climate regulations and habitat for widilife are

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  100. What is the amount of average price tag on nature's life support services determined by Robert Constanza and his colegues?

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Ecosystem questions and complete solutions for chapter ECOSYSTEM of MTG BIOLOGY (ENGLISH) of Class 12