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Complete Solutions to Biotechnology - Principles And Processes of chapter BIOTECHNOLOGY - PRINCIPLES AND PROCESSES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT FINGERTIPSBiotechnology - Principles And Processes
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Who is the father of genetic engineering?

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  2. Which of the following processes/techniques can be included under biotechnology ?
    (i) In vitro fertilisation
    (ii) Synthesis of a gene
    (iii) Correcting a defective gene
    (iv) Developing a DNA vaccine

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  3. Plasmid used to construct the first recombinant DNA was isolated from which bacterium species?

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  4. Genetic engineering is possible because

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  5. The term 'molecular scissors' refers to

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  6. The term 'chemical knife' refers to

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  7. In recombinant DNA technology, the term vector refers to

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  8. One of the key factors, which makes the plasmid the vector in genetic engineering is

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  9. The term 'recombinant DNA' refers to

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  10. The term 'chimeric DNA' refers to

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  11. Which of the following contains the key tools for recombinant DNA technology?
    (i) Restriction endonucleases, ligases, vectors
    (ii) Ligases, host organism, ligases, vectors
    (iii) Vectors, Taq polymerase, primers
    (iv) Restriction exonucleases, ligases, primers, bioreactors

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  12. Which of the following is not a tool of genetic engineering ?

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  13. The first restriction endonuclease isolated was

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  14. The letter 'R' in EcoRl is derived from

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  15. Match column I with column II with respect to the nomenclature of restriction enzyme EcoRl and select the correct answer from the given codes.
    `{:(Column I,Column II),(A.E,(i)1^(st)"in order of identification"),(,(ii)"Name of genus"),(C.R,(iii)"Name of species"),(D.l,(iv)"Name of strain"):}`
    (a) `A-(iii),B-(i),C-(ii),D-(iv)`
    (b) `A-(ii),B-(i),C-(iii),D-(iv)`
    (c) `A-(i),B-(ii),C-(iii),D-(iv)`
    (d) `A-(ii),B-(iii),C-(iv),D-(i)`

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  16. The source of the restriction enzyme Hindll is

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  17. A restriction endonuclease breaks bonds between the

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  18. Read the given statements and select the correct option,
    Statement 1 : Restriction endonuclease enzymes recognise a specific palindromic nucleotide sequence in the DNA
    Statement 2: Restriction endonuclease enzymes are called as molecular scissors or biological scissors.

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  19. Study the following figures and identify the enzymes involved in steps I and II.

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  20. Which of the following correctly depicts the recognition site for EcoRI ?
    (a) `{:(G-A-Aoverset(darr)-T-T-C),(C-T-Tunderset(uarr)-A-A-G):}`
    (b) `{:(G-T-Coverset(darr)-G-A-C),(C-A-Gunderset(uarr)-C-T-G):}`
    (c) `{:(Goverset(darr)-T-C-G-A-C),(C-A-G-C-Tunderset(uarr)-G):}`
    (d) `{:(Goverset(darr)-A-A-T-T-C),(C-T-T-A-Aunderset(uarr)-G):}`

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  21. The sticky ends of a fragmented DNA molecule are made of

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  22. The restrcition enzyme responsible for cleavage of following sequence is

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  23. Identify the palindromic sequence in the following

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  24. Which of the following statements is not correct regarding EcoRl restriction endonuclease enzyme ?

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  25. Which of the following sequences is recongnised by restriction enzyme BamHI ?

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  26. If a plasmid vector is digested with EcoRl at a single site, then

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  27. How many fragments will be generated if you digest a linear DNA molecule with a restriction enzyme having four recognition sites on the DNA?
    (a) 3
    (b) 6
    (c) 5
    (d) 4

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  28. How many fragments will be generated on the digestion of a closed circular DNA molecule with a restriction enzyme having six recongnition sites on the DNA ?

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  29. The flow chart given below represents the process of recombinant DNA technology. Identify A,B, C and D.

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  30. In recombinant DNA technology, a plasmid vector is cleaved by

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  31. Gel electrophoresis is a

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  32. Gel electrophoresis is used for

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  33. Having become an expert on gel electrophoresis, you are asked to examine a gel. Where would you find the smallest segments of DNA?
    (a) Near the positive electrode, farthest away from the wells
    (b) Near the negative electrode, close to the wells
    (c) Near the negative electrode, farther away from the wells
    (d) Near the middly, they tend to slow down after the first few minutes

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  34. Which of the following steps performed by person to visualise
    the DNA bands obtained from gel electrophoresis ?

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  35. Study the given figure carefully and select the incorrect statements regarding this.

    (i) It represents a typical agarose gel electrophoresis in which lane 1 contains undigested DNA
    (ii) Smallest DNA bands are formed at A and largest DNA bands are formed at B
    (iii) The separated DNA fragments can be visualized after staining in the visible light
    (iv) The separated DNA bands are cut out from the agarose gel and extracted from the gel piece. this step is known as elution.

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  36. Which of the following tools of recombinant DNA technology is incorrectly paired with its use?

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  37. If you want of recover many copies of the target DNA, you will choose a vector

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  38. Which of the following statements are correct ?
    (i) Restriction enzymes cut the strand of DNA a little away from the centre of the palindrome site, but between the same two bases on the opposite strands.
    (ii) Hind ll always cuts DNA molecules at a particular point by reconginisng a specific sequence of six base pairs.
    (iii) Separated DNA fragments cannot be visualised without staining on an agarose gel electrophoresis.
    (iv) 'Ori' is the sequence responsible for controlling the copy number.
    (v) DNA is a positively charged molecule.

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  39. Which one of the following characteristics is generally not preferred for a cloning vector ?
    a) An origin of replication
    b) An antibiotic resistance marker
    c)Multiple restriction sites
    d) A high copy number

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  40. Read the following statements and select the correct ones.
    (i) Same kind of sticky ends are produced when a DNA has been cut by different restriction enzymes.
    (ii) Exonucleases make cuts at specific positions within the DNA.
    (iii) Hind ll was the first restriction endonuclease to be isolated.
    (iv) A bacteriophage has the ability to replicate within bacterial cells by integrating its DNA with bacterial DNA.
    (v) Presence of more than one recognition sites for a enzyme within the vector facilitates the gene cloning.

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  41. Which of the following is not a cloning vector ?
    1) Cosmid
    2) pBR 322
    3) Sall
    4) Phagemid

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  42. Match column I with column II and select the correct answer from the given codes.
    `{:(Column I,Column II),(A.amp^(R) "gene",(i)"Artificial plasmid"),(B."Separation of DNA fragments",(ii)"Selectable marker"),(C."Hindlll",(iii)"Electrophoresis"),(D.pBR322,(iv)"Haemophilus influenzea"):}`

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  43. The gene 'rop' present in pBR322 cloning vector, codes for
    1) the proteins involved in the translation
    2) the proteins involved in the replication of the plasmid
    3) the proteins involved in the synthesis of ampicillin only
    4) the proteins involved in the synthesis of tetracycline only

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  44. Identify A,B,C, and D in the given figure of E. coli cloning vector pBR322 and select the correct option.

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  45. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1 : The cloning vector is required to have very few, preferably single, recongnition sites for the commonly used restriction enzymes.
    Statement 2: Presence of more than one recongnition sites within a cloning vector will generate several fragments, which will complicate the process of gene cloining.
    1) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct
    2) statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect
    3) statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct
    4) None of the above

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  46. pBR322 was the first artificial cloning vector to be constructed. What does "BR" stands for ?

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  47. Read the following statements and select the correct ones.
    (i) Electrophoresis is a technique used for the separation of molecules based on their size and charge.
    (ii) Plasmids are extra-chromosomal, self-replicating, usually circular, double stranded DNA molecules found naturally in many bacteria and also in some yeast,.
    (iii) It is not advisable to use an exonuclease enzyme while producing a recombinant DNA molecule.
    (iv) In EcoRl, the roman numberal I indicates that it was the first enzyme isolated from E.coli
    A) (i) and (ii)
    B) (iii) and (iv)
    C) (i),(ii) and (iv)
    D) (i),(ii),(iii) and (iv)

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  48. In pBR322, tetracycline resistance gene `(tet^(R))` has recognition site for which of the following restriction endonuclease ?
    1) Hindlll
    2) BamHl
    3) EcoRl
    4) Pstl

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  49. Which of the following is not a characteristic of pBR322 vector ?

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  50. What will be the effect if pBR322, a cloning vector does not carry 'ori' site ?

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  51. Using recombinant DNA technology, genes from a donor cell can be inserted into a bacterium for DNA replication and protein synthesis. The kind of cells that can be used as gene donors in this technology are

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  52. An advantage of using yeasts rather than bacteria as recipient cells for the recombinant DNA of eukaryotes is that yeasts can

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  53. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1: Both bacteria and yeast multiply very fast to form huge populations which express the desired gene.
    Statement 2: In recombinant DNA technology, human genes are often transferred into bacteria (prokaryotes) or yeast (eukaryotes).

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  54. In the process of insertional inactivation
    1) a recombinant DNA is inserted within the coding sequence of enzyme β -galactosidase, resulting in inactivation of the enzyme
    2) a recombinant DNA is inserted within the coding sequence of proteins involved in the replication of the plasmid
    3) a recombinat DNA is inserted within the recongnition site for EcoRl
    4) none of these

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  55. If a person obtains transformants by inserting a recombinant DNA within the coding sequence of enzyme `beta-galatosidase, he will separate out recombinants from non-recombinats by which of the following observations ?

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  56. Read the given statements and select the correct option
    Statement 1 : In insertional inactivation, blue colour produced by bacterial colonies indicates that the plasmid does not have an insert into the bacterial genome.
    Statement 2: Presence of insert results into insertional inactivation of `beta`-galactosidase enzyme and the colonies do not produce any colour.
    A) Both statements 1 and 2 are correct
    B) statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect
    C) statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct
    D) Both statements 1 and 2 are incorrect

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  57. During insertional inactivation, the presence of a chromogenic substrate gives blue coloured colonies if the plasmid in the bacteria does not have an insert. The blue colour is produced by the enzyme
    1) α -glucosidase
    2) restriction endonuclease
    3) β -galactosidase
    4) Taq polymerase

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  58. Which of the following bacteria is used as a vector for plant genetic engineering ?
    1) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
    2) Bacteriophages
    3) Thermus aquaticus
    4) Pyrococcus furiosus

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  59. Which of the following microbes transform normal plant and animal cells to cancerous cells respecively ?

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  60. Read the given statements and select the correct option.
    Statement 1 : The tumour inducing plasmid (Tiplasmid) acts as a cloning vector in recombinant DNA technology.
    Statement 2: The Ti plasmid which is used in the mechanisms of delivering genes to a cell remains pathogenic.

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  61. _________a crown gall bacterium, is called an natural genetic engineer' of plants.
    1) Escherichia coli
    2) Streptomyces albus
    3) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
    4) Azotobacter

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  62. DNA cannot pass through a cell membrane as
    1) it is too big to cross the memebrane
    2) it is a hydrophilic molecule
    3) membrane does not have specific proteins to facilitate the transport
    4) none of these

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  63. The term "competent" refers to

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  64. The correct sequence of making a cell competent is

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  65. Match the terms given in column I with their definitions in column II and select the correct answer from codes given below.
    `{:(Column I,Column II),(A."Transformation",(i)"Sequences cut by restriction enzymes"),(B."Recognition site",(ii)"Process by which DNA fragments are separated based on their size"),(C."Gel electrophoresis",(iii)"Plasmid DNA that has incorporated human DNA"),(D."Recombinant DNA",(iv)"Process by which bacteria take up pieces of DNA from the environment"):}`

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  66. Micro-injection is a method used to

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  67. Which of the following is required for micro-injection method of gene transfer ?

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  68. In biolistic method of gene trasfer, the microparticles coated with foreign DNA are bombarded into target cells at a very high velocity. These microparticles are made up of
    1) silver or tungsten
    2) arsenic or silver
    3) gold or tungsten
    4) none of these

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  69. The different steps of recombinant DNA technology are given below randomly.
    (i) Isolation of the DNA fragments or genes to be cloned
    (ii) Introduction of the recombinant DNA into a suitable cell (usually E. coil) called host (transformation)
    (iii) Multiplication/expression of the introduced gene in the host
    (iv) Selection of the transformed host cells, and identification of the clone containing the desired gene/DNA fragment
    (v) Insertion of the isolated gene in a suitable plasmid vector
    Which of the following represents the correct sequences of steps ?

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  70. The given flow chart depicts the steps to transfer a desirable gene of interest into a plant.

    Identify the missing steps (A,B and C) with regard ot following statements and select the correct option.
    (i) Joining of desirable gene to a suitable cloning vector using ligases to create a recombinant DNA molecule.
    (ii) Selection of transformed cells.
    (iii) Transferring the recombinant DNA molecules to teh target cells.

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  71. Fill up the blanks and select the correct option.
    (i) EcoRl cuts the DNA between bases_______only when the sequence______is present in the DNA duplex.
    (ii) Disruption of the cell membranes can be achieved by treating the bacterial cells, plant cells and fungal cells with enzymes respectively_______,________and ______.
    (iii) Since DNA has a_______charge, it moves towards the__________of the electrophoretic chamber.
    A) (i) G and A, GA A T TC (ii) endonuclease, cellulase, chitinase (ii) negative, anode
    B) (i) G and A,G A AT TC(i) lysozyme, cellulase, chitinase (iii) positive, cathode
    C) (i) G and A,GA AT C (ii) lysozyme, cellulase, chitinase (ii)negative, anode
    D) (i) G and A, GA ATC (ii) lysozyme, cellulase, chitinase (iii) positive, cathode

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  72. In the isolation of DNA, removal of protein and RNA is carried out by enzymes ______and_______respectively.
    1) lysozyme, ribonuclease
    2) protease, cellulase
    3) protease, ribonuclease
    4) ribonuclease, chitinase

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  73. During isolation of genetic material, the chemical used to precipitate out the purified DNA is

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  74. Precipitates of purified DNA after the addition of chilled ethanol are seen as a collection of the fine threads in suspension. This process is referred as

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  75. Match column I with column II and select the correct answer from the given codes.
    `{:(Column I, Column II),(A."Recombinant DNA",(i)"Chilled ethanol"),(B."Precipitation of DNA",(ii)DNA "staining"),(C."Transposons",(iii)"Jumping genes"),(D."Ethidium bromide",(iv)"Genetic engineering"):}`
    1) A − ( i v ) , B − ( i ) , C − ( i i i ) , D − ( i i )
    2) A − ( i ) , B − ( i i i ) , C − ( i i ) , D − ( i v )
    3) A − ( i i ) , B − ( i ) , C − ( i i i ) , D − ( i v )
    4) A − ( i v ) , B − ( i i ) , C − ( i ) , D − ( i i i )

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  76. The polymerase chain reaction is a technique used for
    1) amplification of DNA
    2) amplification of enzymes
    3) amplification of proteins
    4) all of these

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  77. Process used for amplification or multiplication of DNA in DNA fingerprinting is
    1) polymerase chain reaction
    2) southern blotting
    3) northern blotting
    4) None of these

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  78. Primers are
    1) chemically synthesised oligonucleotides that are complementary to the regions of DNA
    2) chemically synthesised oligonucleotides that are not complementary to the regions of DNA
    3) chemically synthesised, autonomously replicating circular DNA molecules
    4) specific sequences present on recombinant DNA

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  79. Enzyme 'Taq polymerase' used in PCR, has been isolated from bacterium
    1) Agrobacterium tumefaciens
    2)Thermus aquaticus
    3) Streptomyces albus
    4) Escherichia coil

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  80. Which of the following statements are correct for the enzyme Taq polymerase ?
    (i) It remains active during the high temperature induced denaturation of dsDNA.
    (ii) It requires primers for carrying out the process of polymerisation.
    (iii) It synthesises the RNA region between the primers, using dNTPs and `Mg^(2+)`.

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  81. Match column I (enzyme) with column II (characteristic/activity) and select the correct answer from the given codes,
    `{:(Column I,Column II),(A."Taq DNA polymerase",(i)"Cleaves the ends of linear DNA"),(B."Exonuclease",(ii)"Breakdown of fungal cell wall"),(C."Protease",(iii)"Stable above" 90^(@)C),(D."Chitinase",(iv)"Made only by eukaryotic cells"),(,(v)"Degradation of proteins"):}`
    1) A − ( i i i ) , B − ( i v ) , C − ( i ) , D − ( i i )
    2) A − ( i v ) , B − ( i i i ) , C − ( i ) , D − ( i i )
    3) A − ( i i ) , B − ( i ) , C − ( v ) , D − ( i i i )
    4) A − ( i i i ) , B − ( i ) , C − ( v ) , D − ( i i )

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  82. Which one of the following is not a correct match ?

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  83. The correct sequence of different steps of polymerease chain reaction is
    1) annealing → denaturation → extension
    2) denaturation → extension → annealing
    3) denaturation → annealing → extension
    4) extension → denaturation → annealing

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  84. Given table gives an account of differences between PCR and gene cloning. Which of the following points shows the incorrect difference ?
    `{:("Parameter",PCR,"Gene cloning"),(1."Efficient","More","Less"),(2."Apparatus Requirement",DNA,"Restriction enzyme, ligase, vector, bacterial cell"),(3."Manipulation","in vitro","in vitro and in vivo"),(4."Cost","More","Less"),(5."Automation","Yes",No),(6."Error probability","Less","More"),(7."Time for a typical experiment","2-4days",4hours),(8."Application","More","Less"):}`
    a) 1 and 3
    b) 4,5 and 6
    c) 4 and 7
    d) 4,7 and 8

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  85. Which of the following is required to perform polymerase chain reaction ?

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  86. In a polymerase chain reaction, temperature required for the steps
    (i) Denaturation,
    (ii) Annealing and
    (iii) Extension are respectively
    A) ( i ) 94 ∘ C ( i i ) 40 ∘ C ( i i i ) 72 ∘ C
    B) ( i ) 40 ∘ C ( i i ) 72 ∘ C ( i i i ) 94 ∘ C
    C) ( i ) 94 ∘ C ( i i ) 72 ∘ C ( i i i ) 40 ∘ C
    D) ( i ) 72 ∘ C ( i i ) 94 ∘ C ( i i i ) 40 ∘ C

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  87. In addition to Taq polymerase enzyme which other thermostable DNA polymerases have been isolated to be used in polymerase chain Reaction `(PCR)`?

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  88. Given figures represents the steps involved in polymerase chain reaction `(PCR)`. Identify the steps A,B,C and C and select the correct option.

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  89. In a polymerase chain reaction after the denaturation step why the mixture needs to cool down to a lower temperature ?
    a) To permit specific annealing of the primers
    b) To give a halt to the reaction mixture
    c) To increase the activity of enzyme Taq polymerase
    d) To obtain the multiple copies of the DNA

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  90. If a recombinant DNA bearing gene for resistance to antibiotic ampicillin is transferred to E.coli cells, the host cells become transformed into ampicillin resistant cells. If such bacteria are transferred on agar plates containing ampicillin, only transformants will grown and the untransformed recipient cells will die. The ampicillin resistant gene in this case is called as
    1) selectable marker
    2) recombinant protein
    3) cloning site
    4) chemical scalpels

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  91. Which of the following is not used to transfer the recombinant `DNA` into the host ?

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  92. A device in which large volume of living cells are cultured in order to get a specific product is called
    2) agitator
    3) bioreactor
    4) assimilator

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  93. Which of the following statements are correct with respect to a biorector ?
    (i) It can process large volumes of culture.
    (ii) It provides optimum temperature and pH.
    (iii) It is a completely automated tool.
    (iv) It is a compact thermal cycler.

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  94. Identify the figures (A) and (B) and select the correct option.

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  95. Stirred-tank bioreactors have advantages over shake flasks because they

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  96. After completion of the biosynthetic stage in the bioreactors, the product undergoes separation and purification processes, collectively termed as

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  97. Study the following statements regarding recombinant DNA technology and select the incorrect ones.
    (i) Taq polymerase extends the primers using the nucleotides provided in the reaction.
    (ii) Antibiotic resistance genes are considered as desirable genes in recombinant DNA technology.
    (iii) DNA fragments are separated according to their charge only, in agarose gel electrophoresis.
    (iv) Transformation is a procedure through which a piece of DNA is integrated in to the genome of a host bacterium.
    (v) To produce higher yields of a desired protein, host cells can be multiplied in a continuous culture.
    (vi) Downstream processing is one of the steps of polymerase chain reaction.

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  98. Read the following statements and select the incorrect ones.
    (i) When the transformed cells on agar plates containing ampicillin are spread, both transformed and untransformed cells will grow.
    (ii) Restriction enzymes are used in isolation and separation of DNA from other macromolecules.
    (iii) Downstream processing is one of the steps of rDNA technology.
    (iv) Disarmed pathogen vectors are also used in transfer of rDNA into the host.
    a) (i) and (iii)
    b) (iii) and (iv)
    c) (i) and (iii)
    d) (i) and (ii)

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  99. Match the scientists in column I with their related discoveries in column II and select the correct option from the given codes.
    `{:(ColumnI, Column II),(A."Kary Mullis",(i)"Father of genetic engineering"),(B."Paul Berg",(ii)"Nobel prize for the discovery of restriction endonucleases"),(C."Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer",(iii)"Developed polymerase chain reaction"),(D."Arber smith and Nathan",(iv)"Isolated an antibiotic resistance gene from a plasmid of the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium"):}`

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  100. Select the correct option to fill up balnks.
    (i) ________is a natural polymer extracted from_____.
    (ii) The DNA fragments purified by gel electrophoresis are used in constructing______by joining them with_______.
    (iii) The ligation of alien DNA is carried out at a________. present in one of the two________in a plasmid vector.
    (iv)_________enzyme remains active during the high temperature induced denaturation of ds DNA
    (v) DNA fragments are resolved according to their_________ through ______in agarose gel electrophoresis.
    a) (i) Agarose, sea weeds (ii) recombinant DNA, cloning vector (iii) restriction site, antibiotic resistance genes (iv) Taq polymerase (v) size, sieving effect
    b) (i) Agarose, sea weeds (ii) Restriction site, antibiotic resistance genes (iii) recombinant DNA, cloning vector (iv) Taq polymerase (v) size, sieving effect
    c) (i) Agarose, sea weeds (ii) restriction site, antibiotic resistance genes (iii) recombinant DNA, cloning vector (iv) Taq polymerease (v) size, sieving effect
    d) (i) size, sieving effect (ii) agarose, seaweeds (iii) recombinant DNA cloning vector (iv) Taq polymerase (v) restriction site, antibiotic resistance genes

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Biotechnology - Principles And Processes questions and complete solutions for chapter BIOTECHNOLOGY - PRINCIPLES AND PROCESSES of MTG BIOLOGY (ENGLISH) of Class 12