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Complete Solutions to Try this of chapter CIRCLE of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

Class 10MATHS
Number Of Questions8
Academic Year2023-24
  1. The circles shown in the given figure are called externally touching circles. Why?

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  2. The circles shown in the given figure are called internally touching circles. Why?

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  3. In the given figure ,
    (i) the radii of the circles with centres A and B are 3cm and 4cm respectively.
    (ii) the radii of the circles with centres A and B are 4cm and 3cm respectively.
    (i) d(A,B) in figure (a)
    (ii) d(A,B) in figure (b)

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  4. If one angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the other two,
    show that the traingle is right angled.
    Hint. `angleA=angleB+angleC implies angleA+angleB+angleC+=180^(@)`

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  5. State and prove the Pythagoras theorem

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  6. In the above figure, seg AB is a diameter of a circle with centre P.C is any point on the circle. Seg CE `_|_` seg AB. Prove that CE is the geometric mean of AE and EB. Write the proof with the help of
    following steps:
    (a) Draw ray CE. It intersects the circle at D.
    (b) Show that CE = ED.
    Write the result using theorem of intersection of chords insides
    a circle.
    (d) Using CE = ED, complete the proof.

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  7. In the figure , S is the midpoint of seg PQ . Line ST || side QR and
    PT = 5 cm , then find PR. Justify your answer.

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  8. State and prove the Pythagoras theorem

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Try this questions and complete solutions for chapter CIRCLE of TARGET PUBLICATION of Class 10