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Complete Solutions to Questions based on paragraph of chapter CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

TARGET PUBLICATIONQuestions based on paragraph
Number Of Questions20
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    Why do you think setting of curd occur at different rates during different seasons?

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  2. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    The rate of different reactions is different. Justify the statement.

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  3. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    The reaction of aluminum metal with dilute hydrochloric acid takes place faster as compared to zinc metal. What could be the reason for this difference?

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  4. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    How does the size of particles of reactants affect the rate of reaction?

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  5. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    You come across various chemical changes in your daily life. Mention any two chemical changes that occur slowly under normal conditions.

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  6. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    What is rust?

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  7. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    Give the chemical formula of rust.

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  8. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    What happens to silver ornaments if they are exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` gas?

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  9. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    Do gold ornaments corrode? Justify.

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  10. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    Why do we apply paint on iron articles?

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  11. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    Why do you think setting of curd occur at different rates during different seasons?

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  12. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    The rate of different reactions is different. Justify the statement.

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  13. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    The reaction of aluminum metal with dilute hydrochloric acid takes place faster as compared to zinc metal. What could be the reason for this difference?

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  14. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    How does the size of particles of reactants affect the rate of reaction?

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  15. Veena observes that during winter setting of milk into curd takes more time while during summer, the same process happens faster. She asks about this difference in time taken to her elder sister. She also asks her sister about why certain reactions occur rapidly while others occur slowly. Her sister explains her about the various factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions. Based on the above scenario, answer the following questions.
    You come across various chemical changes in your daily life. Mention any two chemical changes that occur slowly under normal conditions.

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  16. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    What is rust?

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  17. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    Give the chemical formula of rust.

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  18. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    What happens to silver ornaments if they are exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` gas?

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  19. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    Do gold ornaments corrode? Justify.

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  20. Metals get attacked by substances around it such as moisture, acids, etc. Metal is said to 'corrode' due to this attack and the process is called corrosion. Many metals like iron, copper, silver, etc. get corroded. When iron is exposed to moist air, it undergoes corrosion and a reddish brown coloured solid layer is formed on its surface. Corrosion of iron, which is known as rusting, is a serious problem as enormous amount of money is spent every year to replace damaged iron. Similarly, copper reacts with moisture and. `CO_(2)` in air to form a green coloured coating of basic copper carbonate on its surface. Silver acquires a black colour when exposed to air containing `H_(2)S` due to the formation of silver sulphide on its surface. Based on the above paragraph, answer the following question.
    Why do we apply paint on iron articles?

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Questions based on paragraph questions and complete solutions for chapter CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND EQUATIONS of TARGET PUBLICATION of Class 10