Class 10 | BIOLOGY |
TARGET PUBLICATION | Answer the following |
Number Of Questions | 38 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Define stem cells? Mention two types of stem cells
What is pluripotency ?
Write a note on preservation of stem cells.
Write a note on culturing embryonic stem cells in the laboratory.
What is the importance of stem cells in medical science?
Mention any four factors to consider during organ transplantation?
Why some of the organs in human body are most valuable?
What is biotechnology?
Give examples of branches of biotechnology.
Enlist any four benefits of biotechnology in improving agricultural yields.
Write a short note on benefits of biotechnology in improving agricultural yields.
Explain in detail how biotechnology can be useful in agriculture.
Write a short note on genetically modified Bt crops.
Microbes play an important role in agricultural management. Explain the given statement.
What is the impact of biotechnology on animal products?
Explain the meaning of vaccination.
Write a short note on vaccination.
what are the advantages of producing vaccines by biotechnology?
Explain the process of production of edible vaccines with a neat diagram.
Describe in brief the steps involved in production of edible vaccines with a neat diagram.
Explain somatic cell gene therapy with an example.
Write a short note on cloning.
Explain in detail the importance of biotechnology in human health.
Write a note on the cloning of the sheep, 'Dolly'.
Which products produced through biotechnology do you use in your daily life?
What are the main areas of biotechnology?
Write a short note on Biotechnology - Professional uses.
Explain any two commercial applications of biotechnology.
Write a comparative note on usefulness and harmfulness of biotechnology.
What is white biotechnology?
Define bioremediation with two examples.
Give four examples of plants used for phytoremediation
Give four examples of food items that are produced with the help of microorganisms
What is green revolution? Give two examples of improved crops that contributed to green revolution.
Give four examples of aquatic organisms that are cultured on a large scale.
Which precautions will you take during spraying of pesticides?
What is the difference between conventional and modern techniques of honey collection in apiculture?
Write a short note on the importance of medicinal plants.
Answer the following questions and complete solutions for chapter CELL BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY of TARGET PUBLICATION of Class 10