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Complete Solutions to Textual Evaluation (III. State whether the following statements are true of false : If false correct the statement. of chapter ELECTRICITY of Class 10 book with complete answers and questions

FULL MARKSTextual Evaluation (III. State whether the following statements are true of false : If false correct the statement.
Number Of Questions5
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Ohm's law states the relationship between power and voltage.

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  2. MCB is used to protect house hold electrical appliances.

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  3. Define th SI unit of electric current. (or) What is one second in SI system of units? (or) Define one ampere (S.I standard for current)

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  4. One unit of electrical energy consumed is equal to 1000 kilowatt hour.

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  5. The effective resistance of three resistors connected in series is lesser than the lowest of the individual resistances.

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Textual Evaluation (III. State whether the following statements are true of false : If false correct the statement. questions and complete solutions for chapter ELECTRICITY of FULL MARKS PHYSICS (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 10