Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Observe the following figure and answer the questions.
Observe the following figure and answer the questions.       (a) Identify and label the parts A, B and C.    (b) Give the functions of A.    (c) Write a note on functions of B.
(a) Identify and label the parts A, B and C.
(b) Give the functions of A.
(c) Write a note on functions of B.

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A. is identified as tendon
.B. is identified as ligament
.C. is the muscle
(b) Functions of tendon: The connectives tissue made up of white fibres which are tough and non-elastic. Tendon connects muscles to bones.
(c) Functions of ligaments: The connective tissue made up of yellow fibres which are strong and elastic which connect one bone to another bone.
