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Explain the given reactions with the examples.
(a) Hydrogenation reaction , (b) Oxidation reaction
(c ) Substitution reaction , (d) Saponification reaction
(e) Combustion reaction

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(a) Hydrogenation reaction The addition of hydrogen to the unsaturated molecule to make it saturated is known as hydrogenation.
e.g., CH2=CH2Ethene+H2200C−−NiCH3CH3Ethane.
(b) Oxidation reaction The reactions in which an oxidising agent supply nascent oxygen for oxidation are called oxidation reactions.
e.g., CH3CH2OH[0]−−−−K2Cr2O7CH3CHO[0]−−−−K2Cr2O7CH3COOH (c ) Substitution reaction When one atom or a group of atoms replaces or substitutes another atoms or a group of atoms from the molecule, it is known as substitution reaction
e.g., CH4+Cl2Sunlight−−−CH3Cl+HCl
(d) Saponification reaction When esters are hydrolysed in the presence of a base (NaOH) then the reaction is called saponification reaction.
(e) Combustion reaction Organic compounds burn readily in air to form CO2 and water vapour along with lot of heat. This is known as combustion reaction.
