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Complete Solutions to Exercise 1B of chapter SETS of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

Class 11MATHS
Number Of Questions10
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following are the examples of empty set ?
    (i) `{x:x in N,xlt7and xgt9}`
    (ii) {x : x is a common point of two perpendicular lines}

    (iii) {x : x is an even natural number divisible by 3}
    (iv) `{x : x^(2) = 4 and x " is an odd number"}`.

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  2. If R is the set of real numbers, then which elements are presented by theset `{x in R : x^(2) + 2x +2 =0}`

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  3. Is `{x:x^(3) +1 =0,x in N}=phi` true where N is the set of positive integers ?

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  4. Which of the following is singleton set ?
    (i) A = {x : x is a letter in English alphabet, comes after Z}
    (ii) `B = {0}`
    (iii) `C= {x :x + 4=4}`
    (iv) `D={x:x^(2)-4x+4=0}`
    (v) `E={x:x in N,6ltxlt9}`.

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  5. Write the empty and singleton set from the following sets :
    (i) `A={x:x+2=5}`
    (ii) `B={x:x^(2)-8x+16=0}`
    (iii) `C={x:x+2=3 and 2x=1}`
    (iv) `D={x:xltx}`.

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  6. Write the finite and infinite sets from the following sets :
    (i) Set of all natural numbers
    (ii) Set of all positive integers less than 100
    (iii) `{x : x = x^(2)}`
    (iv) Set of all lines parallel to x-axis
    (v) Set of all prime numbers less then 100
    (vi) `{x : x^(2)=16}`
    (vii) `{x : x in R,1 le x le 10}`
    (viii) Set of all negative integers less than 50.

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  7. From the following pairs, write whether A = B or not :
    (i) `A={2,4,8,12},B={8,4,2,12}`
    (ii) `A={3,4},B={x:x" is a root of "x^(2)-7x + 12=0}`
    (iii) `A={x:x" is a multiple of 10"},B={10,15,20,25,30,....}`

    (iv) `A={x:x" is a letter of the word 'FOLLOW'"},B={x:x" is a letter of the word 'WOLF'"}`
    (v) `A={x:2x^(2)-5x+2=0},B={x:2x^(3)-5x^(2)+2x=0}`
    (vi) `A={x:x in N,1 lex le3},B={x:3x=9,2x=2,x-1=1}`.

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  8. Which pairs from the following pairs are equal ?
    (i) `A= {3,5,7},B={1,b,c}`
    (ii) `A = {x:x in N,x+5 = 6}, B = phi`
    (iii) A = Set of the letters of the word 'ALLOY', B = Set of letters of the word 'LOYAL'.

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  9. Find the sets which are equal, from the following sets :
    `A = {2,1,3}`
    `B = {x : x^(3) - 6x^(2)+11x - 6 = 0}`
    `C = {0,1},D={a,b}`
    `E = {x : x^(2) - x=0}`
    `F = {x : (x-a)(x-b)=0}`.

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  10. Which of the following sets are disjoint ?
    `A = {2,3},B={4,5,6}`
    `C = {3,5,8},D={1,5,7}`.

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Exercise 1B questions and complete solutions for chapter SETS of NAGEEN MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 11