At generator bus, defined quantities are -
|Pg| and |Vg| are defined
|Pd| and |Qd| are defined
|Pg| and |δ| are defined
|Pg| - |Vg| and |δ| are defined
Text Solution
|Pg| and |Vg| are defined
|Pd| and |Qd| are defined
|Pg| and |δ| are defined
|Pg| - |Vg| and |δ| are defined
Classification of buses:
Load Buses:
Voltage Controlled Buses:
Slack or Swing Bus:
Important Points:
Bus types for power flow analysis are shown in the table given below:
Bus type
Specified variable
Unknown variables
Reference bus or slack bus
| Vi |, δi
Pi, Qi
Generator bus or voltage-controlled bus or PV bus
| Vi |, Pi
δi, Qi
Load bus or PQ bus
Pi, Qi
| Vi |, δi
Where | Vi | = Magnitude of the voltage
δi = Load angle
Pi = Active power
Qi = Reactive power