How to permanently close the septic tank?
Close the tank with a lid
Fill mud in to the tank
Fill the tank with water
Remove the tank
Text Solution
Closing of the septic tank:
- In the event that a septic tank is no longer used (because of an alternate connection to the city sewer, tank replacement during a system upgrade or repair, etc.), the tank must be properly abandoned.
- This applies to old cesspools, leaching pits, dry wells, seepage pits, vault privies, and pit privies.
- Access for future discharge to the system must be permanently denied.
- This can be accomplished by removing the piping or filling the end of the supply pipe with grout.
- Local codes may list specific requirements for this activity and must be followed.
In the absence of specific code requirements, the following procedures are recommended.
- The goal is to render the area of the old tank safe and free of environmental or public health impacts.
- The tank must first be completely emptied of its contents using a vacuum truck operated by an appropriately licensed professional who will properly dispose of the septage.
- Three common processes for dealing with an empty tank are:
- Remove and dispose of the tank at an approved site (normally a landfill).
- Crush the tank completely and backfill. The bottom must be broken to ensure it will drain water.
- Fill the tank with granular material or some other inert, flowable material such as concrete. The abandoned tank must present no collapse or confined-space hazard.
- Remove and dispose of the tank at an approved site (normally a landfill).
- Crush the tank completely and backfill. The bottom must be broken to ensure it will drain water.
- Fill the tank with granular material or some other inert, flowable material such as concrete. The abandoned tank must present no collapse or confined-space hazard.