
Psychology word is originated from:


Greek word Psyche + Logos


the word Logos + psycho


from German language


None of these

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Psychology: The word psychology is derived from two Greek words “psyche” and “logos”. Psyche means soul (life) and logos means knowledge (explanation) or the study of the soul. Psychology is a science that seeks to understand and predict human and animal behavior.

Origin of Psychology: If we trace the history of psychology, we find that earlier psychology was the branch of philosophy, known as epistemology, or the theory of knowledge.

  • The founders of psychology were both philosophers and psychologists and both tried to find answers to the philosophical questions scientifically, like the distinction between nature and nurture, the existence of the free will, etc.
  • In the beginning, psychology was a part of philosophy. It moved away from philosophy and became an independent discipline approximately 138 years ago. 
  • Thus, the conceptual foundations of psychology are found in philosophy, but the creation of an independent science of psychology came from biology.